So my buddy Brent Rowley asked me months ago if I would like to go to a Circa Survive concert because he had an extra ticket. Little did I know what demand this concert would get. Weeks ago, the concert came up at school and I heard that the tickets sold out in less than a day; and I had one? I'm just lucky I guess. It was kind of a weird situation though. I've never really really like Circa. Saosin with Anthony Green was AMAZING (Seven Years-epitome of awesome), but after he went and formed Circa, I kind of lost interest. Don't get me wrong, they are amazing musicians. The instrumentation and sound of all of their songs are one of a kind. When I heard their first album, to me, the songs sounded the same. Then when their second album came out, I didn't even give it a chance.
So before the concert, I listened to Circa nonstop and realized they had some AWESOME stuff! Really really cool sounds and insane crazy.......just nuts. I don't listen to the lyrics words all that much, mainly just the music. This will be important later.
At 7:30 pm, Thursday night, Brent picks me up and we make our way to Los Angeles. Driving in pouring rain, we slipped and slided all the way. In fact, we were right behind a phat accident on the 118. One truck was wedged upon the median, his left wheel completely gone, and the median resting on his wheel well. Insane. We arrive at the Troubadour at 8 something. We missed the first band, Endless Hallways, but got there in time for Halos. Halos put on an interesting show, clearly an "opener." I liked there sound though, they had a few good moments, but overall, it was just average. After Halos, it took like half of an hour for anything to happen. Circa was supposed to play at 10, it was 10:30 and the anticipation was growing. The drummer did his sound check and it was sign of things to come, but no, just more waiting. Then all of a sudden, Mr. Anthony Green himself ran up to the mike and yelled "Hey Check check" and something else, then took off. It was so random and caught everybody off guard, it was awesome. That's when the "Circa Squeeze" started. We turned into sardines.
On with the show. I'm going to explain a lot cause honestly don't remember a whole lot. Here are a few notable instances however.
- I borrowed my sisters camera. After the circa squeeze, I tried pulling it out but I lost the batteries on the floor. Great. But I soon replaced the batts as I had thought ahead and grabbed an extra pair. Then I snapped 400 some pics, getting less than 30 that were worth keeping. You'll see a few.
- I was right up front. Mr. Green was literally inches from my face many a time. It was absolutely insane. Absolutely insane.
- Circa introduced a new song, called "Frozen Creek." It was magnificently good. I don't know what effect was put on Mr. Green's voice, but it was phat reverb/echo and it sounded heavenly. It was a nice, relatively slow song and the crowd was quiet for the most part. Brilliant.
- Mr. Green was quite impressive. He is not one of those singers who can not perform live, like most are nowadays. He nailed every note, hitting every pitch. Quite impressive.
- Near the end of the show, Mr. Green jumped into the crowd. I'm not sure what went wrong, since there were crowd surfers the whole night, but Mr. Green fell right to the floor. I was pulled down with the people who fell first, I tried snapping some pics, but, sadly, none turned out.
- Number six is one of the most insane things I have probably ever seen. During the encore, Mr. Green, clearly not happy after his fall in the crowd, led the group in "Semi-constructive Criticism." He was jamming though, it was obvious. Someone decided hand up a water bottle, a pretty cool thing to do. I have a picture of the bottle below this. I was like 3 people from the front so the water bottle was in front of me and I tried to pass it up. Right as the last notes were hit of the song, some idiot in the front row decided to squirt the entire water bottle all over the front of Mr. Green. Mr. Green was not happy at all and chucked his mike at the kid and walked briskly off the stage! Not the way to end a show. It was pretty awkward getting out of there, I'm not going to lie.
All in all, the show was awesome. We were soaked with sweat, never washing our bodies after we touched Mr. Anthony Green himself (I touched his head, microphone, arms, soaking shirt; Brent held his hand for a full minute), and on our way home. It was a good time and I am grateful.
Also, I feel bad. I never really mentioned the other musicians. They clearly make up the most part of the band. The drummer was legit. He didn't rock out like most drummers do, probably because he was doing insane stuff all over the place. His feet were just as versatile as his hands, I wish I could say that about myself. The other musicians were amazing, considering the complexity of Circa's music. It blows me away how these guys came up with this stuff.
Enjoy pictures.
awsome story and even sicker pics well done! i wish i was at that concert!