Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Star Wars

I feel there is a lot to write about, but I am drawing a blank. Try, I will.

Drumline ended this last weekend. I was thoroughly surprised the entire year. I honestly do not understand it. Here's the story: last year was horrendous. Yeah, I guess it was a little fun at times, but we did horrible at the competitions and it was, let me put it this way, embarrassing. So, naturally, I did not want to join this year. My heart was set on this. I was not going to waste hours upon hours of my time and $400 to work my tail off and virtually get laughed at. Nevertheless, I joined. Steve and Danny convinced me it would not be a repeat of last year. Sure enough, first couple was like I never left.

Now, I don't know how it happened, but we took first place at the first competition. I was befuddled. How on earth did we not get last place, let alone first? I still do not know how we did it. Anyway, I'd say this got us pumped. Long story short and many arguments and yelling later, we get to our second to last competition. Not only do we take first place out of 15 groups, we beat the second place team by 8 points. Yeah, that's right, we ruined the curve. Because of this, we were bumped up a division- for championships. LAME. We were consistently taking the field and winning, and now, for championships, we will be in a division higher and most likely get slammed. Great.

The period of time before championships=HORRIBLE. In this time, we had our worst practice that got so bad that we just quit halfway through and went home. Not good at all. We don't even finish the show. The entire season was spent working on this show that we couldn't even finish in the end. We get to championships, hoping we do not get last place. I just wanted to beat one solitary drumline and it would be worth it. Guess what? We took first place. NUTS!!!!

I don't understand it. Royal High School drumline never does good, ever. This year we OWNED. I don't understand it. We must have been pretty decent. There were plenty of faults from my point of view, but I guess they must have been pretty minimal. I just don't understand it.

I hope you realize that I don't understand it. I truly does not make sense. Anyway, drumline was definitely worth it this year. I didn't get in near as much trouble as I have in previous years (haha), but it definitely had it's moments. It turned out to be a lot of fun, and I honestly believe, at least for most the school, the drumline is looked upon with a higher regard than the band. That's right. We have worked hard to reach this point.

Alright, moving on. I have been super, incredibliy, insanely, rediculously, deliciously, majestically, celebratingly, masterfully busy to a point of overwhelm. Here is the next week:

  • Thursday: Prom nominee video due.
  • Friday: School (not used to it). Prom video showing. Biola Film Festival.
  • Saturday: Jazz Festival in the morning. Prom: the rest
  • Sunday: Church. Tryout for Heartland gig with cousin Matt. MAD studying....AP tests on Monday and Tuesday. Also on this day, as pointed out by the majestic Scott Weir, is the critically acclaimed Pinewood Derby.
  • Monday: Sci-Fi/Fantasy film due. Government AP test.
  • Tuesday: Statistics AP test.
  • Wednesday: Homefree!
You probably don't realize how much this is. Editing film takes FOREVER and we have two due. Fun, but not fun, if you know what I mean.

I feel like there is more. I feel like there is more. This blog entry was not particularly comical. If that aspect gives you your kicks, I am sorry. This blog entry featured kind of a strange picture. Let me assure you, it is not a normally and will not become a normality. If that aspect gives you your kicks, I am sorry. I hope you have a wonderful day, and hope you stay clean from the quickly spreading Swine Flu.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Time: The Eagle: The Essence

Time is flyin' folks. Maybe it is just me. Check it out. Today is April 22. Drumline is finished forever this weekend. The weekend after that is prom which I thought would be forever and a day away; not quite, it's on May 2nd. May 4 is my Government AP test, then Statistics AP test. Then, wait a second, then virtually nothing. INSANE. The rest of the year after AP testing will be mostly a breeze. Don't really have finals, Grad Night, Graduation, senior-end-of-the-year stuff. It's all moving so fast, just like "The Eagle." Refer to the title of this post if you fail to understand the quotation marks. Anyway, time is flying like no other. When I was a puny freshman, I thought the seniors were so old and grown up. Now I am a senior and I still feel like a puny freshman. I don't the 2009 graduating class really mature enough and ready to take on the challenge of college? I have my doubts. Don't get me wrong, I definitely do not want to stay in high school. Maybe it's just because I'm one of them. I can't see the good in my own age group. Now that I think of it, why do I even speak of this? (This blog is a "stream of consciousness" blog (if you don't know what that is, look it up) and I don't delete what I have already written) There is absolutely nothing I can do to improve the situation. So there you have it.

