Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This is the ONE hundredth post on this "It's Wednesday" blog at It's been a wild ride and will continue to spark the jungle. Grab your dune buggy and watch the rippling water on the back seat. Who knows what will happen.

It is winter break. I go back to school for interterm on the 3rd of January. Where did the break go? Same place last semester went I guess. This break has been good though. Visiting family all over California is always a plus and a good time and then seeing people I haven't seen for a long time, probably around a semester's time, is always a plus as well. I have a few days left so we'll see what pans out. What happens, happens; I have little control over most. I hope your Christmas break (if you even got a break) went smoothly and you recognized the reason for the season, yes? Sometimes we get so caught up in the holiday season, we forget. I have a hard time forgetting, because I honestly don't get all that busy during the holiday season, but that is just me. Take a step back and think about the reason. I'm not here to tell you. Think about it.

If you remember, I posted that little poll last week. Through the results I found something quite interesting and paradoxical. If you remember (or could just scroll down and remind yourself) you could, and still can, vote more than once. Also, one of the options was "I don't like this blog." A person(s) decided to vote hundreds of times on the "I don't like it" option. Now this is funny. Number 1: the only way to vote is to be on the blog itself, so even though they claim they do not like it, they are on it. Interesting. Number 2: it is likely they found out about the poll on the various social networking sites I post on. Nowhere on these sites does it say there will be a hate option on the poll. So this person(s) clicked on the link going to this blog, showing interest in the blog, only to vote and say they don't like it. Paradoxical.

Let me say this: it is okay if you don't like this blog. You don't have to look at it/read it/study it/watch it/contemplate it. You don't have to click the links. You don't have to check up on it every week. Just putting that out there.

I'm sorry there hasn't been any pictures or anything in the last couple of weeks. This is because I have been away from the norm, away from the typical week's schedule. It will most likely resume normality next week, so keep your eyes peeled.

Also, in randomity, I have been into mewithoutYou lately. Those guys are rather interesting. Aaron Weiss has a very interesting style that is unique to most all music. And, I am told this as I don't listen to lyrics (I've explained this spiel before), he writes very complex, metaphorical songs that bring joy to many lyric listeners. I think the way Weiss "sings" is extremely interesting. mewithoutYou is almost too hard to explain. This may be an excuse, but I really am at a loss for words to explain the band. Here is a video, introduced to me by Mr. Michael Warnecke, that features two of my favorite mewithoutYou songs: The Sun And The Moon + Tie Me Up, Untie Me! :

That's it. Have a nice day.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Be Pollish

I made up a little poll for all of you. Please participate. It will help me with something I will explain later. YOU CAN VOTE MORE THAN ONCE if more than one applies. Feel free to add your own in the form of a comment. I have had a few complaints that people don't know how to comment and that is quite alright. If you can figure it out, please comment. If not, vote for the one that says "I would comment, but I have no idea how to."

Things might be a changin'. We'll have to see but as of right now and as of next/this semester, my Wednesday's are BOOKED. I have four classes that day including two three hour classes. So this blog might have to be given a different time slot or something.

This post is really short and sweet. It may be a good thing. I'm at my grandmother's house as of yet and I don't exactly have the time or energy for much else. So if you're bored, scroll down or click some random post.

Have a very merry Christmas!

Change of mind, I'll throw in something. Here is Aaron Gillespie's variation of "The Little Drummer Boy." Definitely worth a look and a listen. Have a great Christmas.

Like I said, have a marvelous Christmas. You'll hear from me next Wednesday, yes? Enjoy your week.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Today is 1984 Olympic Suit Day. Technically it should have been last week because this week is finals but I forgot. In case you didn't know, I wear the blue suit on the last non-finals Wednesday of every semester. Now you know. My favorite reaction of the day thus far has to be an older gentleman in the Biola cafeteria who thanks me: "Thank you for wearing that today." Maybe he has a special background with the blue suit, or maybe it sparks a good memory that he has recently forgotten; either way, he is thankful and I am grateful.

