I quite possibly think I maxed out the amount of work possible to do in a week. As I say that, I know I nowhere near maxed it out. The human body is incredible in that way, you honestly have no idea about how much, if you really put your mind to it, you are capable of doing in a week. Here's what I'm talking about: not only do I have a 4 hour Spanish class every day of the week, I also work a part time job 3 hours a day. It's not too bad. Here's the thing, this last week, Mr. Isaac Svensson and I launched a new wedding videography company. You may have seen something about it, you may not have. This past week was absolutely INSANE, trying to get our first video finished, trying to get a suitable website in action, trying to get all the logistics in place so we could officially launch on Saturday. That's what we did and we did it. I'm just telling you all of this for a bit of perspective on the week. Want to check it out? This is our website: http://mawwiagefilms.com. Yes, MAWWIAGE FILMS is the name. I posted on this blog a little blurb about it, so here is the link to that. Lastly, here is the Mawwiage's first wedding video, made for Mr. Randy and Mrs. Megan Marshman.
Randy & Megan from Mawwiage Films on Vimeo.
All that to say, it's been a crazy week! BUT, it gets better. Last Monday, Mr. Dustin Laemmlen called me up and asked if I'd be down to play drums for a winter camp at Hartland Christian Camp. Yeah, that weekend was going to be my only relaxation for the entirety of the 3 weeks of interterm, but how could I pass that up? 10 hours of driving, and 4 sets later, I returned to Biola, glad to have the opportunity to play drums again. I really enjoy it, I really do. Hartland was a good time + we jammed Aaron Gillespie's new worship single "We Were Made For You" which turned out to be a hit for both the campers and for all the members of our band. This song touched lives this weekend, as I'm sure it's touching lives all around the world. All in all, great weekend.
Oh, I forgot one thing. Saturday night, the only full day we were there, I spoke in my sleep. Mr. Cameron Toews heard me, and in the morning told me "Dude, you were speaking a different language or something!" I have no reason to believe it was not the Spanish language. I've been living and breathing Spanish for the last two weeks. If I really was really speaking Spanish in my sleep, I am absolutely, positively, 100% PUMPED. Incéible.
I've got something for you,,,pretty exciting.
I just discovered this new publication called C A R S O N; when I saw the image above, my heart leapt a little. "Could this be by David Carson, one of the most influential graphic designers of all time, not to mention perhaps my favorite graphic design?" Indeed, C A R S O N is a new magazine that shares graphic design, fine art, photography, the list goes on and on.
Here's why I'm pumped: David Carson is known for his extremely experimental approach to magazine design, reinventing the way the magazine should be read. C A R S O N is taking David Carson's inspiration, collaborating it with multitudes of other artists and writers and compiling the collection of ideas to form a new type of journalism that strays away from normal tabloid-journalism. Here's a quote: "C A R S O N is a way of seeing our world in an exciting way, which in these times can often seem confusing, overwhelming, and/or soulless."
I am extremely pumped for this, it looks like it's going to be steady, revolutionary, look into what print is today and what it is going to become. Print fascinates me and I want to learn more and more and more about it....this is definitely a start.
If you're interested, check out the C A R S O N website at "http://www.carsonmag.net." Perhaps a subscription?
Dig it.
Quite the aside, huh?
I guess you could call this the art-fied blog post, because the video I'm going to show you next is from a video installation in a Best Buy. What? Check it out:
Best Buy As Art Gallery from PopSci.com on Vimeo.
This is crazy. Number 1, the artist sought out Best Buy because no art gallery (or anywhere else for that matter) can supply enough HD televisions to properly display Borna Sammak's work. Number 2, the way they convinced Best Buy to let them have an art show in their store was by telling them the show will generate foot traffic from potential buyers that wouldn't normally step into Best Buy. Number 3, take a look at what is on the screens, can you get any nuttier than that? Chopped up video, going CRAZY, all saturated a such. Pretty cool. I dig I dig.
Well, I think that concludes this post. I hope you enjoyed yourself, I know I have. In the mood of art, I'm going to search "random art" on google and find a truly random piece of art. Then I will post this random piece of art right below this paragraph. In the meantime, I hope you have a brilliantly artistic day. Take the next writing utensil you hold and take the next suitable writing surface, such as a piece of paper, a napkin, or even your hand, and doodle. Maybe write something, like something inspirational or something. Or doodle a little dude holding a shovel. I don't know, you do what you do, you artist, you.
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