Alrighty, outfit explanation. I am currently in filming/editing mode for mine and Mr. Beau Aker's current film "Morgan and Beau's Excellent Adventure." This is my costume. Yes. Some said I was a farmer. I am not a farmer. Most nailed it on the nose: a redneck, hillbilly, type character. Mr. Teppei Kasai called it on accident. He called me a redneck, then apologized, thinking he offended me. My job is done.

Okay so this will catch you by surprise. If not, you have watched too many scary movies as a kid and therefore have become immune to the "surprise factor." This blog takes up a whole lot of time and sometimes I can afford to spend a whole lot of time writing it. Today is not one of those days. So this entry is relatively short. I can promise you this though: I may update and add more later today.

If not, I hope you have a wonderful day, enjoying the weather and enjoying the blessing of life because you can never know when it is your time to pass.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Technically it is Spring Break, but emotionally, no where near Spring Break. I am so insanely extremely extensively busy, it is hardly a break. I might consider it a Spring Overtime. Don't get me wrong, most of the stuff I am partaking in is something I'd like to be doing, whether it's film or going to concerts or the like. However, there is SO much of this stuff that it is rather overwhelming. Here's the breakdown:

Film and edit for Prom nominations
Film and edit for Sci-Fi "Morgan and Beau's Excellent Adventure"
Paint vase (not as easy as it sounds, trust me)
Read Pride and Prejudice and project
Government homework with Kevin Chen
Slideshow for school rally
Flyer for dad's upcoming voice over class
Flyer for Christian Club school event
Hang out with friends and go to stuff I'm invited to.
Hang out with people I haven't seen in a while (I have a feeling this is not going to happen)
Chores around the house, making it look nice
Doing things my parents ask me to do (not an option)
Sleep (Dream on Morgan)
and most of all Relax (Laugh out loud at this one, it is so outlandish)

That's a pretty good list. I feel like I'm missing something though. Anyway, my life is the equivalent of a fastforwarded three stooges film, madness in all corners, flying at a million miles per hour. And here I am, writing to my faithful readers. The week is halfway done and I have conquered a good three of that list. Wish me luck.

I'm going to go film with Beau right for our film. It should be pretty awesome. This is my exit. Enjoy your day, if you are on Spring Break or not, and stay underwhelmed.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Los Gigantes

This will be an interesting one. You may be wondering about my photo for today. It surprised me too. Originally, I was going to conquer a city and walk through the skyscrapers like I was a giant (I'll explain more later), then take a photo of myself doing it. That didn't happen. So I took this picture and I must have been unhappy at the moment because it turned out pretty dark as in I look like a menacing advancing terror. I'm sure what to say about this other than it doesn't at all match my outfit. The outfit: I was a San Fransisco Giants executive, sporting a Giants tie I received from Ms. Julie Nicolas. I am grateful. I wore the tie today because MLB season is not even three days old, and on a satisfactory note, the Giants are 1-0. Hopefully they can carry this winning record throughout the season. I would be a happy camper.

I feel that picture is necessary to properly convey my emotion towards the winning record.

In other news, this week has been pretty crazy, and spring break will definitely not change a bit. So I guess, according to the consensus, I am a pretty well known person at Royal High School. I made the top four in Prom King nominations. Is that weird? I think it is absolutely outlandish. Read this - It's a long picture for a long post - (the middle of it mostly) and you will know why I think this nomination is crazy. I dress different and become a household name. Outlandish. Anyway, I wasn't really planning on going to prom, but now I kind of have to so I have some decisions to make. I really wasn't prepared for this, it really caught me off guard, not on guard.

In other news, I forget who (if who I am about to talk about is you, please let me know and I will give you the credit you deserve), but somebody suggested I make a facebook fan page of this blog. It's pretty crazy how popular this thing has gotten, I honestly had no idea, no idea. Almost as much of an idea I had for the prom nomination. Anyway, click the link below, or the banner, and become fans on the book that saves faces! By the way, copy that code below the banner everywhere. It's bound to be everywhere.


So that's pretty much it. There are a lot of photos in this post. Enjoy it because it probably won't be happening again. Have a wonderful day, and wherever you are, whatever you do, whoever you see, think positively.