So the first semester of college is officially over. I didn't even get to acknowledge it started. The semester flew by like nobodies business. I guess this is what happens when you get older. I have noticed a startling trend that the school year has been gaining speed every year since elementary school. Startling.
This semester has been good. Definitely a change, no doubt, from high school, and, it's weird, I don't feel like college is as big of a deal as most people have made it out to be. It is still school. However, and this is the squeeze for me, you have more freedom to choose classes/teachers and you live there which can be good and bad, but I think it may take away from the "school" feeling a bit. That is probably confusing...
This semester has been good. Definitely a change, especially when you live with your peers. I have enjoyed meeting lots of people and developing friendships that may or may not last a lifetime. Nevertheless, it's a good time and it has been an interesting journey.
This semester has been good. Definitely a change; the randomity is at it's highest. The people on my floor are incredibly random, it's wonderful. The activities I/we/they/you partake in are often times on the fly and unpredictable which, in my opinion, beats a planned activity 9/10 times.
This semester has been good. Definitely a change, especially in my drawing and hands on artistic skills. Going into my drawing class, drawing was an ancient impossibility. But after 6 hours a week, I have developed a certain respect towards drawing. I still do not like it particularly, but I have definitely grown in the different mediums and styles and others. I did specifically enjoy working with charcoal. I seemed to have an easier time with that than graphite. Decent.
This semester has been good. Definitely a change due to being a freshman again. It's cool though. It's part of the jam. Think of it as a 4 part jam session. We've only just begun.

In other news, I made a short film for kicks. It was pretty random and ran into trouble and other things that don't need mentioning. Point is, it is finished and I personally think it turned out pretty decent. It was my first attempt at color correction with Apple Color. Interesting program to say the least. I had no idea what I was doing and how to do things. Trial and Error=it's a love/hate relationship. Enjoy "Avant-Garde."

Avant-Garde from Morgan Lott on Vimeo.

Avant-Garde (2009) USA/2:20 min

Summary: A short experimental film observing the surface. Back up and take a look.

Filmmakers: Morgan Lott - Everything, Music: "A Circular Reeducation" - Tycho


Ben Jacuk - Runner
Jon Marcu - Skateboarder
Luke Thomas - Volleyball

In other news, I have three videos for you. Before I forget, do you like how I include these videos? Let me know by clicking the title of this post and then leave a comment at the very bottom. That'd be cool if you did that, but if you didn't, I won't know, so don't feel obligated. However, it is for your own benefit is it not? So might as well, yes?

First, definitely random but necessary, Ice Fishing. I stumbled upon this video earlier in the week and it reminded me of VIDEO #2 and therefore ice fishing is important. This video is absolutely ridiculous and it ma(de) me laugh uncontrollably for about 32 seconds. Take a look and think about if you would do that. This is how we do.

Second, VIDEO #2. I stumbled upon this video probably sophomore or junior year of high school. It makes me laugh enough to make me remember it. The singer on the left, the right singer's right, is the man when it comes to throat singing. The video as a whole is incredible and definltey worth a watch. Ice Fishing, it's how we do.

Third, a music video. I actually watched this this morning and have been hooked ever since (yeah, long time). It probably will come to pass and it probably isn't that impressive/catchy, but as of right now, it is impressive/catchy. The running heart gets me every time. Check it out: Katzenjammer - "A Bar in Amsterdam" (Official music video by Lasse Gjertsen)

So that is it folks, the text turns black, that must mean I need to go. Have a wonderful week people of the internet and enjoy December like it is the twelfth month out of a possible twelve months in a year.

Have a good one.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Charlie Brown

As I write, I listen to "Christmas Time Is Here" from "A Charlie Brown Christmas," one of the classic Christmas programs on the television. Due to this listening, it kinda puts a damper on any enthusiasm I may write. Rather interesting how music can have that effect. Today I wear a outfit suitable for a Christmas party. A white cardigan over a charcoal shirt, accompanied by a Santa Claus tie will suit the dress code. Today is a nice day. Brisk, yet sunny. The air is crisp, a pleasure to breath in. And "A Charlie Brown Christmas" playing in the background. *Breathes* it's a good day.

There is something new on the blog. Take a look around, try and figure it out. See it? I'll tell you. In the upper right hand corner, above the networking deal, there is a new "spot" called "Link of the Refresh." There is a link in that area that is a random, yes random, blog post from some Wednesday in the history of So every time you refresh the page, that is click on a link, click on a picture, or literally refresh, a new link will appear, a new link that you may click to take a trip back in history. Just something interesting that may be kind of fun. I personally enjoy it because going through random pages takes a stab at my memory bank and refreshes my mind with events somewhat lost in the past. It's a good time.

