Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Backs and Forths

It's been an interesting week. Ups and downs, backs and forths, simple all-over-the-place fun.  This is directly reflected through my clothing selections for today. In fact, it's so closely related, we'll treat this like a rhetorical question and you can figure out how and why it's connected on your own.  I will explain one thing though; the lack of tie has great significance and that is, well, somehow, somewhere, one of my suits, charcoal in color, along with approximately 15 ties (half of my tie collection) went missing. Don't know the details, don't know how it happened, wish I did, wish this didn't happen. I put up a classified ad on Biola's network and here's a link to it:

This is a pretty significant loss, it's going to be difficult to recover and, in some situations, impossible to recover. It's brutal, but hey, it is what it is, live goes on, and we're good. Boom boom bam, let's go.

Speaking of "let's go," last Friday night's events were up in the air. There were three different options, all of which were undetermined. Long story short, I ended up committing to go to a Future of Forestry, Lovelite, and Reveal concert with Ms. Sierra Falco, Ms. Amber Agron, and Amber's boyfriend Mr. Preston Richardson. I was excited, they were excited, we were all excited. Before long, it's time to go and Preston, who was photographing the concert and was scheduled to come pick us up from Biola, was struggling to get his car started. It was at this point I knew we were in for a treat. We needed to figure out what to do and decided upon driving Amber's car, a big ol' Bronco. There was a problem though, Amber's arm is injured, rendering her unable to drive. Well, the smell of adventure was in the air, so I volunteered to put my driver's license to good use. I was warned immediately, old big vehicles can be fussy, there are little tricks and whistles one needs to master before it will drive well. Sure enough, the first five minutes were absolutely BRUTAL. The brakes were SUPER touchy and the gas required quite the punch. Luckily, we humans are made to adapt, so after quite the interesting 5 minutes, it was like I had been driving this bad boy for years. 

So, we're on the freeway, just cruising, looking for exit 90 something in midst of traffic, and all of a sudden, a realization is made: we were going the wrong way on the freeway, and not only that, we had been going the wrong way for a good half an hour. This is the moment that plagues my life, the great moment of realizing you're in the wrong place. Now, if there's anything I've learned in my lifetime, it's that I ALWAYS get lost, and when I get lost, it's ALWAYS an adventure. BIG memories are waiting to be made. Never fails. Ever. So it's at this moment, I just start laughing, realize this trip has just become the trip of lifetime, and the story of this trip will be told for years. It was time to turn around.

So we did. And our less than 30 minute trip quickly turned into a 2 hour trip. And we enjoyed ourselves. We chatted about all sorts of nice things, including but not limited to in-depth conversations about two intense topics dreams and cancer. We had time, lots of it, and hey, when you stick people in a situation where all they can do is talk to each other, boom, that's what you do.  That's my idea of a good time.  So, FINALLY, we arrive at Crossline Church.  After struggling to find the entrance, we make it in, quickly realizing we had missed the first two bands, Lovelite and Reveal, but hey, we made it. Future of Forestry absolutely killed it, those guys know how to jam and know how to put on a show! There were definitely a few of those moments where the only response worthy is a *gasp,* there's no other response suitable, it's just too too good. I couldn't help but yelp "SO DOPE" at one point, givin' me chills. Know what was also great? Seeing old friends like Mr. Grant Gunther and Mr. Louie Huesmann, among others from Hume. Reunions are the best.

And then we left. Presten's vehicle was still out of commission, so we left from Crossline with an one more passenger than we had come with, thought outside the bun and stopped by Taco Bell for a late night snack, and headed out. And guess how long the trip home took? Let's just say 25 minutes, just a tad bit shorter than the 2 hours it took to get there.  Good, quick ride home.