BREAKING NEWS: Mr. TJ Tolliver is the one who suggested the Facebook page. He now has the credit he deserves.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools

{yes, my head is jacked up in the picture. I purposely did that foolishly}
First priority: watch--

Second priority: read--

So last night I began thinking. April Fools Day is a pretty big deal so I wanted to make it good. I had no idea what I was going to do....what pants should I wear? What should I wear on my head? Many questions, some left unanswered. I had an idea though, what the shirt would say. "FEELING FOOLISH? ASK ME FOR MY CARD!" Originally, I was going to pose as the "April Fool" and hand out my business card. It wasn't until 10 something that it hit me: "Audition for the April Fool!" It blew up from there. I made 48 cards containing the following information:


Auditions: 4:30 to 6 pm
999 Enchanted Way, Simi Valley, Ca, 93065

Here was the plan. I was going to hand out these cards to people and urge them to show up at 4:30 for auditions and then not show up myself, so everybody is just waiting around for nothing. I get to school, and then by second period, I figured I'd better have a story. Throughout the day, the story got better; read on:

"This year, April Fools Day is on a Wednesday. This means that next year, April Fools Day will fall on a Thursday which means school will start an hour later, at 9:00 am. Before school that day, there will be a parade throughout town and the part you will be auditioning for, the April Fool, will be hoisted atop a float in all your glory."

Many questions were asked:

  • "999 Enchanted Way? That's not a real place." "Have you heard of the 19 and under clubs? That is where it is"
  • "Are you the April Fool this year?" "No."
  • "Are you getting paid?" "I get paid commission."
  • "Is this real?" "Of course it is real! I will be there!"
  • "How did you get this job?" (This was a toughie, I still don't have a real answer) "I was contacted online." "How did they find you?" "They saw how I dressed and figured I could get the word out!"
  • "Who hired you?" (I avoided answering this question. Mr. Jared Taylor called me out on it) "I was given 16 cards and I made massive amounts of copies!"
  • the list goes on...
As the day went on, I learned what people would believe and what they didn't. Some people knew immediately it was a massive April Fools joke. In 3rd period stats, we debated the event. They didn't believe me and asked me all sorts of tough questions. Mr. Jerame Maas told me that I was part of the trick, that I was being fooled into doing this endorsement. I told me to write in my blog that he said that, that I was just another part of a bigger scheme my friend's were putting on. He was wrong. In 3rd period stats, I made 72 more copies of the cards. This lasted until most of the way through lunch (lunch: I walked around the campus and people were yelling at me all sorts, asking for my card. I handed out all I had to a whole lot of people. My favorite people: the people who show off to their friends by calling in a mocking voice "hey, yellow shirt! Can I have a card?! as they laugh to their friends. I immediately run over to them, get right in the middle of the group and hand out cards, telling them to audition for the April Fool. I love the confused looks on the initial yeller's face, and as I walk away, the friends snicker at the kid who yelled at me in the first place.) By the end of the day, I had given out 190, yes 190, cards. I told myself I would consider my prank a success if one person showed up. I would feel accomplished. Just one person, out of 190.

It was time. I called up by buddy Mr. Nate Sutton and asked if he could come and help me film the event. Mr. Scott Weir also came, totally by accident, perchance. I had wanted to arrive at the location at least 15 minutes before so I would be set up and ready for the auditioners. I did not pick up Mr. Nate Sutton until 3 minutes before 4:30. My bad. We schooled through Simi, only to arrive 5 minutes late to the event I had planned. Turns out nobody was there. I was expecting this. I just wanted one person to show up. That would make my life. After about 20 minutes, Mr. Scott Weir gets a text message from Mr. TJ Tolliver. His inquiry resulted in the new surname of "Guinea Pig." Mr. Tolliver was asking about the event and his wish to come. He would have been the one, the one to make the event worth it. He never showed up. I bet William Matthews got him (reference to this video). So the whole thing was a bust. 190 cards given out, 0 people giving in. It was all worth it though, no doubt in my mind. I will never forget April Fools Day 2009, and I have a video to help me through my short term memory loss.

On the other side, many people had birthdays today. I know of at least 4, weird? Ms. Natalia Maldonado had a bday today and she had the pleasure of pranking Mrs. Lev with the rest of Mr. Lev's yearbook class. I was definitely an experience.