Wednesday, April 20, 2011


What. A. WEEK.  Not sure where to start, what to say, what to do.

I guess I'll just run through a few things:

Thursday: On Thursday, I had the wonderful opportunity to work with the folks at Hume Lake Christian Camps down in Long Beach to produce a video highlighting the mission field right in your backyard.  We spoke with Pat and his wife who go out on the streets of Long Beach every Thursday and simply provide a place for the homeless to "hang out."  Pat provides coffee and various other treats and simply loves the homeless of his community, being a friend to the hopeless, displaying the love of Christ through his encounters.  It was a really interesting time and the video will be a fun one to work on.  Thanks Hume for having me!

Friday: On Friday, I went to Burbank with my pop to put money away for my retirement.  From what I've heard, it's a good thing (and practice) to get into.  I'm 20 now, growing up.  60 isn't all that far away.  Following? I don't know if you remember me talking about a particular website competition.  "The Crexendo Website Competition is an event in which individual students or teams of students compete to design, manage, and launch a fully functional website using the eCommerce Content Management System (CMS) software provided by Crexendo." -

Biola University, the university I attend, allowed Crexendo to come in a sponsor a massive website contest.  Naturally, with a budding business building in Mawwiage Films, MF entered the contest, spent many many hours perfecting and allocating the webspace, and waited.  Friday was the awards ceremony held at the Immagination Summit at Biola.  I honestly didn't know what to expect going into this thing, I was hopeful, but couldn't pin it down.  I'll just cut to the chase: MAWWIAGEFILMS.COM won FIRST PLACE!  Not only bragging rights, but also a pretty hefty cash prize of $7500.  $7500?  $7500!  Here's the cool thing: because of this website and the adjoining competition, MF has put itself on the map, meaning investment is now required to improve our company, meaning the majority of the cash prize is going towards equipment, advertising , and other business like things.  The hope?  The investment will pay off in the long run.  CRAZYYYNESS.

Saturday: On Saturday, Mawwiage Films had the opportunity to capture the beautiful wedding of Mr. Adam Rivadeneyra and Ms. Karielle Saario.  It was a pleasure to be given the chance to record the events of this special day.  Are you ready for a tease?  SHOOT: 

Adam & Karielle: A Teaser from Mawwiage Films on Vimeo.

Get pumped for the finished product, we've got three coming your way!

GREAT story right here.

Mr. Isaac Svensson's laptop computer has a half-busted screen that he has dealt with for weeks/months (I don't know, I'd have to ask him).  Finally, it was time.  Mr. Svensson headed to the Apple Store to finally fix his frustration.  The way the Apple Store works, especially  with inquiries, is through appointment.  I believe it's called the Genius Bar (I don't know, I'd have to ask them)?  For whatever reason, Mr. Isaac Svensson, Mr. Kenny Becker, and Mr. Drew Eccleston (who had appointments as well) arrived late at the scene, too late to salvage their appointment times (I don't know why, I'd have to ask them).  I am relaying this story, so this is where it gets a little gray: something happened to where Mr. Becker received a new time, but Mr. Svensson did not.  Mr. Svensson then proceeds to speak with the Apple representative, explaining the situation, asking if there is anything he can do to pick up an appointment.  The rep proceeds to tell him there is little he can do, naturally.  So Mr. Svensson asks if the rep could at least call him if a appointment is cancelled or something opens up or anything else of that nature.  The rep agrees, so Mr. Svensson pulls out one of our Mawwiage Films business cards and hands it to the rep.  At this point, the rep reaches into his pocket and fumbles around in his wallet.  He laughs and pulls out of his wallet OUR BUSINESS CARD.  Turns out, this particular Apple representative was Mr. Louie Huesmann, the new rec guy for Hume Summer 2011, the same Mr. Heusmann who I had worked with in Long Beach the night before, the same Mr. Heusmann who I handed my business card to.  There are two people in the world who carry that business card around with them, and Mr. Louie Huesmann ran into both of them, separetly, in completely unique situations, having no idea Mr. Isaac Svensson and myself were affilated.  Perfect.

To end the story, Mr. Svensson's laptop computer is in the shop getting fixed.  Rockin.

And that's the post.  Some words!  That's a somewhat rarity!  Wow!

In other news, the year is ALMOST OVER.  Spring Break is next week, then it's just a few short weeks after that.   WHAT?

Have a brilliantly brilliant day.

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