Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Maid

The lineup is quite on this Wednesday.  You're in for a treat.  Be ready.

First off, I heard some positive feedback from last week's "October didn't even happen.  November? Time... time goes...." spiel.  Fact is, it's almost the end of November.  It's November 10th, double digits.  I'm almost 20 years old, 10 is half my age.  It's already the tenth, it's basically 2011.  Unbelievable.  I could go on, but I already "went on" in last weeks post.  If you're interested in a in depth description of how fast time flies, scroll down a bit and read the first couple paragraphs.  There you go.

This week's been good.  Still a million objectives to accomplish, says the life of a college student.  I think college is just one big busy party.  When you ask anybody, the response is "pretty tired, busy" a common theme among the one big buys party people.  It's beginning to slow down I think.  That's what I said last week and a number of projects were introduced, evolving the "slow down" to a "slightly less insane."  It's been good though; see, here's the thing, most of these so-called projects are film projects, I've been immersed in film for the last two months and it's been "good."  It's good because I am a film major and doing film things is a "requirement" to benefit my experience and knowledge of the expanse of filmography.  So being weighed down by film projects is a blessing in disquise, yeah it might wear me out and cause a considerable loss of ever-important sleep, but hey, I'm getting trained for my craft.

Speaking of craft, I just wrapped my latest film project.  Boy, was this a long time coming.  I kinda want to explain the entire process to this film, the immense amount of trial and error, the frustration of innumerable problems, but I honestly don't quite feel like doing that.  Let's just say this: this is : UNTITLED :, my latest film, it's finally complete, finally finished, and premiering here for your enjoyment.  So sit back, grab a pal, and enjoy! 

: Untitled : from Morgan Lott on Vimeo.

: UNTITLED : (2010) USA/3:24 min

Summary: "God hides things by putting them all around us." - Author Unknown


Morgan Lott - The Entirety


Ben Jacuk

Moving on.  I have two topics to discuss today.  Here's one: walking fast.  I recently have noticed the speed of people walking.  I personally walk very quickly.  I had a discussion with my sister last week about walking speed because, no offense to her, she walks incredibly slow.  I asked her how in the world she pulls it off, she says she loves taking her time and enjoying life around her.  I can't blame her, life is incredible.  Nevertheless, I believe walking slow is one of the worst things to do.  Don't get me wrong, walking slow can be awesome, especially when you don't have anything specific to do and/or you're with a significant other and/or you're taking your Sunday joy ride.  There are many times where walking slow is great.  However, most the time, especially at school, walking speed greatly influences time management.  At least for me, if I spend 15 minutes walking from the cafeteria to my room, enjoying the world, that's 10 minutes I have "wasted."  I have especially realized the important of "little time" this semester.  I "power walk" if you will, in order to get to my destination with efficiency and ease.  I have somewhere to go, why dilly-dally?  Let's get there, do what needs to be done, and then leave.  The action of walking is not included in this schedule.  All that said, I love enjoying God's creation, I love basking in it's beauty, however, there is a time and place for that and walking to my math class is not that time OR place.  If you walk slow, good for you; if you walk fast, good for you; you do what you like, you do what works best for you.

Next, I need to vent a pet peeve of mine.  Have you ever seen the phrase "someone hacked my facebook!"  This phrase, the use of the word hack completely out of context, irks me incredibly.  Here's the thing, when the majority of the people on facebook who claim "my facebook got hacked," this is what they are saying, "I was irresponsible and forgot to log out of my facebook, so someone, either a friend or a stranger, had complete access to my facebook so they posted a status or requested a friend or other squirrely business and I just found out!"  This is not "hacked," people.  According to UrbanDictionary (quality resource) to "hack" is "to break into computer systems with malicious intent. This sense of the term is the one that is most commonly heard in the media, although sense 1 is much more faithful to its original meaning. Contrary to popular misconception, this sort of hacking rarely requires cleverness or exceptional technical ability; most so-called "black hat" hackers rely on brute force techniques or exploit known weaknesses and the incompetence of system administrators."  So when you say "someone hacked my facebook" that most likely means someone cleverly acquired your login information, attained your password and now has overarching control of your account, whether you know it or not.  To regain control of your account, you must change your login information, whether that is your email address or password.  That is a hacked facebook.  Don't get me wrong, facebook accounts get legitimately hacked all the time, but, at least in my experience, when I see "hacked" in a facebook status, it normally means someone left their facebook logged in on their friends computer, prompting their friend to post something seemingly funny to the victims wall, resulting in a realization, "oh man, I left my facebook on again, and my stupid friends....lame."  What's funny is nothing's going to change because of this explanation, and that is okay.  People are still going to get "hacked" right and left.  I just figured I'd rant a bit.  Maybe someone will be enlightened.

Now lots of video for you, it's been a good week.

First up, this pal's backpack was stolen, he wants it back, he goes to youtube and unknowingly is launched into fame and hundreds of people, including Jimmy Kimmell, offer to send him backpacks full of goodies.  His original backpack has not yet been returned.  Either way, his plea is priceless.

Next, this pal goes to the streets and has a good time with his harmonica.  Something about this video made me smile.  I will say that if this pal approached me doing what he does, I would jam all day long.  Made me smile, hope it makes you smile.

Next, we've all experienced Line Rider at some point.  Whether we were enthralled with the game, annoyed at the kid next to us to is enthralled with the game, interested in why your kid is enthralled at the game.  Point is Line Rider has made an impact upon this generation and this video marks the evolution of the ever popular game.  I was never into Line Rider, I was the kid who was annoyed at the pal next to me who was enthralled with the game; nevertheless, this video is OUT OF CONTROL.  The immense amount of time and effort to contrive such an effortless output blows my mind.  Definitely worth a watch, the music is worth listening to as well.

Lastly, here is a gem I stumbled upon earlier this week, an incredible stop motion love story.  I enjoyed it thoroughly, you should as well.  The minute long "making of" is embedded below the film "Bottle," stop motion is no easy task.  Enjoy, it's great.

Phew, that was an intense one.  Glad I survived and if you got to this point, I'm ecstatic you survived.  Lots of content today, you're eyes need a break.  Turn them to a pal of yours and have a meaningful conversation.  Oh, meaningful conversation, you have a special place in my heart.

Have a representational day.

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