"Here's the surreal part, I think it's going to be strange heading up that mountain knowing I'm not on staff. It's going to be weird waltzing around Hume without responsibility, with a camera in my hand. It's going to be weird still knowing a majority of the staff and having conversations that I would be having as if I were on staff. But at the end of the day, I can leave. I can drop my faux-commitment and drive down that mountain."Well, I'm here to tell you, this is EXACTLY what it was like. It was very strange, very weird, very faux. I enjoyed it thoroughly though. It was a trip seeing a good number of my summer pals and telling them "No, I'm not going to be working this summer." It was a trip walking around, feeling "at home." It was a trip hanging out in the media office, meeting the new videographers/photographers, and hanging with the QUALITY full-time staff. It was A TRIP going to the G-Store, getting a styrofoam cup, filing it up with ice and water, and enjoying the beverage (you Hume people might know the significance of this. Trust me, IT WAS A TRIP).
I'll just put it in 4 words: it was a trip.
To all the people I ran into, I very much enjoyed running into you. Every one of you. I also enjoyed our conversation, even if it was simply an exchange of hello's, not just running into you.
It was also a blast seeing the Hiett clan and Grandma. Always a pleasure. No doubt.
In other news, we've got videos, lotsofem.
First, here is a promo for a new film hittin' the world: Animal Fiction. More info on FB? http://www.facebook.com/pages/Animal-Fiction/204033439633114
Seconds: I (and Mawwiage Films) was blessed with a new toy: the Canon EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens. It was begging to be tested:
A Test Of Sorts :: EASY STREET from Morgan Lott on Vimeo.
Thirds: This little dude blew my mind fruits. Serious. Didn't know what to think at first. I mean, we've all seen this little act before, so I didn't know what to think. But let me tell you, the ferocity and the skill this little man displays left my jaw chillin' on the floor. I had to bend down to pick it up and then rewind the video because I had missed a few seconds of this gentleman's BEAST of a performance. Enjoy.
Fourthy: This video simply left me smiling. You may have heard of a GoPro. You may have heard of a hula hoop. Well here you go, what a solidified square inch of a hula hoop looks like as it's whipping around its contestant.
Mmm. Much enjoyment.
Hey you, yeah you. This has been another Wednesday. I mean, come on, a Wednesday. At 10:09 now. I hope you enjoyed your last week. Enjoy this next week, regardless how your last week was.
I realize there is not a picture today. I don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe I won't have one all summer.
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