Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Another week, another Wednesday.  I know I say this a lot, but seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours, hours turn into days, days turn into years, years turn into decades.  Just a second ago, I was jamming multiplication tables in Mrs. Trento's class in 4th grade.  More recently, this semester is coming to a close.  I mean, yeah, we just passed the half way point, but we also "just" started, so, naturally, we are going to be finishing in "just" a few "minutes."  The amazing thing is how time is utilized.  For instance, over the two weeks, arguably the busiest two weeks of my college career thus far, I accomplished a multitude of tasks.  However, I look back at it now, it looks like chump change, I look back on it now, the importance and stress factor is on the decline.  Interesting how that works.  I look forward to the future.

That said, the San Fransisco Giants are in the World Series.  They are going to win the World Series for the first time since they've been in San Fransisco.  This is the year.  What's great is this is the year the Giants don't have any big whigs on the team, the majority of the players are virtually no-namers who put up a great fight; this in itself is great.  FEAR THE BEARD, Cody Ross NLCS MVP, who?  Giants vs. Rangers?  Whodathunk?  It's going to be a sweet series, game 1 tonight, I am, in a word, PUMPED.

In other news, on Monday I was thoroughly surprised by the instincts that I accidentally extributed.  You see, I'm in a lacrosse class.  Lacrosse is a game much like hockey, except the ball is in the air and you throw it around with nets.  In eighth grade, I had to stop playing hockey after playing five years.  I have not played any pickup hockey or anything of the like since eighth grade.  However, in lacrosse class on Monday, my hockey instincts made their way back into my life.  It's hard to explain but I was playing lacrosse like it was hockey, I was treating the ball like it was a puck, and, to say the least, I did not do very well at lacrosse on Monday.  I kept catching myself thinking like a hockey player, I can't do that anymore, I need to think like a lacrosse player.  Anyway, something of interest.  Suprised me immensely, I couldn't believe those instincts came back like I was playing hockey yesterday.

In other news, a short film I have been working has now been finished.  This was an interesting project, basically Mr. Isaac Svensson handed me the footage for his own film, let do whatever I want with it with the intent of possibly not using it.  I edited this short, showed it to him, was completely different from what he imagined (I can imagine) and he still has the intent of possibly not using it.  Either way, if he likes it or not, I personally enjoy it.  Now it is here for you to enjoy.  Enjoy.

DONUTS (2010) USA/3:36 min

Summary: A man buys donuts.  He wants to eat his donuts.  There is another man who wants to eat donuts. 


Isaac Svensson - Director
Daniel John - Producer
Zack Campell - Director of Photography
Morgan Lott - Editor


Jonathan Burrello
Jonathan Stevens

In other news, I gots some other vids fo ya.

I personally really got a kick out of this first video.  It's the pocketless pool tournament.  The contender has been at it quite a while.  It's a brilliant satire.  Quite enjoyable.

Second is just a clever revision on one of the most recognized classical pieces ever written: Beethoven's Fifth.  Grab your tortilla chips, because you're going to be smashed with salsa:

Check out 2:33 in that last video.  What in the WORLD is that musical instrument?  I've never seen anything like it.  Another Wednesday, it is October 27th, four days before November.  Pretty soon it will be 2011, before long, college is over, and then I'll be retiring from the workforce.  Time is go go goin'.

Peace be with you.  Talk to someone else about your first conversation with each other.  Do you remember it?  Where were you?  What'd you talk about? 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Hello there.  Good Wednesday to you.  Today is it, cold and drizzly, a type of rain that makes it self known, but ceases to wetten your skin, a strange phenomenon.  This will likely change as rain that is not "wet" does not have the potential to last.  Other than that, the day is well, I'm enjoying today's clothing choice, I like the color finesse and the wool coat providing warmth.  I think it works.  There is no specific meaning behind today's choosing.

For the next three days, my school, Biola University, is putting on the 75th Annual Torrey Conference; this year's theme: "Blessed are the Peacemakers: Redeeming Relationships in the Conflicts of our Lives."  Conflict is a big deal, we all deal with it, I don't know what the deal is; the conference is dealing with dealing with the deal.  I am decently excited the sessions, I think conflict dealt with in the wrong way is a monumental issue in this day in age, we need to learn how to properly manage conflict.  I like the stance of the Torrey conference, we cannot avoid conflict, it is not humanly possible, but it is possible to redeem the negative effects of conflict and positively take care of conflict from this point on.  I'm excited to see what comes of this.