All in all, the idea that "half the fun is getting there" rings brilliantly true, and in this case, it may as well read "three quarters of the fun is getting there." Through my experience with getting lost in virtually every driving situation I'm in, I've learned a few things:
  1. It's incredibly easy and tempting to become stressed, flustered, and concerned. It's very easy to get plastered by a wave of negativity and potentially ruin the rest of the trip.  These aren't necessarily bad things, they just threatening. This happens to everyone, it's natural.
  2. If you can help it, be optimistic about the situation.  Believe it or not, getting lost happened to you for a reason, probably reasons you will never know. I'll give you an example: my grandpa was scheduled to board a boat. For whatever reason, he accidentally did not make it on that boat and what happens? The boat sinks. You never know what's going to happen.
  3. Utilize your extra time you gain from getting lost. Time and time again, getting lost creates lots of laughs about getting back on track and relearning where you are going. Time and time again, conversation and experiences have taken place during that time that never would have had a chance if you hadn't lost your place.
  4. Make it fun. Laugh about it, have a blast. You might as well. It's a bad situation, turn it into a good situation. Make it a memory that will last a lifetime. And you know what happens with memories? They become stories, great stories. And what do you do with stories? You tell them. And hey, every time you're in a car, you can tell your co-car-riders the story of "that one time you got lost." THE BEST.

And that's the story about that one time I got lost with Amber and Sierra. It's in the memory bank for good.

Now, I've got three strange topics to talk about.

First, bad breath.  I feel like bad breath is one of the strangest, nastiest, troubling accidents on the face of this earth, an accident we all struggle with in some form. When you're talking to someone with terrible breath, it's revolting, you can't stand it. But what do you? More often than not, you don't do anything. Now, I'm not quite sure why we don't say anything. Perhaps it's embarrassing. You feel bad for telling someone "Hey, sorry to bring this up, but you need a breathmint, your breath...well, it's bad." Not only is it hard for you to say, but how are they going to feel? We feel embarrassed. If you're the one with bad breath, how do you feel? I'm speaking from personal experience right now. If someone tells me, "Woah, take a swig of Listerine or something," I think immediately "YIKES, bad breath is nasty" and then immediately think "how long have I had this repulsing stench fuming from my mouth, how many people have been devoured by this scent, been disgusted, and not said anything."  In my opinion, if my breath has even a hint of "bad," I would love for it to be pointed out, that way it can be fixed from the get-go and it won't have to get embarrassing for either party when my breath is killing the plants I walk by.

Second, the wave. I recently had two different converstaions with two separate sets of people about waving, and now, as I'm writing this, I'm realizing this will be very difficult to describe in words without showing with my own two hands. Bascially, we came to the realization that men and women wave differently. More often than not, a man will either just stick his hand in the air, or maybe do one simple "swipe." A women kind of hits the whole spectrum, ranging throughout all sorts of different varieties of waves. I'm going to cut this conversation right now because it's literally impossible to describe all the variations of waves, plus it's much more fun to demonstarte. Ask me sometime about it. One last note though, during the first conversation about waves, we agreed that a notable wave that is feminite and maybe a tad annoying is the finger wave, where you kind of have your fingers pointed at your subject and move your fingers in a wave pattern. The funny thing about it is since we talked about this, I have caught myself over and over and over again waving in this extremely awkward and strange way of waving. I just can't help but laugh. Out of all the ways to wave we talked about, that's the one my phyche chose to naturally do (at least for this week). Strange.

Lastly, social experimentation. Do you ever do little things to see how people react? Whether that's something you say, not speaking up when you would normally, choosing to do certain things that wouldn't normally do, but for the sake of reaction, you do them anyway, or, similarly, not doing or saying things you normally would? I guess we all do this kind of stuff, just involuntary. Recently though, I've been having some fun with it. My absolute favorite is not speaking up with there's an awkward silence. It's quiet and uncomfortable and getting worse by the second. You feel the urge to do something, whether that is speak up, chuckle, or do the hand motion that, in my opinion, is the greatest symbol of the loss of social skills among our generation, the awkward turtle. I LOVE not breaking this silence and just seeing what happens.  Every time the results are different and it's so interesting to see how people react to awkward silence and in there end, how they break it. It's almost like taking a seat and watching the drama play out. Just good clean fun.

