Wednesday, May 27, 2009


First of all, today's (yesterday's/tomorrow's?) post is late. I do apologize. Many different things happened today, all of which I will not speak of, but most of it was good, very good. Some had to do with conversation, some had to do with thought provocation, some had to do with driving, some had to do with forgiving. Good stuff in all. I do enjoy vaguity. On a high note, youth group tonight turned out much better than I expected. A phatty brick came and hit me on the head (figuratively, of course) and I revisited an era in my life that I had kinda forgotten about, but hadn't dealt with. It was dealt with tonight.

\\ So anyway, that is the story of why this is late and this will be the story that I wrote during 6th period in the Royal High School library. Enjoy//

A few things have been brought to my attention.

First, I did not know what I was doing when I got dressed this morning. I basically looked in my closet, picked a few items of clothing and put them all on over the top of each other. That was the process, that was how fast it was, that is how much time I really devoted to it. People did not know what to think of it. I did not know what to think of it. At first, "it is all about layers," which it is, but is that what I should tell people? A couple times, I declared myself a "walking Photoshop." I had to be careful saying this because 79% of the time, the reference would be left misunderstood. Mr. Scott Weir called me a British Airman. Why? I don't have a clue. Mr. Mike Cirricione exclaimed I looked like the fashion police. As I took my two outer coverings off towards the end of the school day due to the climb in temperature, I realized I did actually look, as [anonymous] stated, like a hip hop dancer. The headband under the hat really sealed the Ziploc on that one. Moral of the story: today was random-look-through-closet-pick-and-wear day.

Second, Ms. Jillian Nolke asked me if I was going to continue this Wednesday tradition in college. Up to that point, I had assumed I would, due to its randomness and ability to make the week interesting. However, as she asked that, I actually deeply considered the decision. Will I continue the collared-shirt Wednesday? I can honestly say that I do not know. Here is the dilemma: I only have so many clothes, and with that, only so many combinations of clothes to wear. When I explained this to Ms. Jillian Nolke, she said that it would be fine because nobody in college would realize I was repeating "outfits." However, as I thought, I decided that I would not be satisfied with this. It just wouldn't be right to repeat an outfit that that previously seen and experienced at Royal High School. But at the same time, do clothes really matter? This is exactly why I have determined that I do not have an answer to the college question. I guess we will have to see what happens.

\\I'm sorry if this post seems unusually short because it is compared to most of the recent ones. It's not short, however, compared to a good half of the first posts of the blog (you should check them out). I really do feel like I have stuff to write about, but it is late, and often times, when brilliant writing inspiration comes to my head, I am not sitting in front of a computer and, therefore, forget. It's fast, it's furious: I forget.

I really do have more to write about, but I guess this isn't the time. The coming weeks will consist of some pretty heartfelt stuff as graduation draws near. Oh humanity, oh high school, oh Bartleby.

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