Today is the first day of school. Today is the first day of school.
I'm kind of confused and this is why: it feels like it's not the first day of school. It feels like it's not the first day of school.
I'm kind of confused and this is why: I feel like the entire summer was simply a week off, a "summer spring break" if you will. I feel like I've returned to campus, did a little rearranging of my room, and *boom* right back at class on Monday. That's another weird thing. Today feels like Monday, in no way in the world could it be Wednesday, but hey, I don't control the calender; I look at the calender, and behold, it is Wednesday.
So, all that said, I am excited for this semester. My schedule looks like it will work out very nicely, having all my classes in between the hours of noon and 5 (except PE) will be nice and hopefully I can get some sort of working job because my mornings are virtually free free free. We'll see what happens.
Ok, so the picture you see above is an interesting one. It is from exactly one year ago today, well kinda, first day of school at least. I am wearing the exact same thing EXCEPT I added a little ornamentation, the argyle socks add a nice touch. Here is the picture from a year ago.
And here is the post from a year ago:
It's interesting to read that post, because a year ago, I was a brand, spankin' new freshman at Biola University. I'm not that brand, spankin' new freshman any more. I know my way around campus, I have more than 0 friends at school, the list continues. My emotional state, my psychological state, even the California state is at a completely different state today, August 25, 2010, than it was a year ago, August 26, 2010. Now THAT is something I can't go into because if I went into extensive detail about every single thing that has changed since then, not only would you be here a long time reading, but I'd be here even a longer time writing, and, honestly, I don't really want to be here even a longer time writing. FUN FACT: The post from last year was labeled "Leaf." I don't know why, I can't remember. Here's the fact, I am accidentally listening to the band "The Album Leaf" right now, as I write. Fun.
So, here, now, because this is the first day of school and it's a new segment of this blog, I will reexplain what this blog is all about. I lied. I did that a year ago, I'm just going to copy and paste from that post I linked above:
Let me explain what this blog is about for all my potential new readers in case it is not common knowledge. I started this blog at the beginning of my senior year in high school, simply to record the events I partook in for future remembrance. As the year progressed, I started to develop a name for myself. People were now expecting me to dress up on Wednesday, were now expecting me to dress up on holidays, were now expecting me to create a bigger, better blog entry every single week. Sometimes I wondered what caused the popularity, was it that someone decided to go against the trend? I was technically the oddball, not conforming to the style trends of society. Whatever the reason, the blog caught on and my dress antics were being noticed and now I am put in the spot of college; what do I do in college? Do I continue the blog? Do I continue dressing up? Do I do both? Do I do neither? I am here to tell you that as of right now, I am going to continue both, but, as always, we'll see what happens.
I hope this makes sense, especially to my fellow readers who are not used to, well, my style of writing. I write in stream of conscious meaning I don't edit, I don't outline, I don't, honestly, think before I write. I just go.
So that's the majority of the scoop. Here's what I didn't write a year ago. If you have been a follower of this blog, which I am extremely appreciative of, you will have realized I did not post consistently during the summer. In fact, I posted very inconsistently during the summer. There was absolutely no consistency about it. So here's the thing, I have grown out of my habit, I have grown away from the consistency of synonymousy of Wednesday's and blog posts. So, honestly, I don't know if I'll be in the mood to write these things, I don't know if I'll the inspiration to write these things, I don't know if I'll have the motivation to write these things. Nevertheless, I am up today, writing one of these things right now, so that will tell you something. I think it may be because I'm back and school and the blog writing habit is connected to school. Let's hope.
I do want to tell you this: this blog post is not like it will be in the future. Normally, I come up with stuff to write about during the week and write it down somewhere to remind me to write about it. Sometimes I'll include video and/or photography and/or other forms of media for your enjoyment. Here is a great example of what this blog was in its prime: So that is what this blog potentially could be in the coming weeks, so keep your eyes peeled.
I'm going to interject; I just said "keep your eyes peeled" and that took me directly to Hume Lake, Friday recreation chapel, watching the Great Race rules video when Megan Fate is explaining the secret bonus point worthy objects around camp. All of a sudden, Hume Lake memories flooded my mind. I have a feeling this type of remembrance will happen quite often.
So that's the scoop. That is what this blog is about. I hope you, the reader, enjoy it. I don't know if I would enjoy it if I, well, wasn't me. I can't know that, it's an impossibility. So there you have it, completeness.
Have a marvelous day today tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. You probably should keep that mindset for the days after as well. That'd be straight up krill.