Along that note, the other night I was talking with Ms. Sierra Falco and Ms. Jenette Hatch about the topic of hugs.  Now, hugs are a funny business. A hug is what? The in between between a handshake and a full on kiss? There is a level of intimacy in a hug that does not exist in a handshake and it's this intmacy that catches me off guard.   People enjoy the feeling of touch. I'm not sure how to explain it, but there's something about touch that hits us hard and we were designed by our Creator that way. That said, the variety of a hug is intriguing. First you have the side hug, the supposed awkward cousin to the "real" hug. Personally, I don't have a problem with it. To me, it's not awkward or weird; yes, it is less intimate (don't you love that word?) than a full hug, but why does the side hug get a bad rap? Don't know. Then you have the "real" hug, a straight up greeting of meaningful proportions. Sierra and Jenette called it, they said the reason a real hug is absolutely necessary is the feeling of being surrounded, encircled in the other persons arms, a feeling that a side hug can never offer. Now here's something else, what happened to that hug/kiss on the cheek thing? I don't know what it's called, but I've noticed that older people and Europeans in general tend to use this greeting when greeting a member of the opposite sex. I know virtually nothing about this type of greeting so I'm going to stop talking about it. I just thought it is either an interesting twist on cliche American greetings or it's just gone out of style...or something.

And lastly, I have one video for you. My apartmentmate, Mr. Michael Warnecke, showed me this video last night and it's the epitome of JAMMING.

The drummer is having the absolute time of his life. JAMMING JAMMING JAMMING. I can't put it into words, I just can't. I can't get over the absolute greatness of the BEAST of a drummer. So incredibly good. In the pocket, in the groove, mmmm, GORGEOUS.

And that's the post! Lots of words today. I'm always a fan of words.

Go tell someone else some words, have a good, meaningful conversation.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dear Diary

It's to the point where I feel like it's Wednesday everyday. Days feel like hours, weeks feel like days, months feel like weeks, years feel like months, decades feel like years, centuries feel like decades, millenniums feel like centuries.  Time is cruise, cruise, cruising along, not waiting along for stragglers.  All that to say, life's nuts and it's just getting nuttier.

I'll prove it to you. Are you familiar with the Sleep Talk 100 project? If you aren't, I've been recording my sleep talking each and every night and posting the results here: Anyway, take a listen to last night's words:

I don't want to claim I know what I'm referring too, but it just might relate to the intensity of LIFE.

If you have been a consistent reader, for which I am very grateful, you will remember that last semester was ridiculous, a DOOZY, if you will. It was testing, difficult, and immensely challenging, but served as an INCREDIBLE learning experience, for which I am also grateful. However, for the majority of the semester, work was #1. There was no time for relaxation, sleep, or a social life.


So, that said, this semester, I intentionally signed up for less units, and, more importantly, less studio classes (film + art classes). BUT, because I'm me, I'm still unbelievably busy. Imagine that. Here's what's cool though: the busyness finally includes a social factor, doing things with other human beings. Before, it was "I've got four hours to complete 3 projects." Now, it is "I've got four hours to complete one project and hang out with some peeps."  Do you know what this means? More stories, more memories, two of my favorite things. I'll prove more to you: last week, stories were the name of the game. Here's the post if you haven't seen it:

Stories. Lots of them. Memories. Lots of them. This is how it should be. And last week is was. And it was excellent, most excellent. Be spontaneous. Seriously. Last year, the loads of work got in the way of spontaneity. This year, making memories is on the agenda, and last week shows it's an attainable goal.

Now, more than ever, this blog feels like a diary. I feel like I got all emotional and stuff and spilled my guts to the world. I hope you enjoy gut spilling. Sometimes it's necessary. And sometimes it fun.

And with that, there's not much more to say. 

But there's more to watch.

First, on May 20th, 2011, the day before the hoax-of-a-claim of the return of Christ, Mr. Kyle Dietz, Mr. Scott Weir, Mr. Connor Cabalka, and myself flew through the air at the speed of gravity. We sky dove. It was incredible. It was fantastic. And now there's a video, a video of which is decently long so if you want to, skip the middle part; the beginning and end are definitely worth a watch:

Secondly, I ran across a filmmaker who has become in the last week one of my biggest inspirations. He is a one man jam and his work is absolutely incredible. And the best part? He is using his gifts to spread the love of Christ.  Breath=taken.

[Fo'tis'ma] from Salomon on Vimeo.

And finally, live performence music video by the ridiculosity of a band, Sleigh Bells. The reason I share this is not for the performance in itself, but in the video production. The editing BEAUTIFULLY reflects the chaotic nature of Sleigh Bells' music and their absurd live shows. Naturally, I'm a fan.

Sleigh Bells "A/B Machines" (Live) from Phil Pinto on Vimeo.

