Wednesday, November 14, 2012


It's November 14th, 2012.  The day after November 13, 2012, the day of my 22nd birthday. Birthday's are funky things, I suppose the reason is because it comes once a year, noting the annual recycling of the human body. Once a year, I recognize I am a year older. That's it. I am 365 days older than I was last year. A birthday official-izes that. Nevertheless, it was a good day. I slept in, my three hour class didn't happen, and then I wrote a paper and prepared for a final rock climbing exam. The final went well, although I am BUMMED rock climbing is over (I'll touch on that later). Then I headed to my sister Melanie's house where she so graciously hosted a fun birthday shindig! Friends from all walks of my life showed up and it was a fantastic time of socializing. Side note: seeing friends from one walk of my life meet friends from another walk of my life is pretty fantastic. In the end, my birthday was a good one, people are kind. I wrote this on my facebook last night:

This all holds true.

I also enjoyed returning to the ancient days of my birthday. For my 18th birthday, I tried out a birthday party for the first time since 2001. Check out this motley crew: 

Want to see all the pictures from this wild event? Here are the facebook albums, back when facebook albums could hold a maximum of 60 low-res photos. OH, how times have changed.

This is crazy to look back on as well, the beginnings of my creative voice within graphic design.

The invitation:

And here's the blog post for some fun writingz:

SO, rock climbing. I went on a rock climbing trip this last weekend with the rock climbing PE class at Biola University. I have ONE thing to say (because I will talk, explain, and show pictures of this trip hopefully next week): this rock climbing was trip was one of the funnest most bestest trips of my college career. I'm all giddy, like a little kid. It was SPECTACULAR. I'll tell you about it soon.

Unfortunately, this trip took the entire weekend so I am LOADED with work to do. This will have to be in for this edition of "It's Wednesday!" Thanks for reading. Without you, this blog would still exist but the motivation to write wouldn't really. I am encouraged over and over by you, the reader, to continue utilizing this free web service we like to call "Blogger" to expel and derive and enunciate on short cusps of my life.

You're the best. Keep being the best. Tell someone else they're the best and that they should keep being the best. Then, tell them to tell someone else that they're the best and that they should keep being the best. The cycle continues and all of a sudden the whole world is encouraged (or just really egocentric).

You're the best.

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