Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Ok, you're confused.  Yes, it is collared shirt Wednesday.  Yes, I'm not wearing a classic collared shirt; yes, I'm not wearing a tie.  Instead, I'm wearing a tank top.  You may say "What?"  I'm here to tell you there's a loop hole.  I'm here to tell you every shirt has a collar (except for maybe one that you cut with scissors).  I'm here to tell you that the tank top I wore on today, Wednesday January 26 of the 2011th year, had a collar that was .25 of an inch wide.  I'm here to tell you I did not forget.  I'm here to tell you I did this to stir it up a little bit.  I'm here to tell you that this was intentional, and I'm also here to tell you that the weather today was GORGEOUS.

I'm back at Biola, I'm back at the school I chose to go to a year and a half ago, I'm back at the school where the Spring semester will be starting up on Monday.  This last week was fun, went home, slept in, hung out, worked on video video video, now I'm back here for a few more days, and then, boom biggety bam, the semester hits full fledged.  I'm excited though, it's going to be quite the trip, time will have to be streched to fit everything in, and this is what I say to that: "Let's do it."  Gonna be OUT OF CONTROL, but if you think about it, are we in control of anything?

Speaking of the semester starting, a few buddies and myself are hitting the end of break hard by going to see Underoath, Thursday, and few other bands absolutely rock it on the Saturday before the Monday that school starts up, also known as this Saturday.  I'm pumped, their pumped, gonna be killer, gonna get our study on.

I don't have much to spefically talk about today, sorry about that; this may be due to the nature of the day, it may be due to the music I'm listening to, it may be due to the enormous wad of America's Original Dubble Bubble Original Flavor Bubble Gum that is working my jaw to the limit.  Whatever the reason, topics i.e. other are not coming to my mind.

So, in this situation, there is nothing better but some video, yeah?  Ye ye, it's time, time to get legit.

This first video, boy, this first video....I laughed MY HEAD OFF during this video, boy, this first video.  SO RANDOM, SO BEAUTIFUL. 

This video, boy, this next video head fell off for this one too.  I don't know why.  I think it had to with the music and the nature of the stop, and reverse, and then, the kicker, when the music stops.  WHAT?!  Don't why so funny, just is, it may not be to you, whavetever.

Next has made it's rounds throughout the interwebs the last couple days.  Definitely made it's rounds.  Crazzzy putt-putt?  Fountain?

Unbelievable.  I like how pumped the dudes got.  I'd be that pumped too.

Lastly, check out this new Mattel Hot Wheels car.  It's got a built in video camera in the "hood" of the car and records video and audio.  It's also got a mount to mount it a skateboard, a bike, a helmet, etc. 30 fps and 60 fps?  So SICK.  I'd get this over a GoPro.

The conclusion.

Have a bright day today.  Say hello to someone you have already spoken to within the past half hour.  It will seem random, hopefully.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I quite possibly think I maxed out the amount of work possible to do in a week.  As I say that, I know I nowhere near maxed it out.  The human body is incredible in that way, you honestly have no idea about how much, if you really put your mind to it, you are capable of doing in a week.  Here's what I'm talking about: not only do I have a 4 hour Spanish class every day of the week, I also work a part time job 3 hours a day.  It's not too bad.  Here's the thing, this last week, Mr. Isaac Svensson and I launched a new wedding videography company.  You may have seen something about it, you may not have.  This past week was absolutely INSANE, trying to get our first video finished, trying to get a suitable website in action, trying to get all the logistics in place so we could officially launch on Saturday.  That's what we did and we did it.  I'm just telling you all of this for a bit of perspective on the week.  Want to check it out?  This is our website:  Yes, MAWWIAGE FILMS is the name.  I posted on this blog a little blurb about it, so here is the link to that.  Lastly, here is the Mawwiage's first wedding video, made for Mr. Randy and Mrs. Megan Marshman.

