Thursday, April 25, 2013


We're in the thick of things. Life's been crazy, life continues to be crazy, and most likely life will stay crazy. Some big stuff happened this week.

You remember the mentioning of my senior media project, "thisisstuttering" a while back. If not, here you go:

Well, this week was another monumental week for the project: the second trailer was released and the premiere was planned. WHAT?! thisisstuttering is for real and will be premiering on Thursday, May 2nd, at 7:30pm at the Production Center (Studio A). Here is the facebook event:

There's also a website that will have updates as they come up:

And here is the trailer.

thisisstuttering :: official theatrical trailer from Morgan Lott on Vimeo.

This film has the potential to completely alter the course of my future. The possibilities are endless. I'm nervous, terrified, and insanely excited to see what happens.

But we have to finish the film first....

In other news, it was Ms. Morgan McGannon's 20th birthday last Sunday. We cruised to Southlands, then we cruised to Chipotle, then we cruised to Laguna Beach, then we cruised to a faux-janky hotel with a rad ocean view, then we cruised to Newport to her extended families house, meeting her immediate family there as well, then we cruised to Rothschild's to enjoy some delicious Italian food, then we headed home. A fantastic day, that is to be certain. She's wonderful.

Here's a quick picture:

And here's a quick sampling of words, simply for remembrance's sake and memory recall in 20 years. Outside Rothchilds. Homeless. Soiled. Police. Ambulance. Firetrucks. Old women: prime seating.

Here is some social media shenanigans from the week:

And that's the post, ladies and folks. It's so busy over here, it's unreal.

Busiest days of our lives. I've been so busy I've created laundry lists of things to complete everyday, something I normally do in my head. Lately though, that "list in the head" thing is just getting me overwhelmed. Plus, there's something satisfying about crossing an item off of a list.

Farewell, fellow Internet users. Take a breathe of fresh air. I want to as soon as humanly possible.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I literally have no time for this today. There is so much to do in the upcoming minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years.

Have a fantastic day. Enjoy every second of it. Be thankful for every second of it.

Here are some highlights of the week though. I've been enjoying these lately.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The ship has sailed.

Spring break is over. The next break? The rest of life. We're in the final stretch, the last 100 meters of education. In a few short weeks, I will be a school-less hooligan looking to make an impact on the workplace. Can you say "I'm excited, ready, and somewhat prepared, but sort of terrified at the same time, but this is the necessary way of life and the necessary next steps in life so bring it on post-graduation life?" Oh, maybe you can't. But I can. And I am.

I don't have a whole lot of time left. Just a few weeks. And there's an absurd amount to get done. It's half crazy. I'm half crazy. BIG things are happening though, so that's fantastically exciting. Spring break was last week and it was simple. Relaxed. Lots of work was completed, went to a Giant v. Dodger game, had a picnic with Ms. Morgan McGannon, enjoyed the sun immensely, enjoyed the fam bam. Great week. Simple. Too fast.

In other news, here's social media snippets from the last two weeks:

I must say, I've really enjoyed including these in the blog lately. I helps speed up the "blog writing" process because I don't have to repeat myself. Efficiency is key in most areas of life.

Here's a few videos for you as well.

First, Mawwiage Films is back in business. Here is our first teaser of the season!

Second, this is video documenting one of my favorite happenings in my Biola career.

Third, this is a great commercial.

Fourth, this is a fantastic video.

And that's all the time I have for today.

Growing up is weird.

Do something childish this week.