Today I wear black. Some said I was going to a funeral. I'm not going anywhere. Just to class.
*added after the fact* On March 20, as in this last Saturday, Anberlin, a popular alternative rock Christian band, came to Biola (along with The Preacher's Sons and Andrew Witt). I'm not particularly a huge fan of Anberlin, but I'm always down for a legit concert. It was a blast and I am so glad we got crowd surfers cruising and a pit opened up to do some serious moshing. After the show, we stood out back waiting for the band so I told lead singer Stephen Christian the show was solid and a lot of fun. Here's the official Biola Chimes video commemorating the evening.
Anberlin from Chimes Multimedia on Vimeo.
*end addition
In other news, something struck me last night as I descended into slumber. The Internet is so interesting because it is made up of text. In most cases, you sit in front of a screen and read, look at, or watch content all by yourself. So this is what I was thinking: what are the emotions like of the people who read, look at, or watch content online? In this case, I am wondering how you, the reader, look right now as your reading this. You may be excited, laughing, or disappointed that I would talk about something so abstract. You may be distracted or extremely sincere in agreement. I have no way of knowing. And you might be wondering the same thing, yes? What am I, the writer, doing as I write this? I may be excited, laughing, or disappointed that I would talk about something so abstract. I may be distracted or extremely sincere about what I'm talking about. I'm going to be completely honest: I am chewing "Sweet Mint" Orbit gum and listening to "How Do You Love Someone" by Ashley Tisdale (my music is on random, honest) while completely concentrating one what I'm typing. After all, how can you type text while distracted? Anyway, the Internet presents an interesting medium.
That said, Formspring has brought about some interesting questions this week. Read on. Got a question? Shoot it off here:
What is your opinion of Nickelback?
I have heard that many people hate Nickelback and according to, Nickelback is indeed the worst band ever. However, I have never listened to them long enough to form an opinion and I don't plan to. I'm not going to take the opinion of others, but I must admit, Nickelback has the odds against them.
What do you think of UFO's/aliens?
I am not one to say. I have no knowledge of them existing nor do I have knowledge of them not existing. I haven't seen one (UFO or alien) but people have claimed they have. I don't have the slightest idea if we, on earth, are the only living beings in the universe. We might be, we might not, I'm not one to say.
If I were you and you were me... Whos body would you use to get to the top?
Well considering there's only two of us, using myself would be impossible, so, naturally, I would use you. Now the question remains: to the top of what? If we are climbing a ladder and the grape jelly is just out of reach on the top shelf, teamwork would be especially handy. However, if we're climbing to the top of the World's Most Wanted List, be my guest.
What is your favorite verse?
My favorite verse is Romans 12:2 - "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
This verse also works well with one of my favorite quotes by St. Francis of Assisi: "Preach the gospel always, If necessary use words." I feel like the phrase "actions speak louder than words" is extremely true and people are watching continually. I strive to do what both of these quotes are talking about, live for God through my whole life.
And there it is. Check out the box below. QUESTIONIZE:
In other news, are you ready to watch some moving pictures? I have included five videos in this post, it's been a video-friendly week. So I hope you enjoy them, they are pretty good, some better than others, but all unique because they impressed me enough to note the URL to include them in this blog post. Enjoy.
First up is a short musical number using the bars and colors some of us have enjoyed (I suppose). If you don't recognize it, I'm sorry, it probably won't be as interesting. It's still nice to listen to though. Take a gander.
Bars & Tones from André Chocron on Vimeo.
The next video entails a traffic cop straight up jamming in Abuja, Nigeria. If I was a traffic cop, this guy would inspire; heck, I'm not a traffic cop and I'm inspired. No matter the job, joy is attainable, you just gotta have a good time.
The next two video may have some offensive material, but offensive enough to not include it and/or intrigue me. I just figured I offer a warning. Below, the process to make high end violin/viola/etc. strings is detailed. It's quite the process and I just heard a few weeks ago about what they are made of and, viola, this video shows up in my queue. Incredible.
The next is a commercial slamming Nestle for destroying rain forests. Watch the commercial, decently graphic, but it sure gets the message across.
Have a break? from Greenpeace UK on Vimeo.
The next details carpel tunnel syndrome, except in a teenager who texts too much. This is nutty but becoming a problem. Texting=psh.
In other news, I stumbled across an article:
I'm not sure if it is true, I can definitely imagine it being true. Oddly interesting and intriguing. Who knew that much of a difference can be made through reproductions of the same thing? (I am being rather vague so you read the article, internet user).
And that's the Wednesday. Much content, much thought, much much. I hope you have a wonderful day today. I would look at your face as you're reading this and ask you how you are but I can't see you, and if I could, I could imagine that being decently awkward. Have a great day, yes?
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