Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I write today from my room. I have not written from my room all summer due to my absence from my abode. It is a strange feeling. I feel like I have been writing from my room all summer, like I never left. What is even more strange is I have less than two weeks before I leave again; I will be away for a long while. This part of my life is called college. I am continuing my academic career with the acceptance and, in two weeks, attendance at Biola University with a (as of right now, this may be entirely different at the end of one semester) double major in Film: production emphasis and art: design emphasis. I am excited and not nervous. Why? I am ready to be surprised in every aspect. I know lots of information like roommate (Mr. Joel Limbauan), dorm (Stewart 170), school (Biola University), city (La Mirada) and the like. All this information is is information. There is no physical picture for any of these aspects...yet. This will all change in a short while. And this is why I'm ready to be surprised. I had and have no influence in who I will meet, where I will meet them, and everything else you can think of. It's all in God's plan so what is to worry about? I'm optimistic.

I felt like this would last much longer. I guess it didn't. Tonight is the first night of youth group (while I'm in town, so, technically, they have met many a time when I have not been in attendance), and it will be weird to see my sibs go and utilize youth group to its full potential. To all the people involved in SVCC youth and Chapped, I will miss you dearly. Whether jamming in the band, listening to Jimmy give the Word, or just hanging out, the relationships developed and memories engraved will never be forgotten, unless in the extreme case of Alzheimer's or memory loss (this blog will come in handy then, yeah?). I am debating on what to write. I was going to go into a phat "remembering" session and describe memories: no thank you. I think I will just say this. Every single personality at SVCC is incredibly unique. Because of this, the unexpected always occurs as you cannot predict what will happen next. This makes for a good time and some bomb-diggity good memories. I must say, I will miss going upstairs on Sunday mornings only to find that Tommy has locked us out........again.

I think my spiel is finished. This may be overdue or not, but here is (or is it are?) some multimedia for your viewing pleasure. There may or might not be descriptions of each. Feast your eyes.

This is called:
Grab the Lure

This is called:
Dancing Generation by Remember

This is called:
Test the Dog for Solidity
This is called:
In The Secret by Remember

This is called:
It Was THIS Big
This is called:
Marvelous Light by Remember - For this song, I sang (!), Mr. Micah Hiett played the drums, and two high school students played guitar and bass.

This is called:

This is called:
I Am Free by Remember - Rowdy Campfire - Mr. Mauro on lead vocals

Oh and I guess this may deserve mentioning. During the last week, August 5th to be exact, this blog turned 1 year old. In that time, it received 5,102 visits from 2,128 different people from 47 different countries. That's pretty prolific for a blog simply about my day. Thank you to all of you, the lovely readers, who can make this blog continue to survive. Without you, I would still write, after all, I began this blog simply to remember my senior year in high school. I had no idea it would become what it has become. Holy mackerel. Thank you to you. Lets sing happy birthday.

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