Randy & Megan from Mawwiage Films on Vimeo.

All that to say, it's been a crazy week!  BUT, it gets better.  Last Monday, Mr. Dustin Laemmlen called me up and asked if I'd be down to play drums for a winter camp at Hartland Christian Camp.  Yeah, that weekend was going to be my only relaxation for the entirety of the 3 weeks of interterm, but how could I pass that up?  10 hours of driving, and 4 sets later, I returned to Biola, glad to have the opportunity to play drums again.  I really enjoy it, I really do.  Hartland was a good time + we jammed Aaron Gillespie's new worship single "We Were Made For You" which turned out to be a hit for both the campers and for all the members of our band.  This song touched lives this weekend, as I'm sure it's touching lives all around the world.  All in all, great weekend.

Oh, I forgot one thing.  Saturday night, the only full day we were there, I spoke in my sleep.  Mr. Cameron Toews heard me, and in the morning told me "Dude, you were speaking a different language or something!"  I have no reason to believe it was not the Spanish language.  I've been living and breathing Spanish for the last two weeks.  If I really was really speaking Spanish in my sleep, I am absolutely, positively, 100% PUMPED.  IncĂ©ible. 

I've got something for you,,,pretty exciting.

I just discovered this new publication called C A R S O N; when I saw the image above, my heart leapt a little.  "Could this be by David Carson, one of the most influential graphic designers of all time, not to mention perhaps my favorite graphic design?"  Indeed, C A R S O N is a new magazine that shares graphic design, fine art, photography, the list goes on and on.

Here's why I'm pumped: David Carson is known for his extremely experimental approach to magazine design, reinventing the way the magazine should be read.  C A R S O N is taking David Carson's inspiration, collaborating it with multitudes of other artists and writers and compiling the collection of ideas to form a new type of journalism that strays away from normal tabloid-journalism.  Here's a quote: "C A R S O N is a way of seeing our world in an exciting way, which in these times can often seem confusing, overwhelming, and/or soulless."

I am extremely pumped for this, it looks like it's going to be steady, revolutionary, look into what print is today and what it is going to become.  Print fascinates me and I want to learn more and more and more about it....this is definitely a start.

If you're interested, check out the C A R S O N website at ""  Perhaps a subscription?

Dig it.

Quite the aside, huh?

I guess you could call this the art-fied blog post, because the video I'm going to show you next is from a video installation in a Best Buy.  What?  Check it out:

Best Buy As Art Gallery from on Vimeo.

This is crazy.  Number 1, the artist sought out Best Buy because no art gallery (or anywhere else for that matter) can supply enough HD televisions to properly display Borna Sammak's work.  Number 2, the way they convinced Best Buy to let them have an art show in their store was by telling them the show will generate foot traffic from potential buyers that wouldn't normally step into Best Buy.  Number 3, take a look at what is on the screens, can you get any nuttier than that?  Chopped up video, going CRAZY, all saturated a such.  Pretty cool.  I dig I dig.

Well, I think that concludes this post.  I hope you enjoyed yourself, I know I have.  In the mood of art, I'm going to search "random art" on google and find a truly random piece of art.  Then I will post this random piece of art right below this paragraph.  In the meantime, I hope you have a brilliantly artistic day.  Take the next writing utensil you hold and take the next suitable writing surface, such as a piece of paper, a napkin, or even your hand, and doodle.  Maybe write something, like something inspirational or something.  Or doodle a little dude holding a shovel.  I don't know, you do what you do, you artist, you.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Yeah, it's not Wednesday, but this is not a Wednesday-ing matter.  Last Saturday, the 15th of January, Mr. Isaac Svensson and myself launched a new, organic wedding videography company, we call it MAWWIAGE FILMS.  Website?

Here's the deal: our aim is to take you to the wedding; while watching, you need to feel like you are there, you need to feel like you are part of the experience.  We're going for an up-close and personal view into the wedding ceremony, rather than a birds-eye, disjointed perspective.  Take Randy and Megan as an example.  Yes, if you've been been following "It's Wednesday" for a while, this is THE STORY.