And that's the post. I gave a shout out earlier to all the consistent readers. I really am grateful for you, regardless if I know you. In the beginning stages of this blog, it was all about records, recording events in the life of Morgan Lott to be remembered. Technically, it still is around for that purpose BUT, even through the urges to quit, it's great to be able to share current happenings, interesting findings, and everything else under the sun to the internet community.  To those of you I know personally, I want to thank you for reading and investing some time in this bizarre dude you know. To those of you I don't know personally, I want to thank you for reading and investing some time in this bizarre dude you don't know.

Invest your time wisely.  Invest your money wisely. Invest your relationships wisely. Invest your life wisely.

Be wise.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


It's been quite the week!

Let's start from the beginning. On Thursday, the 6th, my good friend Mr. Sean Cook informs me he is playing a free show with the band Press Play in Long Beach. Naturally, I have to go. I start talking to people, trying to get a group to go. I start with the Simi people, people who would be interested in chillin' with Sean regardless of the concert. No luck. Then I started asking people who just seemed like they would want to go. No luck. EVERYBODY I talked (or tried to talk to) either wanted to go but couldn't, didn't want to go, or just straight up sick. FINALLY, an hour before I was hoping to leave, I found two people to come with me. I was ECSTATIC not only because friends were able to go, but because there was a vehicle that was able to go. Over the next 45 minutes, however, the tides turned. Both people turned down the chance of a lifetime. I was bummed. SO CLOSE! I was in a pickle, I still wanted to go. Should I go alone? I don't see why not? But... who goes to concerts alone? Seems, I don't know, a little gutsy. Plus, I didn't have a car...

BUT, I just had to go. I found a car last second, asked my roommates if they wanted to go one last time and then headed out by myself.

Naturally, I took a camera.

Guys, this was just great. Not only was the experience as a whole great, but going to worship God with the community of Christ at a place I had never been before was GREAT. Press Play is impacting the world and it was incredible to see that first hand. I've discovered over the years that I enjoy spontaneity a whole lot. Spontaneous events are nothing but a big bundle of surprise and, honestly, it never fails for a good time. Even in situations that may not seem "fun" or "worthwhile," 100% of the time, it makes for a good memory. Stories that begin "Remember that time?" are consistently GREAT stories. Click the links below for some incredible spontaneous stories from my life. I cannot express to you how great these memories are:

The story of a car accident, a white elephant gift exchange and a wedding: CLICK

The story of crashing the uncrashable sweet 16 party: CLICK

The story of the photographs, getting caught in a ditch, and flipping a coin: CLICK

The story of ditching Senior Ditch Day: CLICK

The story of the April Fool: CLICK

 (Mr. Scott Weir seems to be the spontaneous helper)

Be spontaneous. Do random stuff at random times. These are the best days of our lives.

Speaking of spontaneity, the fun doesn't end.

On Saturday, I was given the opportunity to shoot photographs at a wedding. Mr. Austin Axen asked me if I would like to help him in an extremely relaxed, stress-free environment. I was hesitant at first, but just couldn't turn it down. I was BLOWN AWAY by how different shooting photographs at a wedding is from shooting video at a wedding, not to mention that is was really REALLY hard. I was definitely stretched throughout the day and it was the perfect "practicing" situation because I wasn't expected to perform and produce professional images. I must say though, Mr. Austin Axen is a G when it comes to photography. His shots were consistently incredible. He's got the eye and I'm pumped to see where he goes. Here's a few images for your enjoyment.


Then, that night, Mr. Scott Weir called me up and invited me to join him and others to go to this wild place called Guppy's. Supposedly, Guppy's is just a tea house just down the road. But of course, when you stick me and Mr. Scott Weir in the same vehicle, something crazy is going to go down. So, of course, we get lost. We always get lost. After a decent amount of laughs, we arrive. So, I guess this place Guppy's is famous for like shave ice or something. We take a look at the menu, discover the shave ice is pretty expensive, and get the largest one. And let me tell you, it was MASSIVE. Here's a photo of the mayhem courtesy of Ms. Sierra Falco.

Gigantic clam-shaped bowl filled with mounds of shave ice, pretty much a whole fruit tree, and softball-sized icecream scoops. Let's just say we didn't finish it. Yeah, didn't have a chance.

