It's cloudy today. It's overcast today. It's gloomy today. Point is, it's not sunny, clear, and cheery. I don't know why, I can't control it, but hey, I can say I like the sun a whole lot, which indeed I do, I like the sun a whole lot. The feeling of warmth on the skin trumps all other feelings, at least the feelings I have experienced thus far in my life; there is no other experience than feeling the warmth of the skin bask on your skin. I'm getting all giddy, I want to sit outside in the sun, but alas, it's cloudy today. It's overcast today. It's gloomy today.
The last week has been good. In fact, it's been really good. Chill workload, long weekend because of Labor Day, a canceled trip to Black Star Canyon, a trip to Hollywood, unexpected visitors, and a memorable trip to the beach made the last week, more specifically the last 5 days, very good. I'm sorry I'm being vague.
Here's a side note: I like playing with vaguity (Vaguity isn't even a word, it's made up, but it works perfectly). It's super interesting when you leave out certain details, prompting questions like "What is Black Star Canyon and, better yet, why was the trip canceled?" It makes you think, it makes me think about what you think, it's quite the thinking process.
Now that that's said, the last week has been excellent. It's good to be back in the norm of things. School is cruising.
In other news, I had a job interview today, which is partially why I am dressed the way I am. The concept of professionalism intrigues me. I'm going to play with vaguity again and not tell you what job I interviewed for.
Speaking of Hollywood, while we were there, I took video and am now compiling that video into a comprehensible piece of multimedia. In other words, I am editing the video and am honestly stoked on how it is turning out. It will, unless I don't finish it, and I better finish it, show up in next weeks post. Krill.
In other news, I'm bringing back a section that hasn't been included for quite some time: the videos. If you missed them, then here you go, feast. If you didn't miss them, watch them anyway. If you don't want to watch them anyway, it's not difficult to scroll past them. They are just little snippets of interest that I have come across during the last week, so as I "just ran across" them, you are free to "just run across" them as well.
Up first, this gentlemen and his picturesque account of World War II particularly intrigued me. I can't quite put a finger on why, but I think it may not only be the incredible story, but the fact that he remembers it that well, and not only that he remembers it, but it is possibly just as emotional now as it was then. Super interesting and super worth a watch.
Seconds. You may or not know who Mr. Aaron Gillespie is. Read the second portion of this post: and you will quickly learn about and/or recall the situation. This is just background. The video below was particularly eye opening to me, it put a whole new light on the whole situation. Definitely worth a watch, if you are a music fan or not.
I Am Living: Aaron Gillespie from Come&Live! on Vimeo.
Thirds. This last video really has not particular rhyme or reason. Seriously. I just thought it was interesting, especially the size and shape the video. That may just be more interesting than the video itself.
Water Falling into a Cup (Canon 7D) from Blue Green on Vimeo.
Enjoy? Enjoy. I hope you enjoyed those particular pieces of media.
I believe my job here is done. I don't have much else to write about. No more many topics are is coming to mind minds.
So there you have it, another blog post, another Wednesday. I still wonder if it's worth doing...but that's entirely different subject.
Here are my parting words:
Yeah it's cloudy today. Yeah, it's overcast today. Yeah, it's gloomy today. But guess what? That doesn't mean you have to be cloudy. That doesn't mean you have to be overcast. And most of all, that doesn't mean you have to be gloomy.
Be cheerful, look at a ladybug and smile. Or just wear one on your head.
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