It's 12:15, I just ate lunch, and I am now writing a blog post. I had pasta, manicotti, Hawaiian pizza, a breadstick, honeydew, and a glass, actually more like a plastic cup, of chocolate milk. This is just hit me now, I miss POG a whole lot. POG is Passionfruit Orange Guava juice for those of you who didn't know. I had POG, most often mixed with cranberry juice, at least once a day every day at Hume Lake while I was working there. It was a highlight of my day...everyday. When the POG machine was "out on lunch break," it made my shoulders sulk. I loved me a good cup of POG berry.
Anyhow, it's Wednesday, the middle of the week of the second week, the first full week, of school. This week is going well, classes are shaping up, comfortability is arriving, and it still feels like I've been here a long long time. Interesting.
In other news, this semester is going to be rather media intensive because I'm in a few media intensive classes; so what this means is this: I will more than likely be posting some of my work on this here blog for you, the reader, to see, to watch, to hear, to experience, to enjoy, to hate, to promote conversation, to bore, to promote confrontation. I'll be posting, you'll be doing what you do, and, more than likely, I will never know how you feel about it. I guess that is somewhat artistic.
I'm in kind of a strange mood right now, don't know why, maybe it's just right here, in this moment. I'm just typing this blog post, when I get up to go to class, Nature of Mathematics, this so-called "strange mood" will more than likely disappear completely. So you, the reader, perhaps get to experience this so-called "strange mood" during its only appearance. Congratulations.
I don't have much to write about and I'm crunched for time which doesn't normally help things. Here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to give the grand tour of my room. I hope that's okay. I hope you don't feel cramped and/or uncomfortable. I apologize for the mess in advance. Here we go:
Welcome to Stewart 162, the room intermittently belonging to Mr. Joel Limbauan and Mr. Morgan Lott. This is the view from the front door. If you look to the left and right sides of the photograph you will see the door frame. The room is small, but we try and make good use of valuable space. As you can see, Mr. Joel Limbauan is hard at work as a good student should be.
If you look to your left, you stumble upon my desk. Let's take a closer look:
This is my workstation, where I spend my time on the technology of this day in age. Please excuse the organized mess. There really is not much to see here, more like a quick stop on the tour.
If you look at the front of the workstation, you will notice a particularly confident and hungry animal. I saved this animal from the depths of the dumpster while still in high school and decided to adopt him into my family. He has made an impression upon my room for a number of years now. I hope he makes a positive impact upon you as well.
If you look up on the wall, you will see a collection of different items:
Although the photograph ranges your viewing experience practically useless, the wall is adorned by interesting pieces of art and other items of interest. If you look to the left portion of the wall, you will see a collection comic strips that have brought upon hearty laughter a number of times in my life. If continue to your right, you will stumble upon manila envelopes that give a nice contrast to the blank wall.
Among the rest, the phrase "S'us b'ilt" likely stands out to you:
"S'us b'ilt" is a competitive team that competitively participates in competitive competition. It remains a mystery. Below the competitiveness ranges a number of bananas that have been struck by the curse of time to wither.
If you bring your eyes even lower, you will notice a particular picture frame:
This is my inspiration, my goal. If you cannot make out the faint words, it reads "VIDEO PRODUCTION PROFESSIONAL :: RUDY CAMPOS." My goal is to become the video production professional, my goal is to become the Rudy Campos of today.
I hope you enjoyed today's tour of Stewart 162. Before you exit, please make sure you have picked up all of your belongings, and exit to the left. Thank you and enjoy your day.
The tour guide pretty much summed it up. I don't have much more else to say. It's been beautiful, weather wise, these last couple of days. The weather is unbelievable. I can't begin thinking about or else I will just go off and talk and talk and go off. So, that said, go outside today. Enjoy the weather. Even better, go outside with someone else and enjoy the weather with them.
Oh yeah, and today is September 1st. What?
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