Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Oh man, today. Oh boy, today. It's 9:30pm and I'm writing this blog post, today. I spent the day at Hume Lake, dropping my kid sister, Ms. Melanie Lott, at her summer job for the summer, working the Ponderosa pantry, gonna be feeding all those fancy campers throughout the summer. Summer. You may recall the last blog post, I wrote about how I thought this trip to Hume would be a wild:

"Here's the surreal part, I think it's going to be strange heading up that mountain knowing I'm not on staff.  It's going to be weird waltzing around Hume without responsibility, with a camera in my hand.  It's going to be weird still knowing a majority of the staff and having conversations that I would be having as if I were on staff.  But at the end of the day, I can leave.  I can drop my faux-commitment and drive down that mountain."
Well, I'm here to tell you, this is EXACTLY what it was like.  It was very strange, very weird, very faux.  I enjoyed it thoroughly though.  It was a trip seeing a good number of my summer pals and telling them "No, I'm not going to be working this summer." It was a trip walking around, feeling "at home." It was a trip hanging out in the media office, meeting the new videographers/photographers, and hanging with the QUALITY full-time staff.  It was A TRIP going to the G-Store, getting a styrofoam cup, filing it up with ice and water, and enjoying the beverage (you Hume people might know the significance of this. Trust me, IT WAS A TRIP).

I'll just put it in 4 words: it was a trip.

To all the people I ran into, I very much enjoyed running into you.  Every one of you.  I also enjoyed our conversation, even if it was simply an exchange of hello's, not just running into you.

It was also a blast seeing the Hiett clan and Grandma.  Always a pleasure.  No doubt.

In other news, we've got videos, lotsofem.

First, here is a promo for a new film hittin' the world: Animal Fiction. More info on FB?

Seconds: I (and Mawwiage Films) was blessed with a new toy: the Canon EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens.  It was begging to be tested:

A Test Of Sorts :: EASY STREET from Morgan Lott on Vimeo.

Thirds: This little dude blew my mind fruits.  Serious.  Didn't know what to think at first. I mean, we've all seen this little act before, so I didn't know what to think.  But let me tell you, the ferocity and the skill this little man displays left my jaw chillin' on the floor.  I had to bend down to pick it up and then rewind the video because I had missed a few seconds of this gentleman's BEAST of a performance.  Enjoy.

Fourthy: This video simply left me smiling.  You may have heard of a GoPro. You may have heard of a hula hoop.  Well here you go, what a solidified square inch of a hula hoop looks like as it's whipping around its contestant.

Mmm. Much enjoyment.

Hey you, yeah you. This has been another Wednesday. I mean, come on, a Wednesday.  At 10:09 now. I hope you enjoyed your last week.  Enjoy this next week, regardless how your last week was.

I realize there is not a picture today.  I don't know what I'm going to do.  Maybe I won't have one all summer.


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