In other news, this last weekend was straight nutty.  I've been saying that of the 72 hours of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I was directly dealing with making films for 60 of them.  I don't know if this is accurate, I haven't done the math.  Here's the point, I spent every waking moment either thinking about film or making film.  I had three projects I was working on: I am wrapping editing a project by Mr. Isaac Svennson called "Donuts," I filmed my own cinematography project that involved cruising all over LA (Venice Beach, Beverly Hills, Huntington Beach, Fullerton, the list continues), and then the filming of Mr. Aaron Kessinger's short film called "Heaven's Never Far Away" which went into the early hours of the morning every day of the three days.  I'm not trying to brag, just trying to put it into perspective.  I think it's safe to say I was all film'd out after this weekend, hopefully my inspiration and desire to produce effective images in motion returns.  I don't think it will stay away long.

I wish I had something fancy to talk about.  I want to write about some subject that really plays with the mind, a subject that will get not only my mind going, but force you to contemplate and consider the subject within the concord of your own life.  But, alas, the subject I wish to speak on is not present within my own mind.  If the subject is not present within my own mind, how can you contemplate and consider the subject within the concord of your own life? So, alas, this paragraph is going to end at an abrupt.

I have some video for your enjoyment.  These have been gathered throughout this week, provided enjoyment to me and the few people I might have shown them to, and now to you, humble internet surfer.  Enjoy enjoy.

This first video is great.  How to prepare a full 3 course meal in under two minutes.  I want to learn how to cook like this, his technique is straight up krill.  He's a beast of a cook.

Note: I thoroughly enjoyed this.

Next up, this gentleman rides a bicycle like it is an extension of his left arm.  I am thoroughly impressed.  I've also never seen someone take out a street sign so gracefully.

Lastly, this guy JAM JAM JAMs on the jazz organ.  I don't really have words for this one.  Check out the consistency of his left hand, jamming the bass.  Thoroughly incredible.  I really don't have words.  Watch.

So there you have it, a rounded blog post.  I hope you enjoyed it. 

I'm posting this during the hour of 7:00 PM.  This is much later than it normally is.  I don't know what will happen, we'll have to wait and see.  Consider it an experiment.

Find someone wearing sandals and compare your foot size with them.  This might strike up a conversation.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

aR eee

Oh golly gee, this week has been intensified my captain, oh the emotion.  Many a thing happened, but come to think of it, I don't really desire to explain every solitary thing that happened, mostly because I don't remember the detail of specificity.  All I know is it was nutty and these next few weeks are going to be even more Planters Peanuts.  You'll get updated as things finish; for instance, I have 3 films I'm working on, once these wrap, either the video will be posted or I will briefly explain the experience.  Either way, there is no description now simply because it hasn't happened yet.    I'll let you know, I promise.

I do have something exciting to talk about today though.  On Sunday, October 9th an "art project" I had been working on was completed, fulfilled by none other than my mother.  Let me explain: Beginning on Friday, September 17th, I decided I would wear the same pair of shorts everyday until someone mentioned anything about them specifically.  I wore the same pair of shorts everyday all day.  One week passed, two weeks passed, not a word.  I wore them camping, I wore them in the rain, I continued.  The scene is Parent's weekend, my entire family is down at Biola University, my school, visiting.  Previously, I had thought, boy, my mom is probably going to notice my shorts.  Sure enough, within 5 minutes of seeing everybody "Morgan, your shorts look a little dirty, are they clean?"  She had brought the marathon to an end.  I proceeded to explain the project and what I had done, I had worn the same pair of shorts 22 days in a row.  As a little piece of proof, check out the last 3 Wednesday pictures:

'You may have noticed too.  Oh, let me explain the "project."  In my 4D design class, we went through a performance section.  This involves "performing" for some specific reason.  For instance, about a week before the shorts idea, I brushed my teeth for 20 minutes.  The "project" was extended action, do something for a ridiculous amount of time.  My gums hurt for 5 days.  Anyway, I liked the extended action idea, so I took with it and ran, wearing the same shorts every single day until someone mentioned anything about them.  22 days.

