I write this short segment at 8:54 am. I am simply waiting for the shower. This morning is the first time the suite style bathrooms have heeded problem, the suite mates have a taken control of the fort and Joel and I have to scramble. Hmm. It's not their fault, it's not our fault, the situation cannot be controlled. I do wish they would maybe speed it up a bit though...
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday is the Torrey Conference. If you were to ask me what that means, I honestly would not be able to tell you. This is what I can tell; as a Biola student, you have to get 8 conference credits over the course of the three days. This i............hold up, it's shower time.
alright, stream of conscious...I'll be back in a few hours.
The first session of the Torrey conference is complete. As I was saying, I have seven credits left to attain out of nine possible. Each session is worth one credit, and after each session a reflection is project is offered for one credit. On the last day, Friday, Francis Chan will bring the heat and his session is worth two credits. I need 8, I have 1, the fun begins.
Today, I am wearing black and white. The idea put on it's running shoes and jogged into my head last night. What does the black and white mean? I am hoping that the ideas presented in the seminars these three days are black and white, that is, I can decide what I believe based on the ideas presented and not be stuck in the middle, walking the line, straddling the fence, between and rock and a hard place. Two blatantly obvious sides to choose from, I hope I choose one. What these sides are, I have yet to find out; remember- only one session has happened thus far.
I have an announcement. How many instrumentals fans do I have in the vast expanse of the interweb? This means no lyrical aspects of the music (sometimes there is a little bit, yes?). Well I have good news: I have been jamming to two bands recently that own the instrumental world up, be warned though, they are kind of experimental and interesting, so call it an acquired taste. Nevertheless, check them out! I'm sure they'll appreciate it. The first is "Bersarin Quartett," introduced to me by Mr. Julian Ho. They make homework music listening far from distracting. Brilliant background music. Brilliant mood music. The second is "The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble," very experimental jazz which is always a plus; it's not free jazz though, don't worry, there is a definite form. I don't expect you to take my word for either of these two bands. If you, I'll be honored.
I have a challenge. Check both of these bands out and comment, telling me if you liked them or not with a reason why. I like hearing opinions of people, it's nice to get somebody else's side of the story sometimes, you know what I'm saying? Challenge.
On the topic of music, you may remember in this post, I describe my drumming situation a little bit. The past couple weeks I have enjoyed jamming with Mr. Michael Warnecke from Hawaii and, most recently, Mr. Chase Wagner from Washington. When I say over the past couple of days, I actually mean just 3 times. That said, I miss playing drums in an organized fashion so incredibly much. Every singspo, every worship set, I get antsy, uncomfortable, I want to play so bad. Now, what are my intentions? Interesting question, thanks for asking. Worship is a touchy subject and worship through music is arguably the most recognized form of worship. When I am in a crowd of people, singing songs to our God, I often find myself struggling because I'm listening to the music rather than contemplating the words that I'm singing. It's something musicians do I think. So for me, playing drums during a worship set, in a way, takes the distraction away. I'm not necessarily more focused on the words, but I'm focused on playing music which is it's own form of worship. Playing in the band is also an important part in leading others in worshiping through music. I feel what I've written is extremely confusing and it's hard because all I am doing is writing text and it's a one way conversation and if you wanted to ask a question because what I said was confusing, you are unable and I am unable to effectively communicate my point. It's tough. I hope I made my point though. If not, ask me about it.
hmm...well that changed pace. Have a nice day today?
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