Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Snuck up

So I guess there are ups and downs of everything in life; this blog is no exception.  Last week's post was the best in a long time.  There was a little bit of everything including things that matter.  Don't believe me?  Scroll down or click here and READ:

This week is a different story.  Even though I just go with the flow and make stuff up as I go (which means this post may turn out differently than I had orginally thought), I check out material throughout the week and if it is "blog-worthy" I make a note to include it.  There is little of that this week.

So here it goes.

First video: this video is relatively old (what does "old" mean any more) and it has been passed around a decent amount since I saw it last Friday.  Nevertheless, it's worth a watch even if you've already seen it because it is BEAUTIFUL.  It's so awesome to see that even if we can control most everything on earth, we really have no control over what matters.  It's humbling.  Check it.  Great music too: jónsi.

Iceland, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010 from Sean Stiegemeier on Vimeo.

Round 2: there's a story behind this one: here at Biola University, there is a little eatery labeled the "Eagle's Nest."  Recently, they have presented a plethora of desserts, one of which is a fruit cup with a variety of different fruits (so it seemed).  I never personally have purchased one of these fruit cups, but my roommate, Mr. Joel Limbauan has.  Anyway, one of the "fruit's" included in this fruit cup was unlike anything we have ever seen, tasted, felt; pretty much just blew our senses to confusion.  So finally, after about 3 encounter's with this strange new food, I did a little research.  I'll let the video explain:

Jicama.  NUTTY.  Craziest root, vegetable, fruit, thing I have ever had the priveledge of eating.

Something just hit me: today is the LAST regular Wednesday of the regular school year.  Technically this should be the day of the blue Olympic suit, but I have forgotten.  I'm not quite sure what to do. Should I pull it out next Wednesday, the day of my last final and my trip home?  I'm not sure about that.  We'll just have to wait and see.  Maybe the blue suit is turning into a once a year type of deal.  Like I said, we'll just have to wait and see.  However, for good measure, below is a picture of one of the previous "last-regular-Wednesday-of-the-year-blue-Olympic-suit-day" days.  Enjoy:

Oh and here's another reason why this is a "material-lacking" post.  In all my art and film classes, we have final projects due this week and next.  So here's what that means: I have a photography project, multiple 3D Design projects, and a mass media project that all are "blog" material, but they will be completed this week sometime.  Something to look forward to I guess.

Another "just-hit-me" moment: today is the last regular Wednesday of the year.  When did that happen?  In one week exactly I will be making my way home.  I will be in Simi Valley for approximately one full day and then I am off to Hume Lake where I will be all summer long.  In one week.  Madness.  This semester feels like it just began.  Time flies when, well, when you're doing school.

Oh also, this blog may have a serious amount of downtime during the summer.  I don't have a clue how often I will be able to update "It's Wednesday," let alone have any internet access whatsoever.  I don't know the situation as of yet, but will update as information arrives, i.e. when I get up there, get situated, and get my mode with the flowed.  I'll let you know, count on it.

That's the post, ladies and gentlemen.  I hope you enjoy it, straight up and happenin'.  Have a bountiful day today.  It may be gloomy, at least where I'm from, but keep the pep, feel the jump in your step, and enjoy life, enjoying the time flying.

EDIT: just found this nutty drumming video. This 13 year-old female drummer puts most drummers to shame. I am literally blown away. She's the boss.

Enjoy your day.

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