Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Color- est

Color is a bizarre, complicated, yet incredibly simple element.  Take notice of my clothing.  Do the colors match? No. They don't. When I was standing in front of the mirror, a look of disgust took place upon my face; just in case, I wasn't in a place to change.  Normally I would change, but I thought to myself "Man, color is such a bizarre, complicated, yet incredibly simple element, that I think I'll rock these whack colors today and write about it on my blog."  As you can tell, this is precisely what happened.  Seriously though, color is pretty crazy.  Why do some colors work together and others don't?  Whats the deal with complimentary, analogous, triadic, color schemes.  Don't know the answer, can't help you out.  What do I know? I know that color is an art and some people just don't have it, same reason some people can't clap on beat to save their lives, drives me bonkers, but it's life, and I'm blessed to have rhythm...and color recognition.  If you can't clap on beat, sorry.  If you can't tell red from black (yes, I'm talking to you Connor), sorry.  But here's the deal: you're probably using the skills that I have used up clapping and looking at colors in other better, cooler, radder, sweeter places than I could imagine.  You're talented.

That was a somewhat random spiel, how nice.

I've got some artistic matter for you today.  I am in a typography class at Biola labeled "Letters & Symbols."  Kind of hard to explain what exactly we learn, but it's an incredible class that is stretching my mind through great lengths.  We had a project due yesterday: we had to choose 3 words and then construct them out of virtually anything and everything.  There were rules, rules irrelevant to this blog, but I followed the rules and below are some fun examples of the outcome.  Enjoy.

Exhibit 1: Blue Painter's tape. FUN FACT: In real life, this stretches over 6 feet in length.

Exhibit 2: Hot Sauce on a refrigerator door. FUN FACT: In real life, this is still sitting outside my room. It smells like hot sauce exploded on a refrigerator door.

Exhibit 3: Socks. FUN FACT: In real life, those are real socks, look closely, you can tell.

Exhibit 4: Shoelace(s). FUN FACT: In real life, the shoelace had to be eliminated from the shoe in order to spell elimination. How symbolic.

And there you have it, some words.

Moving forward

This week is crazy, last week was crazy, so much stuff happens in a week, it is rather remarkable.  As of last week, Justin Bieber was pretty much a Biola student, that has changed quite a bit, but hey, I'm still a belieber.  Even the Mawwiage Films banner was updated, last week was weak sauce, we'ek needed to upgrade:

Mawwiage Films | Wedding Videography

Speaking of things that happen in a week.  There are two specific videos that were born and then took over the face of the planet this last week.  One is the girl from UCLA who rants about Asians in the library, expressing her disgust towards their behavior in the library and elsewhere.  I'm not going to post that trash on my blog, no offense. She has received mauling by the multitudes, I wish her good luck in the conquering the rest of her life.  It's a bummer this had to happen.

All in good form, the other video is by brilliant lyricist Rebecca Black.  Arguably the goodest lyrics of the year, Black's "Friday" inspires millions with lyrics such as

"Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes afterwards"


"We-we-we so excited"

Here's the vid.


So that's the plan, that's the jam, it's the end of the post, worth as much as spam.

Have a wonderful day people of the internet. Enjoy yourself on this fine day.

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