Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This is the ONE hundredth post on this "It's Wednesday" blog at It's been a wild ride and will continue to spark the jungle. Grab your dune buggy and watch the rippling water on the back seat. Who knows what will happen.

It is winter break. I go back to school for interterm on the 3rd of January. Where did the break go? Same place last semester went I guess. This break has been good though. Visiting family all over California is always a plus and a good time and then seeing people I haven't seen for a long time, probably around a semester's time, is always a plus as well. I have a few days left so we'll see what pans out. What happens, happens; I have little control over most. I hope your Christmas break (if you even got a break) went smoothly and you recognized the reason for the season, yes? Sometimes we get so caught up in the holiday season, we forget. I have a hard time forgetting, because I honestly don't get all that busy during the holiday season, but that is just me. Take a step back and think about the reason. I'm not here to tell you. Think about it.

If you remember, I posted that little poll last week. Through the results I found something quite interesting and paradoxical. If you remember (or could just scroll down and remind yourself) you could, and still can, vote more than once. Also, one of the options was "I don't like this blog." A person(s) decided to vote hundreds of times on the "I don't like it" option. Now this is funny. Number 1: the only way to vote is to be on the blog itself, so even though they claim they do not like it, they are on it. Interesting. Number 2: it is likely they found out about the poll on the various social networking sites I post on. Nowhere on these sites does it say there will be a hate option on the poll. So this person(s) clicked on the link going to this blog, showing interest in the blog, only to vote and say they don't like it. Paradoxical.

Let me say this: it is okay if you don't like this blog. You don't have to look at it/read it/study it/watch it/contemplate it. You don't have to click the links. You don't have to check up on it every week. Just putting that out there.

I'm sorry there hasn't been any pictures or anything in the last couple of weeks. This is because I have been away from the norm, away from the typical week's schedule. It will most likely resume normality next week, so keep your eyes peeled.

Also, in randomity, I have been into mewithoutYou lately. Those guys are rather interesting. Aaron Weiss has a very interesting style that is unique to most all music. And, I am told this as I don't listen to lyrics (I've explained this spiel before), he writes very complex, metaphorical songs that bring joy to many lyric listeners. I think the way Weiss "sings" is extremely interesting. mewithoutYou is almost too hard to explain. This may be an excuse, but I really am at a loss for words to explain the band. Here is a video, introduced to me by Mr. Michael Warnecke, that features two of my favorite mewithoutYou songs: The Sun And The Moon + Tie Me Up, Untie Me! :

That's it. Have a nice day.

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