Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So this is the first blog entry of my college career. I am here in room 170, Stewart Hall, Biola University preparing to write to you about my experience (is that what this blog is about? I don't know anymore).

Let me explain what this blog is about for all my potential new readers in case it is not common knowledge. I started this blog at the beginning of my senior year in high school, simply to record the events I partook in for future remembrance. As the year progressed, I started to develop a name for myself. People were now expecting me to dress up on Wednesday, were now expecting me to dress up on holidays, were now expecting me to create a bigger, better blog entry every single week. Sometimes I wondered what caused the popularity, was it that someone decided to go against the trend? I was technically the oddball, not conforming to the style trends of society. Whatever the reason, the blog caught on and my dress antics were being noticed and now I am put in the spot of college; what do I do in college? Do I continue the blog? Do I continue dressing up? Do I do both? Do I do neither? I am here to tell you that as of right now, I am going to continue both, but, as always, we'll see what happens.

I hope this makes sense, especially to my fellow readers who are not used to, well, my style of writing. I write in stream of concious meaning I don't edit, I don't outline, I don't, honestly, think before I write. I just go.

Moving on.

I arrived at Biola on Friday. I moved in and met my roommate Joel Limbauan from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Currently he is reading The Illiad by Homer because he is in the Torrey Program and I feel almost left out because I don't have work to do (this is will change shortly). The last week has been fun getting to know people and developing friendships that have been, thus far, the basis of the college career. Class is going to change this. School : Wednesday : change the absolute "nothing to do but hang out" complex.

Here is my FB status update on August 25, 2009: "

"should be an interesting year. The people are interesting. The facilities are interesting. film and art are interesting. finishing in four years will definitely be interesting. declaring a for sure major is interesting. Classes starting tomorrow will be interesting. Leaving college in the Lord's hands is interesting."

"Interesting" is an interesting word. The connotation is interesting. Thing about that for a while.


I found I really enjoy cranberry juice. Thus far, I have had at least one glass of cranberry juice during every meal. Now, I don't exactly know if it is real cranberry juice. I'm assuming it's not because it comes out of one of those machines that screams "flavor powder" all over it. I'm not saying this is bad because it tastes delicious, but, out of curiosity, am I getting the beneficial antioxidants that is found in real cranberry juice? I guess I'll have to ask someone who knows. But hey, it's better than drinking soda's right?

Another thing, there is a frequency of I'm assuming construction machines that, call me a geek, sounds exactly like the opening to the "Why So Serious?" track of "The Dark Knight" soundtrack. Every time I hear it, I honestly think there is a showing somehwere. It makes me excited because that particular movie is much better in all aspects that most movies out there. But every single time, I am immediately reminded that is it not the "Why So Serious?" track of "The Dark Knight" and that there is not a showing somewhere. It's alright though. I'm glad they are not playing "The Dark Knight" multiple times a day.

EDIT: So this technically isn't Wednesday, but it happened the night of Wednesday, so technically Thursday. This is what happened. I woke up in the middle of the night, though I had to get up real fast, so I jumped off and over the railing of my lofted bed that is 3 feet from the ceiling. I jumped and hit my toe on something...I do not know what. I was in pain and I believe it was this pain that induced me to realize it was indeed the middle of the night and I probably should sleep some more. So I did. I woke up in the morning with a very bloody toe and massive flap of skin. I took a picture of it. The link is below. I did no photo editing on it except sharpening...so that is really what it looks like.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Click the image for full view

Times are a changin'. I leave on Friday for Biola University, to begin phase 4 of my schooling career. Elementary, Middle, High, Collegiate. This is the progress. This blog posting is the signification of change. Very little will probably written for a few reasons. I'm leaving you to decide what those reasons are.

Here is my mailing address:

Morgan Lott
13800 Biola Ave. Box 535
La Mirada, CA, 90639

Send me mail if you would like. Snail mail is an interesting subject in itself. Society is progressing to the point where we can not handle waiting for snail mail to arrive. You know how it is, you order something online, and then--wait--until the men in brown deliver the package. It's the waiting game and human beings in general are becoming impatient. I am human. I am becoming impatient. As I write, I wonder if the text books I ordered on Ebay are going to arrive before I must depart. I am impatient.