In other news, finals week is next week. This includes, but it not limited to, the last week of the semester. Due to cause and effect, I will be returning to Simi Valley most likely the late night of the 17th of December, 2009. I will be in Simi Valley, not the entire time but a significant chunk, for three weeks before I come back to Biola on the 3rd of January, 2010. Boy, it's weird to type "2010." That's the scoop, now, once you finish reading/watching, go get a scoop.

In other news, I have videos for you. I think I have a trend going. The last few posts definitely have a few videos contained inside. I like videos and there have been a bunch in the last few weeks that'd I'd like to share. So here 't goes. Please watch and enjoy.

First up, Stephen Colbert. This short little video records his.....I'll just let you watch it. I laughed pretty decently hard the first time I watched his little spiel. Very funny, very funny.

Second up, this dude likes to beatbox and play the flute. You have probably seen something like this before, but I can assure you, unless you've seen this video of course, you haven't seen eyebrows move the way this guy makes them move. Pretty intensely impressive. Pretty intensely impressive that he sets a jammin' beat and makes his eyebrows do a jig.

Third up, we've all felt our mouth begin watering at the sight of one of those meaty six-dollar burgers and perfect set of french fries occupying the main stage of the famous Carl's Jr. bandstand. I always hoped one of those six dollar burgers actually appeared in one of those six-dollar boxes that arrive on my tray. This video may just ruin your dreams, I know it did mine.

Fourth up, watch:

This man's story is inspiring. He could not find his proper place in the workforce. After much trial and error, he figured out what he really wanted to be doing. Not only did he make a living, he built a reputation. Inspiring.

So that is it. The blog entry of December 9th. I hope you enjoyed it. To finish it out, click the random link to a random page. Have a beautiful day.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hold up

Just hold up. Today is mad with activity. I'll get to this. Hopefully.

EDIT: Today has been wacky. This week has been wacky, colorful if you will (do I need to explain much more about the picture?). I will tell you the white hat I am wearing is my great-grandpa Walter Warkentin's. I'm honored to be able to wear it.

This week has been out of control. Luckily, as of the end of this week (Monday would be nice too), the out-of-control-ness will have cooled down a bit. I don't want to go into to much detail because I have a 10 page screenplay I need to be writing, but I'll tell you that there has been more due this week than most 3-weeks combined. And today, during my drawing class, I registered for next semester/interterm classes. Out of control:

Interterm of two thousand nine:

1020 History of Cinema 3.000 units

CNMA104 01 MTWRF 01:30-04:20P DENGLISH65 Fisher, G.
1021 New Media 2.000 units

CNMA301 01 MTWR 09:30-11:30A DENGLISH65 Fisher, G.

Spring of two thousand ten semester:

1106 3-D Design 3.000 units

ARTS111 02 T R 12:30-03:20M FINEARTS22 Baker, L.
1133 PhotoI-Intro Darkrm & Dig Proc 3.000 units

ARTS221 03 M W 07:00-10:00P ART BLDG82 Simonson, K.
1209 Biblical Interpret & Sp Form 3.000 units

BBST103 10 W 03:00-05:50P DENGLISH65 Staff
1219 OT History & Literature 3.000 units

BBST109 02 M W 12:00-01:15M FEINCHAPEL Volkmer, J.
2305 Introduction to Mass Media 3.000 units

CNMA202 03 M W F 08:30-09:20A DENGLISH65 Schmidt, J.
2530 Music Appreciation 3.000 units

MUSC101 02 T R 10:30-11:45A ROOD000057 Park, A.

I got decently lazy and decided to just copy and paste. What else are c and v for? That's the schedule as of right now, folks. Yes, I am taking two film classes over interterm. Yes, I may be crazy, but I have my reasons.

I have a few videos for you, to make up (do I do this too much?) for the lack of words I provide.

Up first, a clever take and see. Hint: "The Water's Always Running" Also, the editing and color correction are superb. I'd watch it just for that.

Hecq Vs Exillion - Spheres Of Fury from Tim.Chris.Film on Vimeo.

Up next, a ridiculous little drum, should I call it beat?, beat. Insane. First time I saw it, I sat in shock for a good 7 seconds, then fumbled for the mouse to watch it again. If you want, watch the rest of the video for two reasons 1: lots of cool little drumming 2: you may win.

This last video is an absolutely brilliant ad. The humor, the music is exceptional, the voice-over, all extremely important aspects of this ad, all brilliant.

Sorry if it's short. It may or may not be what you're used to. I thought I would let you know that I changed my wallpaper(s) today. You should too.

Have a marvelous: