Wednesday, February 29, 2012



Friends, Leap Day comes once every four years, but actually every seven years. Last time, Leap Day came was 2008, that was four years ago. Today is Leap Day. The next Leap year will fall on 2016, four years from now. So we've got three years on both sides of us.

My numbers are off. WHATEVER. IT'S LEAP DAY! Get psyched, amped, jazzed, pumped, GOING ABSOLUTELY BALLISTIC!


Friends, this blog post is a sad one. I'm here to report that I don't know how I will humanly possible be able to maintain this blog to the extent I would like to and the extent you deserve. You see, last weeks didn't even make it out in time (here's the link, there's lots of fun photos there. For seriously. And this week I'm crunched for time as well. It simply isn't working out as well this semester as every other semester.  It's a sad moment.  So here's a survey:

So, friends, we'll see what happens. It really pains me to drop to such drastic measures.

This last weekend was seriously one of the most ridiculous weekends of my life. Here's the rundown.

Fri: Film my good friends Chase Wagner and Paige Echarte's wedding with Mawwiage Films. This wedding was absolutely 100% breathtaking. I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE IT. So beautiful. I can't wait to show you our video(s).  Here's an image or two from Smetona Photo (

Sat: Film the Spring 2012 Adamo Collection clothing line launch party in Huntington Beach. INTENSE! Lots of people came out, art was displayed, music was blasted, all in all, good time. The video will be posted here when completed!

Sun: Playing drums drums drums for House of Worship at Biola. So good to get behind the set again, especially while worshiping our God. I have some video of that as well that will hopefully get edited into something worth watching/listening.

Madness of a weekend, and it doesn't stop! This kinda stuff comes up, goes away, more comes up, goes away, as it goes. As it goes. This is life and it's going at millions of miles per hour. I keep catching myself blinking. It's not healthy. I'm going to miss this life of mine.

Have an excellent excellent week my fellow internet browsers. Enjoy something you've never enjoyed before. Like salted peanuts. Or knocking over pylons.

Enjoy life. And don't blink.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Remember how last week there was a really good blog post with stories and pictures and all sorts of other fun stuff? Well you should probably go read it because this week is unbelievably busy busy busy busy busy busy.

That's why this post is a day late. It's not really late because it was ready to rock yesterday, it's just being posted late because last night was simply too balognay hectic.

I guess I just have a few photos for you.  Because that's all I have time for. Sorries.


A trip to Disneyland with THE FAM BAM.

And a trip into dwntn LOS ANGELES with friends.

It seriously pains me to leave you like this. Which barely nothin.

I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed the pictures though.

Take a few pictures yourself. Have fun. Shoot anything and everything. Capture life.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012



Friends, this is the 200th post of this blog. 200. Something else monumental happened this week. 20,000 views. "It's Wednesday!" has been viewed 20,000 separate times since it's creation in 2008.  And this is the 200th post.  It's been quite the journey, people.  This thing has survived through the best of times, the worst of times, the age of wisdom, the epoch of incredulity. This thing has survived through times of drought, through times of abundance, through times of obviousness, through times of mystery. 

20,000 views from you, the reader. 200 posts from me, the writer. Thank you. Seriously.

It was raining today. Rain is the pits. I'm not going go into that.

Don't mistake me though, today was great! Other than the rain. Here. Take a look. I took this picture about a half an hour ago right outside my apartment:

This rainbow rainblew my mind. The picture doesn't do the real thing justice, this rainbow was off-the-wall vivid, the colors radiated through the sky and pierced my pupils, making my eyes get real big, forcing me to take off running, grabbing my roommates to check out the "they're-after-me-lucky-charms" extravaganza.

Rainbows are up there on my "favorite things" list.  It's a promise given to us by our Creator. And a reminder. Unreal. In awe. Awesome.

13 I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. - Genesis 9:13-15

So yesterday was St. Valentine's Day. This was me yesterday, during St. Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is one of bizarre-est holiday's on this planet.  It's a day about love... I guess. I enjoy watching the festivities take place. Lots of roses, lots of holding hands, lots of smoochy smooches. I wore my Grandpa's Sun Maid Raisin's hat and my 101 Dalmatians tie from Ms. Ellie Mullins.  Red and white, red and white.  Good day, no doubt.

The night is better though. So my Tuesday's are crazy, I've got class for hours and hours on end.  I get out of class at 10:00 PM and head back to Tropicana and find an apartment full of girls who were previously going to see The Vow but had bowed out and bought the newest Twilight movie instead, insisting on a movie night. So what did I do? Well, I watched a movie I've only heard girls squeal about. I watched a movie about vampires, werewolves, weddings, and love. I watched a movie that millions upon millions of people, mostly of the female kind, absolutely adore. I watched Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 with a bunch of girls and a couple dudes. I also ate chocolate, a lot of chocolate. 

So, the movie ended, the girls swooned, the guys gaffed. The Ms. Amanda Cooper had this brilliant idea: "LET'S GO TO THE BEACH!" It was 1:30 AM. Earlier that day, I had eaten a Dove chocolate and this is what it read:

Friends, end of story. We had to go. So we took off, Ms. Amanda Cooper, Ms. Veronica Luckey, and Ms. Brittany Watts, Mr. Ben Jacuk and I took a drive to Seal Beach in the middle middle of night.
It was cold, real cold.  It was also strangely reminiscent to the madness that was the Kids of the Run all-night-bonfire-party that took place last semester (take a gander at that story here, near the end: Seal Beach is an interesting beach, very industrial. Also, I had IMMENSE stomach pains the entire time, I think it was the massive amounts of chocolate I ate while feasting my eyes on Twilight.  BUT, definitely definitely definitely a good time. Spontaneous events like this make life just THAT much better. Seriously. Here's a picture of us laying perhaps a little too close to the water on the frigid sand.  Good times.

We ended up getting back to Tropicana around 4 in the morning. It was early. It was late. I'm sure we all had problems getting up/staying awake the next day (today). But you know what? It was all worth it, all 100% of it. This is memories in the making. These are memories in the making. Then BOOM, we've got a memory. It's a beautiful thing.

And I believe that is all there is to report on! I always enjoy blog posts like this, blog posts with stories, blog posts that are interesting to read, look at, watch. I hope you do too.

I'm going to pass Dove's advice onto you:


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I'm in a WHACK MOOD RIGHT NOW. So, before you continue on, play this music, because it perfectly describes the WHCK mood I'm in:

Okay, okay, okay. We're one week into school and it's ABSOLUTELY CRAZY! Hard to explain why. But it's swell, it's going, and it's not stopping. Classes are crazy, learnings are crazy, new things are crazy, crazy is crazy is crazy is crazy.

Friends, I don't know what's gotten into me.

Friends, crazy stuff is going to happen this semester and there's no telling what it's going to be like. 

Something cool happened this week. My friends at Adamo Collection decided they would feature me in their online magazine this week. Wait, what?! I was, am, and will be honored. Take a look here:

and here's a fun video I threw together for it. Talk about a talking head.

RAW by adamo // Morgan Lott from Morgan Lott on Vimeo.

And BOOM BOOM BANG! This post is practically done. I haven't found a good amount of time on Wednesday's to pound this bloggy blog out, my schedule is kinda funky on the day of the week we start with a "W." I'll figure it out...evenutally.

Take a look at this fun craziness of a video to finish off our time together. It's a funky one, watch out.

Masquerade from Duodezimalsystem on Vimeo.

Farewell, friends. My redonkulous mood has just about subsided. So there you go.

Get in crazy moods every once in a while. Dance around a bit. Have a ball.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


The semester has started. My second to last semester of college has started. My potentially third to last semester of college has started. The semester has started and it is already going 1,000,000 mph. Miles per hour. A million. FLYING. But, this may be one of the first semesters that I am STOKED for most, if not all, my classes. Not only will important information be presented, but useful, applicable, beneficial information will be presented, and that, in my opinion, is a rarity. BUT, it's the first week, my hopes and dreams may be just that, hopes and dreams; hopefully, they come to fruition.

So, it's Wednesday again. I'm back writing this blog and it seems natural. It's something I've done almost every week of ever school semester since my senior year in high school. It just feels right, it just feels good, it just feels like I've always done it. Should it? Will it ever stop? Will it stop at the end of my stint at Biola? Will it stop this week? We'll have to see. You have just as good an idea about it as I do. It's been fun though, it really has. One of my favorite things to do when I'm just a tad bored is look and read through old blog posts. Use that lil "Random Post of the Refresh" button in the upper right corner. Read old stories, look at old photos, watch absolutely ridiculous videos. This stuff has been embedded in the internet and is here for keeps. It's fun to revisit it every once in a while, relive the moments.

This semesters going to add to this list of keepsakes. There will be stories. There will be moments. There will be memories. And they will be written down.

Sentimental, much? I laugh when my writing sounds sappy.

Moving forward. Over the winter break, I was asked by my home church, Simi Valley Community Church, to produce some videos to set up 3 weeks of sermons. We went into the project not having any idea how it would play out and, honestly, I couldn't be happier at the response we received. Provoke your thoughts my friends. How would you answer these questions?

What Do You Most Value In Life? // Pt. 1/3 from Morgan Lott on Vimeo.

What Do You Worry About Most In Life? // Pt. 2/3 from Morgan Lott on Vimeo.

What Do You Want To Achieve In Life? // Pt. 3/3 from Morgan Lott on Vimeo.

Got me thinking, hope you thought a little bit as well.

And that may be end of this post. I don't have much to report on, I don't have much to say. School's started and it's NUTTY.