Randy & Megan from Mawwiage Films on Vimeo.

I'm really excited for Randy and Megan, and I'm really excited to see to where Mawwiage is going.  I'm honestly just excited to be a part of a very important moment in a couple's life.  Marriage is a big deal.

Here's our contact information, if you're interested:

And hey, while you're at it, if you're interested of course, peruse the website, there's a lot of good reading material and other goodies for you:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Alright, alright, alright, alright. It's good to be comfortable. Here's the deal: I have class from 9-12:45, then (most days) I have work from 1-4. That's a lot of sitting. It's good to be comfortable, otherwise, that's a whole lot of time of squirming and squiggling in a already uncomfortable chair. It's an interesting business.

Here's the other thing, I have very little time to write this, but I do it anyway, not sure why, I've got stuff to talk about, not really, but, hey, we'll try it out, see where it goes, no knowing where it goes, because, hey, this is "It's Wednesday" and it could go wherever those words want to take it. Boom boom bam, let's go.

Last week, I sped through the post, last week I didn't even mention 2011.  It's 2011 folks, nutty and a half.  Yesterday was 1-11-11, nutty and three quarters.  I'm almost used to writing "11" instead of "10." Normally this process takes months, but because of my job, where I am writing the date numerous numerous times a day, the process was sped up.  I still mess it up sometimes though, I'm human.

Interterm has been incredibly busy, it's perhaps unreal, but it's very real because I am here doing it.  So many things to do, so little time to do it.  I posted this on my facebook the other day: "Life is just getting crazier and crazier...and then once it feels packed full of crazy, it rocks into the previously-unknown form of crazy.... Let's do it."  This is still true.  

There's big news, you know the post entitled "THE STORY (link)" and the wedding surrounding it?  Well, that video is very close to being done, and in the process of the developmentation of that particular video, Mr. Isaac Svensson and I developed a serious interest in wedding videography.  All that said, we have developed a wedding videography production company called......

Nope, not's not ready yet.  Imagine it like a chocolate cake that is just a little underdone so it needs 10 minutes left in the oven...just 10 more minutes.   Expect a separate post with the name, the website, and the premiere of the very first video!

It's exciting.  We're excited.

Here's news, I had the opportunity to play a little bit of roller/street hockey the other day.  Mr. Carlo Dangelo mentioned it, just a chunk of time to skate around and shoot around, pass around, all that jazz.  I jumped on it.  I haven't played since 8th grade,  but for my middle school years I breathed roller hockey.  I still have my skates albeit TINY, but I smashed my feet into them and skated and shot around, pass around, all that jazz.  It was a blast, I was tripping and fumbling all over the place, but it was like riding a bike, it came back pretty quick.  Super fun.

Here's a challenge: think of something you used to do all the time but stopped and haven't done it in a long long long while.  Do it soon.

I've got some video for you, yeah?

First up, if you are artistic/photographical at all, you've either already seen this or you REALLY need to see it.  It's decently long, almost 10 minutes, but totally worth it.  Basically, a brilliant street photographer named Vivian Maier lived years and years ago with zero recognition, nobody knew she existed as a GREAT street photographer until recently, thousands upon thousands of negatives were rediscovered after being buried away in attic(s).  This story is crazy, crazy crazy crazy.  Talk about a discovery.

Next up, you played wiffleball?  Yeah, the white ball with all sorts of holes all over it and it goes really slow through the air but is surprisingly hard to hit and it turns into a rather entertaining game of wiffleball?  Yeah, that one.  This video is entitled "Sick Wiffleball Pitches."  The title cannot get more accurate.  The amount of control and the movement this gentleman has on this hole-y ball is OUT OF CONTROL.  There's other videos of him against actual batters and the batters look like loons trying to hit a wiffleball.  Beauty.

