Friday, June 24, 2011


Friends and neighbors, it's been a good week.  I'll just run through it.

For a while now, Mawwiage Films knew this weekend was on its way.  Mr. Eric Funk and Ms. Stephanie Wiens were set to be married on Sunday, June 19th, 2011 and MF had the pleasure to capture their wedding.  There was a little something that we were particularly excited about though: not only was the beast of a photographer Mr. Nate Goins ( going to be photographing this particular wedding, but the delightful Ellie Mullins ( was going to be second shooting for him.  Do you know what this meant?  This meant that basically half of the Hume Lake Summer 2010 Media Crew was reuniting to collaborate.  Put it in a word: krill. So, because of this, Mr. Isaac Svensson and I drove up to Fresno a wee bit early in order to capitalize on this unique opportunity.

Saturday night, the crew headed to the Mullins² Studio in Fresno to chill and watch a movie.  And who shows up? Well, another Hume photographer, Ms. Kim Sheehan. What commenced can be described in one word: FUN.  It was great reuniting.  What's cool about friendship is you can pick up right where you left off, whether thats a day, a week, a month, a summer, a school year, a full year, a decade.  It was enjoyable.

The next day was the wedding. I don't want to spoil too much, we've got a teaser coming your way real real soon.  Let's just say, it was a beautiful wedding in Oakhurst, CA.  Nice and warm, lots of happy happy people, including an ecstatic bride and groom.  Plus, shooting with good friends, boy, that's begging for the "GREAT" label.

Now heres the deal with Oakhurst. Oakhurst is right near Fresno, and Fresno is right near Hume Lake, our home away from home. We had already driven 3+ hours for the wedding, we were now a little over an hour from Hume, so clearly, Hume was our next stop. Mr. Nate Goins and Ms. Ellie Mullins are productive workers, so they were not able to join Mr. Isaac Svensson and I on our expedition. After saying our goodbyes for the time being to our good friends, we took off for the mountains.

As we were driving, I noticed flames. I assumed they were crops burning, clearing a spot for a fresh start. As we continued, I realized these weren't crops... this was an actual fire. We began up the 180 towards Hume and in the first 5 miles, sure enough, an entire hill was on fire. As we were driving past, we discussed stopping: we had camera gear, we had time, we had fire, OF COURSE we need to stop.  We pull over to the side of the road amidst the fire crews, pull out the gear and began shooting away.  Here are two shots from the event:

Read this: for continued stories.

After our little run-in with one of the most confusing phenomenon's that is FIRE, we continued on our way up the mountain. We were fortunate to borrow the Goins' family cabin, which was INCREDIBLE. We had a place to sleep, which is a big deal. Because of this, we ended up staying an extra day, simply because we had a place to sleep.

Hume was incredible. This is what I've been telling people: Rekindled friendships, made new friendships, and even made a little video for the campers. It was great great great to see many old friends from last year, friends from Biola that ended up at Hume, friends I knew from other places that ended up at Hume, friends I didn't know too well before but now do more-so, friends that didn't exist before this visit, my sister ROCKIN' the pantry, and some of the Friesen family who were visiting for the week. (Here's the deal, I thought about naming names, I thought about naming lots of names, I thought about for each of these "categories" naming names. But here's the deal with naming names, naturally, there's going to be a hierarchy, there's going to be "favorites." Now, obviously, we all have "favorite" friends, we have friends we get along with better than others, but they are all still friends. So, if I was going to name names, naturally, I would start with friends who I "like" more than other friends, even though they are still friends, perhaps even good friends. But here's the deal, ranking can be sticky business. If you saw yourself on my list and you were first, what would you think? If you saw yourself on my list and you were last, what would you think? If you DIDN'T see yourself on my list, what you think? So for this reason, I did not name names. If you read my categorical list, you know which category you fall under. You know if we're good friends. I know if we're good friends. You know if we're normal friends. I know if we're normal friends. We're all friends.) I enjoyed seeing and talking with every single one of you. I enjoyed our conversation. A lot.

You know what else was incredible? Getting all nostalgic-like; going NUTS in rec chapel, hanging in the media office with the old and new staff, enjoying a 7AM pancake breakfast, skating to and from boys town (my residence last year), enjoying POG, getting my consistent styrofoam cup of water from the G-Store, and finally, working on a short video with the new rec dudes, Nate and Louie, that was played in rec chapel the next day. There's honestly nothing like watching 1000 high schoolers go ABSOLUTELY APE watching your video, definitely top 10 best feelings.