Then, the next night, it was time to celebrate Ms. Laura Cook's birthday. I'm not going to get too much into this, but when you stick 15-20 well dressed (as per Laura's request) people around a table at Elephant Bar, the term "good time" just fits. It was an evening full of good friends, good conversations, and good food, which, in my opinion, is one of the best combinations you can ever have. Definitely a good night, stickin' in the memory bank for good.

So, all in all, EXCELLENT week. One of the best in my recent memory.

AND GUESS WHAT! You may not have noticed, but the last few weeks, I have mentioned the tour of the apartment and I have mentioned it simply can't happen that particular week. Here's the deal, everything that I said was going to happen "eventually" still hasn't happened. So you know what this means? You get the tour of the not-quite-completed Tropicana 205 apartment!

So without further ado, I present to you 205.

I encourage you, enjoy the tour. If you would ever like to stop, please let the tram driver know and we will wait for you. Our tour guide has led African safaris for 15 years so he is understanding if you want to take picture or two.

Here we are! Tropicana. If you look forward, you will notice the vintage apartment building that is Tropicana. This is the entrance to the building leading to the numerous apartments inside. Let's go inside!

Okay, we've just made our way up the stairs and are now looking out from the second level over the "hole" if you will in the middle of the apartment complex. If you peer across the gap, you will see a door that reads "205." That's we are headed. If you look below, you will notice there is a considerable body of water. This is the Tropicana pool, a pool that has been used by all kinds of people including party-goers, volleyball players, competitive swimmers, and the normal pool-goer.  This pool is the home of fun.

Let's move across to the other side.

We have made it to our destination. If you take a look at the handle you will notice the "Krill Egg." This egg has been stolen by numerous critters including raccoons, squirrels, and crows. Somehow, it has survived the years and still resides on the door handle of our residence. It is one of those irreplaceable amenities.

Please watch your head and take a step inside.

Welcome to Tropicana 205! Like I said, it is still in the working stage, but we're making progress! Immediately you will notice the ficus and the flags. The ficus is one of the most notable aspects of the apartments as you can see it from almost anywhere in the complex. It also creates a jungle-like atmosphere which is always great. You will also notice the flags, representing the communities (from left to right) Oklahoma, Alaska, the Philippines, and Hawaii.  We are mulch-cultural in 205.

In the front of the living room, you will notice the "Call Police" sign which has always been notable and often the conversation starter with many types of people. You will also notice the "Skyline" and "S'us b'ilt" signs, two treasures from my summer at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Those two words/sayings bring back multitudes of memories and make me smile. Rep the skyline. You will also notice the entertainment system. It's been fun. See that white box in the corner? If that ground is shaking, well, you can blame that guy.

Take a right and you'll see our dining room. Right now it is home to housemate Mr. Ben Jacuk's materials after that beast of man stayed up through the night studying. Remarkable. This is where we eat meals every day, no matter how good or bad they happen to be.

This is the kitchen, where food is made, where food is stored. Take a look inside the refrigerator if you dare. I may as well mention the snack bar that you will be able to purchase food from once this tour has finished. "Serving Tour Food since 1990."

Okay, next stop are the rooms. Head down the hallway and look left. This is where I and my roommate Joel live. What you see here is Joel's area, including the unfortunate Phillies flag. It seems like all they do is win. Joel's clean. I'm not.

This is an interesting area of the room. You'll see a number of ties on the ground. This is because I have not found a place to store them which has become quite the problem. I'm sure a solution will present itself soon. I hope a solution will present itself soon.

This is my desk. It is a mess. I'm sorry. Like I said, I'm still moving in. Kind of. This is unacceptable and embarrassing.

This is the mural. You may recognize it from years past. I rescued him from the Royal High School dumpster my senior year. It was part of a set for a drama production, and no, Ms. Melanie Lott and Mr. Kyle Dietz had nothing to do with the creation of the painting. I expect this painting to grace my home for years to come.

If you take a look at the ground, you'll see the rest of the materials that need to be hung on the walls. This includes posters, comic strips, and other goodies that have been collected thorughout the year. Perhaps the most notable object in this sad pile is the picture of my pal, mentor, and inspiration, Mr. Rudy Campos. You see, Rudy Campos is a Video Production Professional and when I acquired this gem in high school, I aspired to be just like him, a video production professional.