Lastly, check this drummer out.  Huh?

This video is WHACK.  At first I thought, this drummer is a tool, yeah, talented, but a complete tool.  Yeah his moves are awesome, out of control, brilliant, but they just do not match up with the rest of the bit.  But then I thought, actually, this isn't a concert, it's a show!  The drummer is putting on a show, like a circus, for the audience.  This is very present in this next video where the drummer and this other dude (not sure who he is) go nutty, get the audience into it (3:35), this is no concert, ladies and gentleman.  So, in this sense, go for the gold Mr. Drummer!

And that concludes it.  I have work to do, I'm sure you have work to do too.  That's what we do, we work, so in your work, be happy, be content, be glad you are working on whatever you are working on because you could be sitting in a corner staring at blank wall for hours upon hours, which in my opinion, is much better than doing data entry.

Go outside maybe, it's a nice day.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I'm back at school, just like *snap* that.  I'm taking a Spanish class, I'm three days in.  It should be good, it's basically immersion.  Which is a good thing, all I think about most of the day is Spanish.  Every day, constant Spanish throughout the week.  It's a good thing, but the class is very long.  Four hours a day, it feels like it get longer every day.  It's the first week though, it will speed up and feel short as the days go by.  Interterm is interterm.  It's bad in a good way.  I'm enjoying myself, there's so much work to be done.  So much work.  It's quite remarkable.

Because of this, I have little time to construct this Wednesday's post.  Sorry, I hope it doesn't produce negative emotions.

I have a couple announcements:

I had some fun designing this last week!  Hooray!  I completely redesigned my twitter profile as well as my myspace profile.  Here's something ironic, twitter is perhaps the most recent, biggest social media website, and myspace is perhaps the least, on the decline form of social media.  Here's the thing, I still dig myspace, I'd be on it every single day if it wasn't for nobody else wants to use it, I don't understand why.  At least from a designer's point of view, myspace destroys facebook, at least it did until myspace 3.0 came out.  It's all relative.  Here are your links:

Fun fun fun.

Here's something, while I was at Hume Lake during the summer, I shot two rolls of Kodak T-Max 400 film.  I had a good time, captured some good moments, and now they are online for you, you can now have a good time, you can capture some of those good moments.

Below is the link that links to the live album on my Facebook profile:

Here are two shots:

Fun fun fun.

You know what else is fun?


First up, there's this beatboxer called Beardyman and he took his talent to unsuspectors, I dig I dig.

In the spirit of skating, I took a trip back to yesteryear and remembered Rodney Mullen.  Remember Rodney Mullen?  One word: NUTTY.  Revolutionized skateboarding without his style becoming wildly popular.

Have you heard of Pogo?  If you don't recognize the name, you probably would recognize some of his work.  Here's his latest:

"This is remix of sights and sounds that I filmed around the city of Johannesburg, South Africa. This marks the beginning of my World Remix project!"

Super sick, super classic, check it:

Lastly, for all you vocal buffs out there, this video surfaced the other day.  Yesterday, when I found it, it had around 500,000 views.  Now, as I write this, it has 5,393,300 views.  That's quite a difference in a day.  Super super rad.  This homeless man has an incredible voice and he....well I'll just let him tell the story.

Currently, people all over are joining together to help this guy out, get him a job, get his life back together, and it might just work.  I wish him the best.


This is a great reason why the internet is rockin'. So great. So great.


And that's it folks.  Video heavy, media heavy, not word heavy.  It's a good thing every once in a while, yeah?  Fun fun fun for everyone.

Have a fun-filled day today.  Take a walk outside, feel the temperature, imagine what 20 degrees colder would feel like, and then imagine was 20 degrees warmer would feel like.  If you had to choose one, 20° warmer, 20° colder, or where you are right now, which one would you pick?

I must say, I'd be SO down for 87 degrees right now.  SOOOOO down.