Leaving was tough, we had been engulfed back into the Hume culture, just give us a camera and we were back in business.  We took off into the 100+ temperatures and said adios to our home away from home, a home that is responsible for our current lives, a home that is responsible for us not returning back to work at "home" (which is a bizarre thing to think about).  In fact, one of my art films from a while back was literally the BEGINNING of Mawwiage Films. Hume served as training, we were prepared, this was the BEGINNING:

Profession (Video Art) from Morgan Lott on Vimeo.

All this to say, the last week has been marvelous.  Such good times, such good experiences, such good memories.  Not only that, but Hume Lake is going to influence thousands of kids lives, God is going to work wonders through Hume this summer, it doesn't get better than that. Period.  I hope you enjoyed the story, good stories are always fun.  I hope your week is as marvelous as mine was. Seriously. In fact, to kick things off right, go out and drink out of a drinking fountain. Think about it, public, free, water, free for quenching your thirst. That's a pretty good way to start off a marvelous week.

Seriously folks, thanks for reading. Enjoy your fountain.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


WOAH folks! Wednesday came and gone. Wednesday came and gone without a blog post. This is not the first time it's happened. It's still "not good" though.

BUT, here's why. Yesterday (and the day before), I spend the day(s) at the Paramount Studio Lot in Hollywood, prepping and working at the Annual Billabong Design For Humanity event. I'll tell you about it, but I need you do something for me first. Mawwiage Films ( has just engulfed the world of Twitter, so please follow us! You won't regret it, not one bit.

Back to the story.  One of my professors, Mr. Daniel Chang, presented his students with an opportunity to volunteer at the Billabong event, so naturally, I snatched up the chance.  What followed was long long hours of unpacking, preparing, arranging, rearranging, measuring, and hanging 70+ pieces of art in a makeshift gallery space.  It was a good time, a mighty good time.  And let me tell you, figuring out the order to place the diverse art on the walls was one of the most complicated things I've ever been a part of.  Figuring value, significance, medium, and flow into the precise placement of every piece of art is no easy task.  All that to say, we eventually got the Art Auction ready for auctioning.  We were ready to roll.

The event itself on Wednesday went rather smoothly. I, along with Ms. Vanessa Watts, worked with Mr. Morgan Maassen to help promote and sell his photography.  Check out his work at  I enjoyed working in this small space, the people watching was incredible.  If you want specifics, ask me in person.  I have one good story though.  Mr. Morgan Maassen is a 20 year old male.  Mr. Morgan Lott is a 20 year old male.  Mr. Morgan Maassen was in and out, mostly out, of his gallery while Mr. Morgan Lott was always in his gallery.  A number of people walked up to Mr. Morgan Lott and asked "Hi, are you Morgan?" to which I would normally answer "Yes."  This situation, however, was different.  I could not answer "Yes" no matter how much I wanted to.  This was an interested dealing with honesty.  Is it honest to say "Yes, I am Morgan?" Well, I am telling the truth, I am indeed Morgan, but am I THE Morgan they're looking for? No. I would be deceiving them. DISHONESTY.  Is it honest to say "No, I am not Morgan?" Well, I am lying, I am indeed Morgan, but am  I THE Morgan they're looking for? No. I would be telling the truth.  DISHONESTY.  All that to say, I got a kick out of it.  Through the fashion show, the art auction, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, and approximately 4000 people attending, the 2011 Design For Humanity was a ball.

And then it was time to clean up.  After packaging up the art that was sold, packaging up the art that was not sold (I love how the complexity of such a task can be so easily stated in a simple sentence), it was 3 AM.  And what happens at 3 AM? Well, you head to Denny's.  We enjoyed a late night meal together to finish out the night.  And then, a typical "Morgan Lott Moment." On the way out, I somehow missed the freeway entrance, I drove right passed it. So I kept driving. All of a sudden, I was in residential area, and I cleverly thought "I don't think I'm going the right way." I didn't assume I had missed the freeway, I assumed I had went the wrong way in the first place.  So, I started driving, I started exploring.  After about 15 minutes, I realized I was in what I think was Thai Town.  It was at this point that this driving around looking for the freeway was not fun and games anymore.  Frustration began to set in.  Luckily, somehow, by the Grace of God, I found the 101-N minutes later and set on my merry way home.  I proceeded to write "I just added "Getting lost, alone, in Hollywood at 4 am for 30 mins" to my list of things I never want to do again."  It's true.