So that's that.  I have a video for you.  It's one of much peculiarity.  I really don't understand it.  The subject matter is pretty vague and the aspect ratio is flat out whacky.  Nevertheless, it is entertaining, the sound effects are brilliant, and the visuals are mesmerizing.

That's the plan, Stan.  I don't have much more to talk about.

Actually, I need to kind of explain the way I chose to dress myself today.  You may recall from this post: Honest and this post: Sum(mer) it up, that I have strutted the Yacht Club before.  This attire was acquired for our media team staff photo at Hume Lake as we represented the real Hume Lake Yacht Club.  Wearing this jazz brings back some great memories, man alive, I wouldn't mind filming a round of kajabe right now.  Read those posts I linked to, you get the gist of my nostalgia.  

So that's it, don't have much more to talk about for y'alls reading.  You know what's kind of cool?  You, the reader, can be anywhere in the entire world.  You could be sitting in the room next to me, be in the mountains, be sitting on a bench, be in an airplane, be in view of Mt. Everest, be sitting under the beautiful sun somewhere near the equator.  I don't know where you are, I hope you are in a good spot.

Say something nice to someone today.  Compliment their shoes.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It's the morning of Wednesday, October 6th.  The weather is gloomy.  It should be sunny.  The should shine bright, breaking through the heavy clouds.  I'm sorry to all you rain lovers out there, I just can't take it.  The warmth is just too good to give up for one day.  I look outside and wish it was sunny.  Here's what is cool though, there's nothing I can do about it, I have no control of the weather, and neither does the weather guy.

Today's post might be lacking a wee bit.  I have a New Testament exam today that I need to read for, so I can't really spend a whole lot of time typing a sorts of crazy stuff for you to read.  I apologize if you were just in the mood for a nutty story or a philosophical discussion.  If you want to read some more, I just updated the "Top 5 Posts" on the right side of the screen.  You can check those posts out because, oh, are they good, at least they're good for me; they call for some pretty solid memories, pretty solid.

So, because, and this is incredibly ironic because last week I mentioned I hadn't seen any videos of interest that whole week, I didn't post any videos last week, I have 5, count them 5, for you this week.  It was just a good week on the video streams.  So, without further ado, here you go:

1: we'll start with a video of a group of Africans in Zambia jamming.  I'm not sure why this video is intriguing, I just dig their response to music, not to mention the handmade guitar.  If this dude, Ken, started playing this song on the street, I'd be dancing too.

2.  The music video is just off the wall.  The point?  I dig it.  SO random.

3.  Speaking of music, if the last video is simply "off the wall," this next one crashed to ground after being on the wall.  I've never seen anything like this and the music is quite catchy.  You may have seen this one, it has conjured 2,577,670 views at the time of this posting.

4.  The following video is great, on a more serious note.  Bobby Ducharme was almost completely paralyzed almost 10 years ago in a horrific surfing accident.  Now, because of the creative cats who came up with tarp surfing, Bobby Ducharme was able to "surf" again.  This video is super sweet, you can tell Bobby is just pumped, I dig it a whole whole lot.  Thank you to Mr. Beau Akers for supplying this video.

5.  And the last one I discovered last evening when Mr. TJ Tolliver tagged me in a Facebook post saying:

and Morgan Lott i'm tagging you because you should watch this.



Enough said, I had to watch it.  Boy, am I glad I did.  You need to watch it, I'm not quite sure how to explain it, I'll just say I had to pick my jaw off of the ground after it rolled 20 feet away.  I don't even understand what in the world this video....   I'm speechless.  Watch:

And there's some video for you.

That's the post of October 6th.  You have a lot of video, that's pretty much it.  If that's your jam, then legit.  If it's not quite your jam, sorry, come back next week, you may be surprised.  If you're really itching to read something, check out some older posts.  There's the "Top 5" section that I already mentioned, but a perhaps cooler section is the "RANDOM POST OF THE REFRESH" section where a "random" post from the records of "It's Wednesday" will be linked.  You can click click click away.

It's raining outside, it's a bummer, but that doesn't mean you can't have a good attitude.  Be cheery.