Here's the other thing, I have very little time to write this, but I do it anyway, not sure why, I've got stuff to talk about, not really, but, hey, we'll try it out, see where it goes, no knowing where it goes, because, hey, this is "It's Wednesday" and it could go wherever those words want to take it. Boom boom bam, let's go.
Last week, I sped through the post, last week I didn't even mention 2011. It's 2011 folks, nutty and a half. Yesterday was 1-11-11, nutty and three quarters. I'm almost used to writing "11" instead of "10." Normally this process takes months, but because of my job, where I am writing the date numerous numerous times a day, the process was sped up. I still mess it up sometimes though, I'm human.
Interterm has been incredibly busy, it's perhaps unreal, but it's very real because I am here doing it. So many things to do, so little time to do it. I posted this on my facebook the other day: "
Next up, you played wiffleball? Yeah, the white ball with all sorts of holes all over it and it goes really slow through the air but is surprisingly hard to hit and it turns into a rather entertaining game of wiffleball? Yeah, that one. This video is entitled "Sick Wiffleball Pitches." The title cannot get more accurate. The amount of control and the movement this gentleman has on this hole-y ball is OUT OF CONTROL. There's other videos of him against actual batters and the batters look like loons trying to hit a wiffleball. Beauty.
Lastly, check this drummer out. Huh?
This video is WHACK. At first I thought, this drummer is a tool, yeah, talented, but a complete tool. Yeah his moves are awesome, out of control, brilliant, but they just do not match up with the rest of the bit. But then I thought, actually, this isn't a concert, it's a show! The drummer is putting on a show, like a circus, for the audience. This is very present in this next video where the drummer and this other dude (not sure who he is) go nutty, get the audience into it (3:35), this is no concert, ladies and gentleman. So, in this sense, go for the gold Mr. Drummer!
And that concludes it. I have work to do, I'm sure you have work to do too. That's what we do, we work, so in your work, be happy, be content, be glad you are working on whatever you are working on because you could be sitting in a corner staring at blank wall for hours upon hours, which in my opinion, is much better than doing data entry.
Go outside maybe, it's a nice day.
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