This is the end of this blog post. I hope you are wondering why it's short.

Random: Airplanes absolutely blow me away. When I was in Dallas, Texas waiting for our next plane to load, I took a peek at the airplanes out side the thin glass. Those things can fly. This is incredible. How on earth can a massive hunk of metal number one get going very very fast and then number two lift off the ground and enter our earth's atmosphere. What? But this fact is not what absolutely positively blows my mind right out of proportion. What absolutely positively blows my mind right out of proportion is the fact that some human being figured out how to get a massive hunk of metal number one going very very fast and then number two lift off the ground and enter our earth's atmosphere. What? So you are telling me, someone decided "Hey, if we do this and this and this, we can get this seemingly ground prone object to fly through the air like that little birdie, you see it, the one chirping in the apple tree over yonder, flies." Blows my mind right out of proportion.

Seemingly random, yes? Think about something that you take for granted and try to determine the intense thought that went into making that something what it is today.

EDIT 10:01 PM: I am optimistic. There are a lot of good people in Simi. Some have already left, some are about to leave, some are here to stay. I expect a lot from you guys, you sure have the potential.

yes...optimistic. Can't wait to hear all about it when I get home.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I write today from my room. I have not written from my room all summer due to my absence from my abode. It is a strange feeling. I feel like I have been writing from my room all summer, like I never left. What is even more strange is I have less than two weeks before I leave again; I will be away for a long while. This part of my life is called college. I am continuing my academic career with the acceptance and, in two weeks, attendance at Biola University with a (as of right now, this may be entirely different at the end of one semester) double major in Film: production emphasis and art: design emphasis. I am excited and not nervous. Why? I am ready to be surprised in every aspect. I know lots of information like roommate (Mr. Joel Limbauan), dorm (Stewart 170), school (Biola University), city (La Mirada) and the like. All this information is is information. There is no physical picture for any of these aspects...yet. This will all change in a short while. And this is why I'm ready to be surprised. I had and have no influence in who I will meet, where I will meet them, and everything else you can think of. It's all in God's plan so what is to worry about? I'm optimistic.

I felt like this would last much longer. I guess it didn't. Tonight is the first night of youth group (while I'm in town, so, technically, they have met many a time when I have not been in attendance), and it will be weird to see my sibs go and utilize youth group to its full potential. To all the people involved in SVCC youth and Chapped, I will miss you dearly. Whether jamming in the band, listening to Jimmy give the Word, or just hanging out, the relationships developed and memories engraved will never be forgotten, unless in the extreme case of Alzheimer's or memory loss (this blog will come in handy then, yeah?). I am debating on what to write. I was going to go into a phat "remembering" session and describe memories: no thank you. I think I will just say this. Every single personality at SVCC is incredibly unique. Because of this, the unexpected always occurs as you cannot predict what will happen next. This makes for a good time and some bomb-diggity good memories. I must say, I will miss going upstairs on Sunday mornings only to find that Tommy has locked us out........again.

I think my spiel is finished. This may be overdue or not, but here is (or is it are?) some multimedia for your viewing pleasure. There may or might not be descriptions of each. Feast your eyes.

This is called:
Grab the Lure

This is called:
Dancing Generation by Remember

This is called:
Test the Dog for Solidity
This is called:
In The Secret by Remember

This is called:
It Was THIS Big
This is called:
Marvelous Light by Remember - For this song, I sang (!), Mr. Micah Hiett played the drums, and two high school students played guitar and bass.

