Monday, January 17, 2011


Yeah, it's not Wednesday, but this is not a Wednesday-ing matter.  Last Saturday, the 15th of January, Mr. Isaac Svensson and myself launched a new, organic wedding videography company, we call it MAWWIAGE FILMS.  Website?

Here's the deal: our aim is to take you to the wedding; while watching, you need to feel like you are there, you need to feel like you are part of the experience.  We're going for an up-close and personal view into the wedding ceremony, rather than a birds-eye, disjointed perspective.  Take Randy and Megan as an example.  Yes, if you've been been following "It's Wednesday" for a while, this is THE STORY.

Randy & Megan from Mawwiage Films on Vimeo.

I'm really excited for Randy and Megan, and I'm really excited to see to where Mawwiage is going.  I'm honestly just excited to be a part of a very important moment in a couple's life.  Marriage is a big deal.

Here's our contact information, if you're interested:

And hey, while you're at it, if you're interested of course, peruse the website, there's a lot of good reading material and other goodies for you:

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