It's January 6th, the first Wednesday of 2010. Can it be any more exciting? That is a rhetorical question. I guess you could be excited, or you could be lulled; either way, it is fact and you can't do anything about it.
What did you do you for New Year's Eve? I made an interesting observation about New Years this year, and that is that the party scene is much less than that of Halloween for instance. It seems like people just chillax as they wait for the big ball in NYC to dropax. I know that's what we did and it was a good time. Definitely fulfilled my New Year's Eve necessity. You want to know what we do on New Year's Eve?
Decently accurate.
The few days of break I had were excellent. I enjoyed seeing friends and family in good ol' Simi Valley. When you go back there, it's like you never left. I'd think it would be like that for every place on the planet, but maybe not. I'm not one to say. Seeing extended family was also excellent. Talk about a brief summary.
I am back at Biola as of now taking 5 credits during the 3 weeks of interterm. It is quite the Biola experience as the campus is the definition of e-m-p-t-y. Not even kidding. Look up the word "empty" in the visual dictionary and you will see a picture of the campus. I will admit it is kind of nice. Yeah, the backside (my floor) is vacant and can be decently lonely, but hey! when is there time for a social life when you are a crash course in schooling? Call it a distraction. So if you didn't catch the drift, interterm is a good experience and worth the time, effort, and money. Hopefully I can say the same in three weeks.
One thing I definitely do like about interterm is that there is very little waiting and very little room for procrastination. Nine times out of ten an assignment is due the next day. So none of this: "Oh, I'm not in the mood, I'll just do it tomorrow." It's: "Oh, I'm not in the mood, but if I don't do this right now, I will fail the assignment, creating a difficulty in passing the class, which, in turn, wastes time, effort, and money." I'm a fan, but like I said, we'll have to see if that claim still stands in three weeks.
I have a video for you. It's a music video that has been put together in a rather interesting way. I watched it earlier this week and I copied the url, but I haven't watched it since so I really don't know what to say about it. Check it out and make sure all your valuables are secure because they might fall off of the table.
I'll be gone from KORB on Vimeo.
I don't really have all that much to talk about. Everyday is the same, monotonous, repetitive, because everyday is the same, monotonous, repetitive.
Have a good day fellow internet user.
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