Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I just made a realization about something.  While in college, I have wondered why I have less to write about and, as of two minutes ago, and realized why.  In high school. there is as school day.  You are at school for a stretch of time whether five hours or all day; either way, school is continuous.  That said, high school brought upon a lot of experiences, random happenings through campus, walking the halls, classes one after another.  In college, that doesn't happen.  Everything is spread out, classes aren't lined up, there is no "passing period."  Yeah, there is a fare share of random happenings, but not enough to get significantly mentioned in the Wednesday blog.  Don't get me wrong, I love college.  The stuff that goes on here is far superior to anything that happens during the day in high school.  However, this stuff I mention does not happen before I write this on Wednesday's.  This may read like a jumbled mess and I apologize if this is true.  It probably does not even make sense.  In a way, this is okay, 'ey? 

In other news, April 20th will bring about BLUE SKY NOISE, the highly-anticipated third release by the band Circa Survive.  I am absolutely positively amped for this record.  I am actually at a loss of words, because I don't believe my words on this webpage will do my anticipation justice.  This is what I'll say: Circa Survive has been putting out INCREDIBLE short videos online documenting their progress through the writing/recording/mixing/mastering/etc process that has created a buzz, the type a phatty bumble bee makes, that just gets me going.  Their music is so creative and unique, like the yellow and black of a bumble bee that sets it apart from all other insects. It's going to be good.

In other news, I had a conversation with Mr. Beau Akers earlier this week over standard text massaging (which was an abnormality, I usually do not conversate over standard text messaging) and now transfer to webtext:

Beau: You rock my socks off bro

Morgan: Dude I can't even where socks around you bro.
      You're like the warm sand at the beach.

B: Man, its that sand between them toes;
      if socks were on who knows?

M: With socks on, good luck getting the sandy feel.
      With socks on you'll still slip on a banana peel.

B: The texture of yellow, harms a fellow,
      yet the warmth of sand, is forever grand.

M: Sand is rather grand
      Bananas promote slippage
      I am still barefoot

B: Beach bums bury barefeet beneath the sand,
      and barefoot you and i shall stand.

M: Can crayons color colors without a careful creator?
      No, the barefoot beach bums bring bomb brandishings for their brothers.

B: That kicked! Cant get much more creative than two minds memorating fantastic lines.

'twas a good time, like eating limes.  I am really quite unsure why I posted this.  I guess we'll just have to see if it is a hit or miss.

In other news, I have a video for you. The New Orleans Saints beat the Indianapolis Colts in the Super Bowl very recently and this video shows how true fans react.  I was surprised how I reacted to this and I decided I really like this video; I can't decide for you though, so you'll have to watch and discover.

Saints Superbowl Victory Celebration from Cottage Films on Vimeo.

There's something about it....

In other news, I heard/have seen about this new website called  I honestly don't what the point is, well, obviously it is to ask questions, but is it worthwhile and beneficial to the masses?  I don't know.  Either way, it is relatively new and I decided to create a profile.  We'll have to see if this catches on.  I really have no idea if it will.  If Twitter can create as much havoc as it has, formspring sure has a chance.

That said, in the box below, you can ask me any question you would like.  I believe these are the rules.  So go ahead and ask ask ask away.

And that's it.

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