Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Technically it is Spring Break, but emotionally, no where near Spring Break. I am so insanely extremely extensively busy, it is hardly a break. I might consider it a Spring Overtime. Don't get me wrong, most of the stuff I am partaking in is something I'd like to be doing, whether it's film or going to concerts or the like. However, there is SO much of this stuff that it is rather overwhelming. Here's the breakdown:

Film and edit for Prom nominations
Film and edit for Sci-Fi "Morgan and Beau's Excellent Adventure"
Paint vase (not as easy as it sounds, trust me)
Read Pride and Prejudice and project
Government homework with Kevin Chen
Slideshow for school rally
Flyer for dad's upcoming voice over class
Flyer for Christian Club school event
Hang out with friends and go to stuff I'm invited to.
Hang out with people I haven't seen in a while (I have a feeling this is not going to happen)
Chores around the house, making it look nice
Doing things my parents ask me to do (not an option)
Sleep (Dream on Morgan)
and most of all Relax (Laugh out loud at this one, it is so outlandish)

That's a pretty good list. I feel like I'm missing something though. Anyway, my life is the equivalent of a fastforwarded three stooges film, madness in all corners, flying at a million miles per hour. And here I am, writing to my faithful readers. The week is halfway done and I have conquered a good three of that list. Wish me luck.

I'm going to go film with Beau right for our film. It should be pretty awesome. This is my exit. Enjoy your day, if you are on Spring Break or not, and stay underwhelmed.

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