Man alivin'. I have never done this and I hope I never will again. This blog is really becoming an interesting part of my life. I made it for the sole reason of documenting my Wednesday outfit tradition. I had no idea how many people would read this thing about me and think it was cool. Boy was I wrong. I have met numerous people who declare "hey! You're the guy with the blog!" Weird? I have numerous "subscribers" who read week to week, waiting in anticipation for what I'm going to do next. I have a story. I don't know how many of you loyal readers have been reading since November, but in my post,
Turkey-A Bowling Sense, I displayed a picture of my cousin Ryan who was at my house. I told him, completely kidding, that my blog was famous and that he would be an instant celebrity. Little did I know what when we entered the Thanksgiving Eve service at church that night, within five minutes, two different people came up to him and told him they had seen him on my blog. Crazy. I don't understand it. I'm just some kid who goes against societies standards and dresses differently from everybody else. Not only that, but it's just one day of the week, exluding holidays and other special occasions. This strikes me funny. I guess what is weird is the concept that has been drilled into society, maybe not intentionally, that it is best to be on the bandwagon, to wear the coolest clothes, to have the coolest friends, to look and act like the "cool" people do. In most movies, the "outcasts" are clearly outcasts, dressed different, looking completely different from the others. We see trends; here's a few: Pokemon, Abercrombie, Vans, and the most recent (and most insane in my opinion) True Religion jeans. Whatever is popular, it's everywhere. All I wanted to do was be a little different, add a little color to a color blind society, and here is the paradoxial aspect: according to the past and true societal trends, I should have become the outcast. I am different, not partaking the the crowds ways, but I can say that I probably became considerably more popular than I ever have been before. I'm not sure why. Maybe people were just shocked that someone would have the guts to be different. Maybe it's the way I react when I get made fun of (I do by the way, random people I walk by say some pretty interesting stuff, most of it very elementary), I just play along and say something like "yeah that's right and I'm proud of it!" I don't know what it is, but whatever it is, people like it. I've heard stories of people that are just infatuated with me. This was not the case before this Wednesday thing. Just paradoxical. I think I'll write a book on trends when I'm old. I feel like I have more to say; if I do, I will post more later. Here's something unique: people tell me I write almost exactly how I speak. They are pretty much right, I am speaking. These are my words on a computer screen. I don't edit. You can't take back what you said after you've said it, right? So if I rant, ramble, just take up space, I'm probably not going to delete it. So sorry, humble reader, you must bear with me. But it is you who decided to read this in the first place right? I hope you understand.
That was quite the rant. The picture at the very beginning of this post was of Senior Hug Day on Friday. My shirt declares to the world that "I am too old for this-- Hug me while you can." Intereting day this was. First of all the weather. I got up ready for cold, wearing a big ol' jacket, but when I got to school I was pleasently surprised with sunny, semi-warm weather, so I left my big ol' jacket in my car. Bad bad idea. After, I'd say probably second period, it was crazy cold, and I was stuck with a Hanes undershirt with green writing on it; and it was raining. Boy oh boy. Second of all, I was sick. You kiddin' me? The night before, or the morning of, I was reintalling the OS on my computer because I deleted something on accident that sent the machine into self destruct. This did not help my sickness. I had to fix it that night because I had a million + one things to do and had no time whatsoever to spend time fixing the computer, so I had to spend time I would normally be sleeping doing it. Hooray. Third of all, I was wearing green. It was the day before valentine's day, and I was wearing green scrubs. I had a reason, but if you notice, I am writing on sunday and I have forgotten why I was wearing green, but I can assure you, there was a reason. So about the hugging. I didn't really initiate much hugging because I was sick and didn't want to get other's sick. Towards the end of the day I hugged a little more, but either way, I didn't really initate it. However, everybody who came at me with open arms, I embraced. It was nice--and warm.
Valentines Day I went to D-land with my family. No, I didn't have a date. But I did take a picture with this Indian that I have a distinct memory of punching him in the nose when I was in elementary school. I'm not sure why I remember that, but that is my favorite object at Disneyland, no doubt. My favorite ride is Peter Pan, no doubt. It is simply brilliant. I have memories of that ride with my buddies Stuart and Scott Weir. I wonder if they remember what happened on that ride. Ask them.
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