Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Blues

It's one of those weeks where everything that potentially can happen, has happened, is happening, needs to happen, and will happen.  The to-do list is absurd and unfortunately this blog isn't too high on that list.  It is what it is.

Today is the last normal Wednesday of the semester. If you've been around a while, you know that this means the powder blue 1984 Los Angeles Olympics suit is pulled out and worn. This is a tradition that has held strong since mid-high school.  This year is a little different, however. Somehow, someplace, sometime, the powder blue 1984 Los Angeles Olympics necktie disappeared somehow, someplace, sometime between leaving my house for the summer to arriving at Biola for the semester. This story is further, further detailed, in this blog post: (aside: that's a pretty great blog post, super random stuff in that there week). So, that said, I ran around tie-less today. It was sad. I was on the verge of tears. This is a family heirloom and irreplaceable. I told my roommates I would pay up to $100 for a new powder blue 1984 Los Angeles Olympics necktie.  I also told them I am going to write a hand written letter to Levi's (the official 1984 Los Angeles Olympics clothing sponsor) just to see what they can do. Seriously. Heart-breaking.

Know what isn't heart-breaking? Watching movies from your childhood, but let's start from the beginning. Last Friday, Mr. Austin Axen organized a fantastic family dinner and it was fantastic.  I'm not quite sure what inspired it, but Mr. Axen has a knack for making normal things, like dinner at the caf, an event to remember. Thank you Austin.  The annual Biola University Christmas Tree Lighting followed and boy, it never fails to be spectacular. Carols, the King, candlelight. Perhaps the highlight was the showing of this video and watching this "adorbs" couple light the massivity of a Christmas tree themselves. Enjoy:

And then, to top it all off, Mr. Kyle Norman and Mr. Scott Weir had this brilliant idea (an idea I was unintentionally unaware of) to invite all sorts of people to my apartment to watch the movie we grew up loving, continue to love, and will always love: SPACE JAM.  I had talked to Kyle a few weeks ago, we talked about how great of a movie Space Jam is and then all of a sudden, people are at my house watching it.  Because I did not organize, I do not have a clue how or why people showed up at my house, but BOOM here they and BOOM we proceed to watch the triple-Oscar winning film SPACE JAM featuring Academy Award winning actor Michael Jordan who has also won some other sort of basketball awards.  Here was the group in alphabetical order: Mr. Austin Axen, Ms. Laura Cook, Ms. Sierra Falco, Ms. Sarah Hau, Mr. Ben Jacuk, Mr. Joel Limbauan, Ms. Melanie Lott, Ms. Sarah McAlpine, Ms. Melanie McLaughlin, Mr. Kyle Norman, Mr. Josh Suaverdez, Ms. Moe Tucker, Mr. Michael Warnecke, Mr. Scott Weir, two other guests (I'm embarrassed for not knowing their names), maybe one or two people I forgot, and then myself, Mr. Morgan Lott.

Following the movie, a game of charades broke out, spontaneity at its finest. Acting took place, laughing followed. Solid crew, solid film, solid good times. I've heard from a few people that Friday night was one of, if not THE best night of the semester. I'm not going to lie, friends, it was up there. When the Looney Tunes joins your party, it's a night to remember.

And now I have two random videos for you:

They are artsy, watch out:

And THAT, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the post for the last normal Wednesday of the semester. To think we start just a short few days ago... wow, time flies... as always.

Drink something for dinner you haven't tried in a while. Like cranberry juice with ice. Try it.

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