This is called:

This is called:
I Am Free by Remember - Rowdy Campfire - Mr. Mauro on lead vocals

Oh and I guess this may deserve mentioning. During the last week, August 5th to be exact, this blog turned 1 year old. In that time, it received 5,102 visits from 2,128 different people from 47 different countries. That's pretty prolific for a blog simply about my day. Thank you to all of you, the lovely readers, who can make this blog continue to survive. Without you, I would still write, after all, I began this blog simply to remember my senior year in high school. I had no idea it would become what it has become. Holy mackerel. Thank you to you. Lets sing happy birthday.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Time: 10:55 Wednesday August 5th, 2009

Here’s the thing. There is a lot to write about, but no time to do it. There is a lot to write about, but I honestly don’t really feel like writing about it. There is a lot to write about, but most of it forces me to write in a “real-time” style, rather than a “stream of conscious” style. If you have read my blog for a while, you should know that I write off the cuff, unedited, nonstop blog entries about my Wednesday. If you didn’t already know this, you do now—thank you for learning. Let me explain why I’m saying this. Last week was absolutely amazing. I played drums in the band Remember at Hartland Christian Camp to lead the high school students in worship. The week was very spiritual; what started out with a discouraging and daunting spiritual intervention (if you’d like to know more- ask me), God worked and transformed the week into a highly spiritual week that I didn’t exactly expect. Now, I could spend lots of time going into every detail of the week, that is what you would probably want. I wish I could write all the awesome details of the week, from the awesome speaker Eric Hovind who knew a wealth of information concerning Creation and Evolution (eye-opening) and could shoot a wicked rubber band, to the fellowship and worship with the 170 campers, to the extreme rec guys and our DP’s and cookin’ dogs, to the friendships I made over just a couple weeks. But, sorry to say, I cannot do this on this blog. I am not here to give to a day-to-day, experience-to-experience instant replay for you to relive my last week. So if you want to know about it, ask me sometime. I’m sorry if this fact disappoints you, that I do not wish to withhold a history book of my life. This may sound kind of rude, I apologize.

I might write about my intentions with this blog at a later point.

Anyway, today. I am in Oklahoma with the entire Neufeld family for our every-two-year (double-annual?) family reunion. This is how we got here:

And today, was berserk. This morning at 6, a few of us went fishing. We caught 30 fish, I caught 1 single fish, BUT it was the biggest fish of the day, so I the disappointment of fishing fishless was worth it. Morning breeze encrusted. Craziness ensues. Then, later, we ate a whole ton of food. Food encrusted. Craziness ensues. Then we went to our family trusted owned open range where we tore it up on the ATVs, four wheelers, and motorcycles. Dirt encrusted. Craziness ensues. Then we book it back to the meeting place for a phat bbq of 100s of hot dogs. Ketchup encrusted. Craziness ensues. Then we make our way back to the open range for more four wheeling, tractor riding, smore making, lighting watching. Cow pie encrusted. Craziness ensues.

I am absolutely wiped. My contacts are irritated in my eyes.

Update: I am currently in Dallas, TX waiting on a 6:10 flight to San Francisco. On the first plane ride over here, I thought up a few items to discuss on my blog. There is a complex problem however. I completely forgot these particular items. This is a problem I have had to deal with; forgetfulness has caused a lovely amount of opportunity. (Another problem: writing in a sarcastic tone, if only you could detect the sarcasm EVERY TIME it is written through text…this has gotten me in trouble a few times).

On the plane, if I remember what I was going to write about, I will make sure I write about it. 88% says I don’t remember.

Update: I am on the plane flying over lots of brown land. I did not remember what I was going to write about like I mentioned in my last update, but I came up with something new. Months and months ago, I started listening to mewithoutyou for keeps, like not just listening to a song every so often when my library is on random. The music interested me and the style of “singing” intrigued me. It is interesting how abstract harsh talking combined with music stylings can work together. I did some research on the band and found that the singer of mewithoutyou, Aaron Weiss, has a peculiar way of dancing. So I looked up a video online of his dancing styles. In the process, I ran across a video (displayed below) of Aaron Weiss dancing to a band called Psalters. I then did some research on these guys and liked what I found. Check out this video and you’ll see what I mean.

Abstract : Piet Mondian :: Psalters : music

More Update:

This is the band I was in at Hartland: Remember. We were/are selling a 5 song cd for $5 and if you are interested, PLEASE contact me or any other member of the band. It turned out better than expected; take a listenin' at two songs below!

