Sometimes I feel like Wednesday is everyday, this Wednesday, the second of December, feels like it comes after a week of Wednesdays. That's probably a feeling that will lest for 5 minutes, in 5 minutes, I will not feel like Wednesday is everyday, but, in this moment, I do indeed feel like Wednesday is everyday, that this Wednesday, the second of December, feels like it comes after a week of Wednesdays.
Additionally, the last week has been nutty, this week continues to be nutty, this weekend will be extremely nutty, and next week is going to be nutty. It's the end of the semester, I would say "What do you expect?" but that takes away the surprise factor that it has snuck up on me, caught me off guard, causing me to become flustered and decently overwhelmed with the amount of work that needs to be done. It's the last real Wednesday of the semester. If you have been around me since the high school days, you know what this means. The last real Wednesday of the semester is reserved for the powder blue Olympic suit. It's a classic and it gets worn twice a year, once a semester, on a day that is ironically quite like today. You see the picture, you might see if around, this is the blue suit.
Here are the last two successful blue Olympic suit Wednesdays (this day truly snuck up on me last semester, I completely forgot about it.)
Moving on to something a little different, I have poll for you, you say "what?," I say "A poll." It has to do with how you got to this site, how your mouse clicks led you to this whacky site about 1/7 of a week in which I talk about and show weird things that may or may not matter to anybody. Here's the poll. Vote in the poll. It's a matter of interest, curiosity, fun, all of the above:
I just had an idea. You might have an idea. Today in particular, I am struggling to come up with subject to talk about, this happens quite often. So (this may not work) I want your suggestions! Suggest a topic of discussion and I might discuss it; and then, wouldn't it be cool?, if it was a conversation between the people of the internet, submitting perspectives and opinions from all over this earth. That'd be incredible, hard to attain, but incredible. So, if you want to suggest a topic for discussion, simply add a comment to the end of this post and I will take a look.
Call this an experiment.
Man, I wish I had some good stuff to talk about, my brain just falters. So, I move on, I digress, I scroll down.
Naturally, the video portion of this Wednesday comes next. I have four videos for you, one of which I just decided not to show because it is perhaps not as exciting now as it was when I saved it. Nevertheless, here it goes, goes, goes.
#1. This is a video that I may have embedded before, if you've seen it, I apologize, but this video is always worth another viewing. The reason it is perhaps appearing again is it came up in conversation this past week and I need/want to show Mr. Kenny Becker and Mr. Marcelo Pinell the video in which I was describing. They may not even remember the conversation which is completely fine and honestly irrelevant. Here's the video, perhaps the most bestest beatboxing-ish video I've ever seen. Yes, there are close seconds, but I think this one sits in #1 spot. Enjoy.
#2. This one is called the "GROWING MAGIC TRICK." I was sceptical when I clicked on this link, I was sceptical when I finished watching the video, and then it hit me, what really happened, what the video was really about. It took place from 1997 to 2009. This dude had been planning this video for 12 years. What in the world. It's a great video. And I think I like the extremely dv tape, windows movie maker feel, it makes feel more raw and more "that was planned by some random dude." Great vid, check check it.
#3. You've all seen the paragraph that looks like this:
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
We've all been, like, "Woah, that works! That's crazy!" I thought that too, and then I watched this video. This video put a smirk on my face and a "I think the internet exists to take advantage of everybody for everything" idea. This video destroys that paragraph. Let's just say I enjoyed it.
That's the story, that's December 8th. Hard to believe finals are next week. Hard to believe how much work is to be done before finals next week. Hard to believe I'm writing this blog instead of doing all this work I speak of. Hard to believe I don't tell you every single detail on this blog, so you really don't know the context of my work. Hard to believe the semester ends next week. I mean, really? I just got started in my classes, I finally got the hang of my schedule and in a pretty good groove. I finally memorized what time my classes were at. I finally could put away my campus map so I didn't get lost. I finally took campus safety off my speed dial so they didn't have to come pick me up when I got lost. And it all goes out the window.
Here's a sign for things to come:
Adios amigo. Tenga un día bueno de mucha diversión.
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