Wednesday, June 1, 2011


**Yes, I know, there isn't a picture.  And yes, I know, that threatens the well-being of this blog.  I apologize, my camera is still packed away somewhere in the multitudes of boxes that sit stacked in my room.  Thank you Mr. Michael Warnecke for presenting this awful occasion.  BUT, it's also summer, so you might not get the normal Wednesday attire consistently. We'll have to see.**

Summer has officially started. Spring of 2011 has officially ended. School is at a standstill for a few months.  What a feeling.  This summer's an interesting one and will continue to be an interesting one.  The reason?  I don't know what I'm doing.  The reason?  Due to the nature of my job at Mawwiage Films, weddings aren't always scheduled way ahead of time.  So what does this mean?  It means my summer will be free-form, my summer has the potential to be extremely busy, all the while having the potential to be not busy at all.  It all depends.  This is different for me.  The last two summers have been very "strict" in their scheduling, playing drums with Remember at Hartland and then being a videographer at Hume Lake Christian Camps last summer.  These were not free-form summers, these were very regimented and planned out summers.  I enjoyed them, a lot.  I think I'll enjoy this summer too.  It's a breath of fresh air, well, I hope it is.  Seriously, its got the potential to be EXTREMELY busy.  I don't know how I'll feel if that happens.  BUT, am I complaining? Absolutely not.  I would way rather be head over heels in work than sitting around, doing absolutely nothing.  The two extremes, I'd pick business.  Hopefully it doesn't get to either of those points.

Speaking of summer, this was last summer:  This summer, I am not working at Hume Lake, but my sister, Ms. Melanie Lott, is.  I have a feeling it's going to be surreal and here's why: my family history at Hume Lake is pretty wild.  My Great-Grandpa Walter Warkentin was one the founders in 1946 and then from then on, my entire extended family has been very much involved.  Every summer of my life (basically), I have gone up at least once, either to camp or to our family cabin.  Last summer, I was on Hume Staff as a videographer.  I have had my fill of Hume, to say the least.  Now, this summer, I will be going up a number of times.  I don't know for sure, but I can take an educated guess that I'm going to view Hume in a different way from now on. The memories that were made, the relationships that developed, the skill-sets that were perfected; Hume Lake is responsible.  Here's the surreal part, I think it's going to be strange heading up that mountain knowing I'm not on staff.  It's going to be weird waltzing around Hume without responsiblitly, with a camera in my hand.  It's going to be weird still knowing a majority of the staff and having conversations that I would be having as if I were on staff.  But at the end of the day, I can leave.  I can drop my faux-commitment and drive down that mountain.

This seems jumbled, I think the moral of this story is: IT'S GOING TO BE WEIRD. And that's okay. In fact, it's great. I'm excited.  Know who else is excited?

I've got some presents for you.  1rst:

A MAWWIAGE FILMS teaser: you're in for a tease.  Get the hint?

Tyler & Kelsey: A Teaser from Mawwiage Films on Vimeo.


During this last semester, I took two art classes: Integrated Design 1 and Letters & Symbols.  I'm just going to say straight up, these two classes rocked my world.  I had never taken a formal design class before these two and these two, boy, were brutal.  It's one of those super super good brutal classes.  It's hard for me to express how much I learned, let's just say I am pleased with the work that came out of the end of the semester (I probably wouldn't say that about the work that came out of the beginning of the semester). So now, down below, enjoy some of the work I spent hours upon hours developing.  I must say, it feels great to be done.

Description: Explore image/text/location relationship. Post-it Notes.

Description: 1" thick plywood. 10" x 17". A puzzle of sorts.

Description: HUGE poster. Somethin' like 3' x 2'. I don't remember. Pretty big though. 26 letters of the alphabet stenciled and spray-painted onto balloons. Concept? United 93 vs. Titanic. Believe it or not.

Description: ZINE. A 24 page zine on airplanes. I really liked how this book turned out. I had a lot of fun with it and learned a whole bunch. 7" x 8.5".

Here's a selection:

And that's the first post of summer.  I'm still in the midst of unpacking, so I didn't have too much time to prepare and surround you with rockin' material.  This was something a little different though, stuff created by me.  I hope you enjoyed the show, the exhibition.  Let me know what you think if you feel led to.  I really would appreciate.  Constructive criticism is ALWAYS appreciated.

Enjoy your day(s)!  Rock the world of the people around you.  Give a random person a high-5.

1 comment:

  1. Your airplane book is amazing, and I'm tickled pink that you gave me my very own copy!!!
