Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Today can be said to be different. Number 1, there is not a complex meaning behind my clothing like there has been in the near recent. Number 2, why in the world am I dressed like that? I don't have a clue. I think it was somewhat inspired by this:

Other than that, I have no explanation.

In other news, we are in the process of developing the concept for our Visual Aesthetics final project. This is the first real film I will be working on this year. It has been a rough time, mostly because nobody in our four person group had a concrete idea before we met, so we had to come up with a brilliant idea out of nothing=hours of development. I believe we have an idea. This, after all, is irrelevant. The fact is I am very much reminded of last year and video production at the classic Royal High School. The first project was as follows:

This project, although not the best in many areas, still ranks as my favorite film I have worked on. I think it is because it was the first. I think it is because we were just out having a good time. I think it is because we honestly didn't care how it turned out. I think it is because we simply had a good time with each other working on a quirky idea. Good times.

In other news, I have a few items to discuss: humility and "bless you," two subjects that are randomly on my mind at this time, imagine that.

Humility is interesting because you can not know you are humble. If somebody says they are humble, they are focusing on themselves, contradicting their claim to humility. True humility focuses on other people, never focusing on the self. So a true humble person cannot know they are humble. Hmm...interesting. Maybe I'm wrong. Correct me please.
Now, does this also work with creativity? If you are creative, there is no way of knowing you are creative unless somebody else tells you that you are in fact creative. According to the Microsoft Word dictionary (a great dictionary by the way) defines creativity as "the ability to use the imagination to develop new and original ideas or things, especially in an artistic context." If you are alone, how do you create an original idea without the comparison to another person's work? Maybe I'm wrong. Correct me.

"Bless you:" the common response to a sneeze. I personally do not say this phrase. I don't think it is necessary. If anything, I might say "Tissue?" I have noticed recently that most everybody says "bless you" after a sneeze. Why? I've discussed this with a few people, most of which don't have a clue why they say it. This doesn't really strike me as bad. Saying "bless you" can't hurt, can it? The problem I have run into recently is this: Are people expecting "bless you" after they sneeze and then believe you don't care if you don't say it? There has been a few instances where I have been with a person who sneezes and they look at me awkwardly because I don't acknowledge it. Is this weird? I think it's kind of funny. Either way, I'm not going to start saying "bless you" after somebody sneezes.

I need to admit something. I have at random times say phrases such as "God bless your soul" or "Oh my goodness, God bless you!" It is definitely not an automatic response though. Just had to clear that up. Didn't want to be deceiving.

In other news, the other night (can't remember which night=lame) I got a text from my roommate Mr. Joel Limbauan that read "Dude There's a possum in here!" I immediately rushed to the room...

Mr. Ben Jacuk saved the day. I would probably never would have thought to grab a towel and grab the little booger and take him outside. I honestly don't know what I would have done. Mr. Oklahoma is the man.

In last news, today is my father's birthday. If you see him, tell him happy birthday. Happy birthday pop!

I hope enjoyed this episode of "It's Wednesday."

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