Here is a SECRET spot in the room. This is the where the Sleep Talk 100 ( is recorded. If you know what that means, you might say "woah" or something. I don't know how you'll react, I just sleep there.  But there you, Behind-The-Scenes to the MAX.

This is Mr. Michael Warnecke and Mr. Ben Jacuk's room. With respect to privacy, I politley ask you not to look in there. I have no authority over their room.

We're almost done with the tour! We have one last stop. As you head toward the front door, take a look at the wall separating the door and the window.

This is our Santa. Yes, he's creepy. Yes, he's red. Yes, he's in a train. Yes, the dude in the onesie just received coal in his stocking. Yes, this is a magazine cut-out. Yes, it's provided for a number of great laughs. Yes, you can see a close-up.

And that concludes the 2011 tour of the Tropicana 205! I hope you enjoyed your trip, learned some interesting facts to be used in trivia games, and leave feeling refreshed and encouraged. Enjoy the rest of your stay in Tropicana and have a great day! Please be sure to visit, you're always welcome. Buh-bye now!

Friends. That concludes this Wednesday's edition of "It's Wednesday!" I must say, this one is one for the ages. Lots of good content. It may or may not make it onto the Top 5 list, I'm leaning towards not.

I'll let you decide.

Have an excellent day. Encourage someone.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Line

Oh, it's Wednesday again. It's amazing how much happens at the week, but at the same time, how little happens. Think about it.

I'm here to tell you the apartment still is not finished. The same as last week. It is still not suitable for the tour. Not at all. BUT, I promise you, you will get the tour eventually. Treat it like a raincheck, except I choose when you redeem it. Either way, I apologize. The tour is a staple in college life, it had been unwavering. Can't quite say that any more.

This week has been good. Has it's ups and downs as normal. I've realize my plate is plum full of good, clean fun/work/school/etc. I think I'm going to legally change my name to "Busy." Why this happens every semester, I will never know. Let me introduce you to SLEEPTALK100.

On September 1st, I began an adventure: for 100 straight days, I am going to record my sleep talking during the night. It's exciting, it's off-kilter, it's annoying, it's vulnerable, it's eerie, it's a blast. I am a week into the project and the results have been surprising, mainly because I've never actually heard myself sleep talk, I've just heard the stories. Here's your introduction:

SLEEPTALK100 - An Introduction from Morgan Lott on Vimeo.

and here are your links:

MAIN SITE: Audio clips are here:

Follow progress and receive updates:


It's been quite the journey thus far. And let me tell ya, the next 3 months are going to be full of quality sleep talkin'. Like the facebook page and you'll see this stuff as it's happening. Crazyzyzyness.

I've got some fun video for you now.

I took a trip to yesteryear this last week and uncovered some classic videos. All I can say is: ENJOY.

This first one is one of my favorites. This was my first spontaneous film, no prep, go with the flow, jump cut editing. I love it. And I'm sure all of the people in this video really enjoy seeing their young selves. Recognize that dude in the thumbnail? Mr. Scott Weir = the man.

Marvelous Light. Oh boy. Summer of 2009 I had the privilege to play drums at Hartland Christian Camps. It was a blast and a half and AWESOME to see God work throughout the summer. One of the nights is called the Rowdy Campfire in which the goal is simple: go ape. Here is an example of the ape-ness: Two campers came up to play with us, I came from behind the set to sing, the bassist, my cousin Mr. Micah Hiett, went back to drums and we JAMMED. Act ridiculous, sound ridiculous, and praising God through it all. What a memory.

During my senior year in high school, I was in a video production class (which changed my life by the way) and this was my extra credit music video. It surprised people.

These first couple weeks of school has brought back memories from freshman year. I have told the stories of the next videos a number of times and it's absolutely wonderful to re-experience the madness.

First, the possum that was hanging out in my room. Mr. Ben Jacuk came in and showed us scaredy cats (and inexperienced, not-wanting-rabies, cats) who's boss.

And finally, us dudes heard of a free Ashley Tisdale concert. We HAD to go. It was necessary. This is our story.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is today's blog post. I hope you enjoyed the videos. I know I did, reliving memories is definitely worthwhile every once in a whileworth.

Look around, find some old pictures of videos from your life. Relive those moments. Nothing better.