So this is the first blog entry of my college career. I am here in room 170, Stewart Hall, Biola University preparing to write to you about my experience (is that what this blog is about? I don't know anymore).
Let me explain what this blog is about for all my potential new readers in case it is not common knowledge. I started this blog at the beginning of my senior year in high school, simply to record the events I partook in for future remembrance. As the year progressed, I started to develop a name for myself. People were now expecting me to dress up on Wednesday, were now expecting me to dress up on holidays, were now expecting me to create a bigger, better blog entry every single week. Sometimes I wondered what caused the popularity, was it that someone decided to go against the trend? I was technically the oddball, not conforming to the style trends of society. Whatever the reason, the blog caught on and my dress antics were being noticed and now I am put in the spot of college; what do I do in college? Do I continue the blog? Do I continue dressing up? Do I do both? Do I do neither? I am here to tell you that as of right now, I am going to continue both, but, as always, we'll see what happens.
I hope this makes sense, especially to my fellow readers who are not used to, well, my style of writing. I write in stream of concious meaning I don't edit, I don't outline, I don't, honestly, think before I write. I just go.
Moving on.
I arrived at Biola on Friday. I moved in and met my roommate Joel Limbauan from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Currently he is reading The Illiad by Homer because he is in the Torrey Program and I feel almost left out because I don't have work to do (this is will change shortly). The last week has been fun getting to know people and developing friendships that have been, thus far, the basis of the college career. Class is going to change this. School : Wednesday : change the absolute "nothing to do but hang out" complex.
Here is my FB status update on August 25, 2009: "
"should be an interesting year. The people are interesting. The facilities are interesting. film and art are interesting. finishing in four years will definitely be interesting. declaring a for sure major is interesting. Classes starting tomorrow will be interesting. Leaving college in the Lord's hands is interesting."
"Interesting" is an interesting word. The connotation is interesting. Thing about that for a while.Randomity
I found I really enjoy cranberry juice. Thus far, I have had at least one glass of cranberry juice during every meal. Now, I don't exactly know if it is real cranberry juice. I'm assuming it's not because it comes out of one of those machines that screams "flavor powder" all over it. I'm not saying this is bad because it tastes delicious, but, out of curiosity, am I getting the beneficial antioxidants that is found in real cranberry juice? I guess I'll have to ask someone who knows. But hey, it's better than drinking soda's right?
Another thing, there is a frequency of I'm assuming construction machines that, call me a geek, sounds exactly like the opening to the "Why So Serious?" track of "The Dark Knight" soundtrack. Every time I hear it, I honestly think there is a showing somehwere. It makes me excited because that particular movie is much better in all aspects that most movies out there. But every single time, I am immediately reminded that is it not the "Why So Serious?" track of "The Dark Knight" and that there is not a showing somewhere. It's alright though. I'm glad they are not playing "The Dark Knight" multiple times a day.
EDIT: So this technically isn't Wednesday, but it happened the night of Wednesday, so technically Thursday. This is what happened. I woke up in the middle of the night, though I had to get up real fast, so I jumped off and over the railing of my lofted bed that is 3 feet from the ceiling. I jumped and hit my toe on something...I do not know what. I was in pain and I believe it was this pain that induced me to realize it was indeed the middle of the night and I probably should sleep some more. So I did. I woke up in the morning with a very bloody toe and massive flap of skin. I took a picture of it. The link is below. I did no photo editing on it except that is really what it looks like.