All in all though, an excellent two days.  I am grateful for the opportunity and seeing the event become a success? I'm always a fan.  Makes the hard work pay off.

So now, I have a video for you. I give you: Mr. and Mrs. Adam and Karielle Rivadeneyra!  Mawwiage Films had the pleasure of capturing the special day of these two and now it's your turn to experience the marvelous occasion!

Adam & Karielle Rivadeneyra from Mawwiage Films on Vimeo.

And then one more video.  This guy has been around for a few weeks now and I've been meaning to post it on this blog for a few weeks now, as well.  Now's the time.

This little guy is simply a sport.  He's the boss.  He's an inspiration to us all.  If we all approach our obstacles based on this dude's encouraging words, the sky isn't even the limit.

Let's change the world.

Have a great day today.  You should read a random sentence out of random book.  And then write your favorite phrase out of that sentence.  On the refrigerator.  With refrigerator magnets.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Oh man, today. Oh boy, today. It's 9:30pm and I'm writing this blog post, today. I spent the day at Hume Lake, dropping my kid sister, Ms. Melanie Lott, at her summer job for the summer, working the Ponderosa pantry, gonna be feeding all those fancy campers throughout the summer. Summer. You may recall the last blog post, I wrote about how I thought this trip to Hume would be a wild:

"Here's the surreal part, I think it's going to be strange heading up that mountain knowing I'm not on staff.  It's going to be weird waltzing around Hume without responsibility, with a camera in my hand.  It's going to be weird still knowing a majority of the staff and having conversations that I would be having as if I were on staff.  But at the end of the day, I can leave.  I can drop my faux-commitment and drive down that mountain."
Well, I'm here to tell you, this is EXACTLY what it was like.  It was very strange, very weird, very faux.  I enjoyed it thoroughly though.  It was a trip seeing a good number of my summer pals and telling them "No, I'm not going to be working this summer." It was a trip walking around, feeling "at home." It was a trip hanging out in the media office, meeting the new videographers/photographers, and hanging with the QUALITY full-time staff.  It was A TRIP going to the G-Store, getting a styrofoam cup, filing it up with ice and water, and enjoying the beverage (you Hume people might know the significance of this. Trust me, IT WAS A TRIP).

I'll just put it in 4 words: it was a trip.

To all the people I ran into, I very much enjoyed running into you.  Every one of you.  I also enjoyed our conversation, even if it was simply an exchange of hello's, not just running into you.

It was also a blast seeing the Hiett clan and Grandma.  Always a pleasure.  No doubt.

In other news, we've got videos, lotsofem.

First, here is a promo for a new film hittin' the world: Animal Fiction. More info on FB?

Seconds: I (and Mawwiage Films) was blessed with a new toy: the Canon EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens.  It was begging to be tested:

A Test Of Sorts :: EASY STREET from Morgan Lott on Vimeo.

Thirds: This little dude blew my mind fruits.  Serious.  Didn't know what to think at first. I mean, we've all seen this little act before, so I didn't know what to think.  But let me tell you, the ferocity and the skill this little man displays left my jaw chillin' on the floor.  I had to bend down to pick it up and then rewind the video because I had missed a few seconds of this gentleman's BEAST of a performance.  Enjoy.

Fourthy: This video simply left me smiling.  You may have heard of a GoPro. You may have heard of a hula hoop.  Well here you go, what a solidified square inch of a hula hoop looks like as it's whipping around its contestant.

Mmm. Much enjoyment.

Hey you, yeah you. This has been another Wednesday. I mean, come on, a Wednesday.  At 10:09 now. I hope you enjoyed your last week.  Enjoy this next week, regardless how your last week was.

I realize there is not a picture today.  I don't know what I'm going to do.  Maybe I won't have one all summer.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


**Yes, I know, there isn't a picture.  And yes, I know, that threatens the well-being of this blog.  I apologize, my camera is still packed away somewhere in the multitudes of boxes that sit stacked in my room.  Thank you Mr. Michael Warnecke for presenting this awful occasion.  BUT, it's also summer, so you might not get the normal Wednesday attire consistently. We'll have to see.**

Summer has officially started. Spring of 2011 has officially ended. School is at a standstill for a few months.  What a feeling.  This summer's an interesting one and will continue to be an interesting one.  The reason?  I don't know what I'm doing.  The reason?  Due to the nature of my job at Mawwiage Films, weddings aren't always scheduled way ahead of time.  So what does this mean?  It means my summer will be free-form, my summer has the potential to be extremely busy, all the while having the potential to be not busy at all.  It all depends.  This is different for me.  The last two summers have been very "strict" in their scheduling, playing drums with Remember at Hartland and then being a videographer at Hume Lake Christian Camps last summer.  These were not free-form summers, these were very regimented and planned out summers.  I enjoyed them, a lot.  I think I'll enjoy this summer too.  It's a breath of fresh air, well, I hope it is.  Seriously, its got the potential to be EXTREMELY busy.  I don't know how I'll feel if that happens.  BUT, am I complaining? Absolutely not.  I would way rather be head over heels in work than sitting around, doing absolutely nothing.  The two extremes, I'd pick business.  Hopefully it doesn't get to either of those points.

Speaking of summer, this was last summer:  This summer, I am not working at Hume Lake, but my sister, Ms. Melanie Lott, is.  I have a feeling it's going to be surreal and here's why: my family history at Hume Lake is pretty wild.  My Great-Grandpa Walter Warkentin was one the founders in 1946 and then from then on, my entire extended family has been very much involved.  Every summer of my life (basically), I have gone up at least once, either to camp or to our family cabin.  Last summer, I was on Hume Staff as a videographer.  I have had my fill of Hume, to say the least.  Now, this summer, I will be going up a number of times.  I don't know for sure, but I can take an educated guess that I'm going to view Hume in a different way from now on. The memories that were made, the relationships that developed, the skill-sets that were perfected; Hume Lake is responsible.  Here's the surreal part, I think it's going to be strange heading up that mountain knowing I'm not on staff.  It's going to be weird waltzing around Hume without responsiblitly, with a camera in my hand.  It's going to be weird still knowing a majority of the staff and having conversations that I would be having as if I were on staff.  But at the end of the day, I can leave.  I can drop my faux-commitment and drive down that mountain.

This seems jumbled, I think the moral of this story is: IT'S GOING TO BE WEIRD. And that's okay. In fact, it's great. I'm excited.  Know who else is excited?

I've got some presents for you.  1rst:

A MAWWIAGE FILMS teaser: you're in for a tease.  Get the hint?

Tyler & Kelsey: A Teaser from Mawwiage Films on Vimeo.


During this last semester, I took two art classes: Integrated Design 1 and Letters & Symbols.  I'm just going to say straight up, these two classes rocked my world.  I had never taken a formal design class before these two and these two, boy, were brutal.  It's one of those super super good brutal classes.  It's hard for me to express how much I learned, let's just say I am pleased with the work that came out of the end of the semester (I probably wouldn't say that about the work that came out of the beginning of the semester). So now, down below, enjoy some of the work I spent hours upon hours developing.  I must say, it feels great to be done.

Description: Explore image/text/location relationship. Post-it Notes.

Description: 1" thick plywood. 10" x 17". A puzzle of sorts.

Description: HUGE poster. Somethin' like 3' x 2'. I don't remember. Pretty big though. 26 letters of the alphabet stenciled and spray-painted onto balloons. Concept? United 93 vs. Titanic. Believe it or not.

Description: ZINE. A 24 page zine on airplanes. I really liked how this book turned out. I had a lot of fun with it and learned a whole bunch. 7" x 8.5".

Here's a selection:

And that's the first post of summer.  I'm still in the midst of unpacking, so I didn't have too much time to prepare and surround you with rockin' material.  This was something a little different though, stuff created by me.  I hope you enjoyed the show, the exhibition.  Let me know what you think if you feel led to.  I really would appreciate.  Constructive criticism is ALWAYS appreciated.

Enjoy your day(s)!  Rock the world of the people around you.  Give a random person a high-5.