Hey! Hey. It's May! It's May. How is it May? Not a clue. These weeks just go go like the po po in a highway pursuit. So. Intensely. Fast. On April 27th, or something, Ms. Megan Vesevick posted an image that tickled my funny bone. I immediately reposted because I had not laughed that hard at an image is a very very long time. The image is below. And it is hysterical. You may not get it; if you don't, I'm sorry.
HA x 1000.
This week was registration for next semester's classes. When this happens, you know you are in the final stretch of the semester. The final hundred meters. The final lap. Ironically, this semester has been one of the most difficult for me to plan, but what I have thus far (subject to change, likely to change), lies below.
Know what else is strange? My degree audit.
I have taken classes that don't count for anything. Yes, they don't count for anything. You may call me an over-achiever, but I beg to differ. I'm just taking advantage of college opportunity.
All that said, I'm looking forward to next semester. This is what I've been telling people: "If next semester is anything like this semester, we're in for a wild ride." There is no hesitation there. It's going to be wild.
Yesterday was Ms. Amanda Cooper's birthday. The night before, Mr. Ben Jacuk and I were talking and thought it'd be a good idea to take her out at midnight. I guess it was a good idea because it actually happened. Ms. Brittany Watts, Ms. Veronica Luckey, Mr. Joel Limbaun, Mr. Ben Jacuk, Mr. Kris Yee, and myself celebrated with Ms. Amanda Cooper for Ms. Amanda's Cooper's 23rd birthday by going to the infamous Jax Donuts. Naturally, we made a video. And naturally, we got lost. And naturally, the batteries ran out. But, naturally, the video still is rad. Enjoy, naturally.
I don't have much more to say.
Oh, I got to hang with my bud Mr. Kelii Miyata this week. That never happens because we are very similar in a certain aspect: we work really hard and all the time. But we figured out a loophole, if we work together on the same thing then we all win. Kelii asked me if I would help film a music-video-esque film for Pip, a recent contestant on The Voice. I can't tell a whole lot about it, but I can show you a picture:
The experience was awesome. Great making new friends while creating art. Doesn't get much better than that.
Have a blast of week. Run through the sprinklers. If it's warm, of course.
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