Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hold up

Just hold up. Today is mad with activity. I'll get to this. Hopefully.

EDIT: Today has been wacky. This week has been wacky, colorful if you will (do I need to explain much more about the picture?). I will tell you the white hat I am wearing is my great-grandpa Walter Warkentin's. I'm honored to be able to wear it.

This week has been out of control. Luckily, as of the end of this week (Monday would be nice too), the out-of-control-ness will have cooled down a bit. I don't want to go into to much detail because I have a 10 page screenplay I need to be writing, but I'll tell you that there has been more due this week than most 3-weeks combined. And today, during my drawing class, I registered for next semester/interterm classes. Out of control:

Interterm of two thousand nine:

1020 History of Cinema 3.000 units

CNMA104 01 MTWRF 01:30-04:20P DENGLISH65 Fisher, G.
1021 New Media 2.000 units

CNMA301 01 MTWR 09:30-11:30A DENGLISH65 Fisher, G.

Spring of two thousand ten semester:

1106 3-D Design 3.000 units

ARTS111 02 T R 12:30-03:20M FINEARTS22 Baker, L.
1133 PhotoI-Intro Darkrm & Dig Proc 3.000 units

ARTS221 03 M W 07:00-10:00P ART BLDG82 Simonson, K.
1209 Biblical Interpret & Sp Form 3.000 units

BBST103 10 W 03:00-05:50P DENGLISH65 Staff
1219 OT History & Literature 3.000 units

BBST109 02 M W 12:00-01:15M FEINCHAPEL Volkmer, J.
2305 Introduction to Mass Media 3.000 units

CNMA202 03 M W F 08:30-09:20A DENGLISH65 Schmidt, J.
2530 Music Appreciation 3.000 units

MUSC101 02 T R 10:30-11:45A ROOD000057 Park, A.

I got decently lazy and decided to just copy and paste. What else are c and v for? That's the schedule as of right now, folks. Yes, I am taking two film classes over interterm. Yes, I may be crazy, but I have my reasons.

I have a few videos for you, to make up (do I do this too much?) for the lack of words I provide.

Up first, a clever take and see. Hint: "The Water's Always Running" Also, the editing and color correction are superb. I'd watch it just for that.

Hecq Vs Exillion - Spheres Of Fury from Tim.Chris.Film on Vimeo.

Up next, a ridiculous little drum, should I call it beat?, beat. Insane. First time I saw it, I sat in shock for a good 7 seconds, then fumbled for the mouse to watch it again. If you want, watch the rest of the video for two reasons 1: lots of cool little drumming 2: you may win.

This last video is an absolutely brilliant ad. The humor, the music is exceptional, the voice-over, all extremely important aspects of this ad, all brilliant.

Sorry if it's short. It may or may not be what you're used to. I thought I would let you know that I changed my wallpaper(s) today. You should too.

Have a marvelous:

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